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"mind if i sit?", jisung heard a voice coming from his left. it was minho.

"no, not at all", the younger smiled brightly and moved a bit to the right.

"didn't expect to see you here", the older said, sitting down.

"me neither", jisung responded, "i wouldn't think you'd take singing classes, hyung"

"well, you're not the only one who has their friend force them to take classes together", minho laughed, "seungmin dragged me, hyunjin and jeongin to this.."

jisung laughed. it was cute that he had agreed to take this class for his friend, "and i'm here because it's my major"

minho looked surprised, "oh so that's why you're always on beat when you dance and don't mess up the counting", he exclaimed.

jisung smiled at the compliment but dismissed it, "yeah, but i'm not any good at dancing anyway"

"of course you are! i didn't learn it all in one day either", he let out his sexiest smile again, "you should really thank felix for making you do dance. i can already sense it's gonna be such a fun semester"

"i hope so..", jisung slid his fingers through his hair, "if you let me down i'll come dance at your wedding"

minho laughed but before he could respond someone loudly dropped down on the seat next to him.

"morning", hyunjin dryly said and both guys looked at his direction and greeted back.

two other boys sat down next to him. one was seungmin, who jisung knew and greeted, and the other one was black haired, had an oddly attractive pair of eyes and looked very young. he extended a hand to jisung from the other end of the long table, "jeongin", he said.

after they made sure everyone knew everyone else and everyone was doing great the teacher came in and class finally started.

"is she late often?", minho whispered.

"every time", jisung responded, earning a glare from hyunjin.

the first part of class was just some warm up exercises and didn't really require interaction so jisung just sat next to minho, listening to his voice and admiring its sweetness. the most beautiful voice that could exist. its owner was also the most beautiful man to exist, jisung caught himself thinking.

once minho caught him staring and immediately gave him a concerned, "what" whisper with his brows furrowed. jisung had never seen the older look kind of insecure like this and it was too cute.

"no, nothing, i just like your tone", jisung whispered back, making minho's eyes close in satisfaction as his smirk came back on his face, "you have such a pretty vocal colour", he continued. minho's hesitation had given him confidence.

"why thanks", the older leaned in to whisper closer to jisung's ear, keeping eye contact with the smaller the entire time, "your singing was very powerful the other day too", he moved back to his seat and looked towards the teacher, not even realizing he'd left the other trembling.

"okay, now we're going to work on some group exercises", the teacher started, suddenly gathering everyone's attention, "now, before we start the actual work, i'd like to remind you some things you should be well aware of already. so, as you know, harmonization.."

she talked on for a couple of minutes, all of which minho and jisung spent talking.

"psst", minho turned his head towards the younger, trying to get his intention by staring, "did you study your part?"

"yes, i think it's going well enough", jisung whispered back.

"don't you want to show me how you're doing again?", the older asked, looking at jisung in, what seemed to the poor boy, a tempting gaze.

"umm, yeah, sure"

"great, studio, after class? we'll be quick i promise", minho smiled like a little bunny and looked right into jisung's eyes as if he'd been staring into his soul.

hyunjin elbowed minho's arm making the older mouth an 'ouch' and look at the teacher. this was obviously a sign for them that she was talking about important stuff, finally.

"..in pairs or groups of 3. you are advised to choose partners of the same gender to be able to practice working with more or less similar voices. in the end of class you will perform one song with that person to practice the harmony. what you do today will not be graded", the teacher dryly stated, as if reading off a sheet of paper, "now, pick your partners"

jisung was sitting next to the window so he really had no choice for a partner and was considering turning around and asking the person behind him but he felt a tap on his arm.

"wanna do it together?", minho asked and jisung nodded, a smile spreading on his face.

jeongin and seungmin had also agreed to do it together and hyunjin was left alone in the middle. both seungmin and minho noticed him and looked at him, expecting his decision. it seemed like, as soon as he saw jisung, he made his decision. he chose to do it with jeongin and seungmin.

the first part of the exercise was pretty boring, the partners had to take turns singing a higher note at each time. then they did the same thing the other way around: the note was lower at each time. minho was pretty good to jisung's surprise. he was a dancer after all, why was he so damn good?

"alright, everyone", the teacher interrupted, "it's time for a break. 15 minutes. after that we'll do some harmonizing and then you will showcase your duet songs"

everyone started leaving the room. minho and jisung, who were in the far end, were the last to get to go out of their row so they just waited for everyone else to move over.

"so, what song do you want to do?", minho asked.

"i was thinking about a ballad, honestly", jisung scratched the back of his neck. surprisingly, minho smiled.

"okay", jisung lifted his eyes off the floor when he heard that, "whatever you want. you're the music major, it's your pick", minho shrugged.

they finally headed for the door. on the way, they saw a couple sitting on the first desk and discussing song options. one was the pretty girl from the dance class. jisung smiled and waved at her, she returned a "hey" and they thought the interaction was over until minho recognized her partner.

"oh hey, miyeon noona", he greeted. that girl was also pretty.

"minho, nice to see you! are you going to the party next week?", she asked straightforwardly.

"yeah, i'm planning to", he smirked. jisung didn't even know what party they were talking about.

"great. see you soon then", she smiled sweetly. she was cute.

minho said 'bye' too and started heading for the door again, followed by jisung.

".. i think a red velvet song would be nice..", hyunjin was saying to his group as the two passed by.

"so what ballad are you thinking of?", minho asked, looking at jisung expectantly.

"well, hwasa has some pretty good stuff honestly. like that song with loco..", jisung started but saw the older pout so he changed the direction quickly, "or something american, there's been a lot of ballads in the last few years.."

"no, leave that, i'm not great in foreign languages", minho laughed, making jisung giggle in return as well.

"i'm sure you're fine hyung", he said, "but there's always seulgi's and chungha's amazing collabs. like that song with changmo.."

"wait, who's gonna do his part though?", minho interrupted, his brows furrowed in confusion.

"oh", jisung laughed, "i could try it. but also sing a part of the song. you know, for the harmonies.."

minho was shocked. jisung rapping? the concept did seem kind of wild but if he wanted to try..

"then again we can just do seulgi and taemin if you.."

"and miss the opportunity to cover queen hwasa's part? and hear you rap? no way!", minho exclaimed, cutting the other mid-sentence.

"okay then, it's settled", jisung chuckled at the older's excitement, "how about we do 'don't'?"

minho scratched his head, "umm, i don't know this one"

"oh, that's okay. what about that onewe song, q?"

minho thought about it for a second.

"i'm fine with that", minho's eyes lit, "am i going to be hwasa?"

"yes", jisung confirmed, "unless you really don't want to.."

"no, no, it's good. i want to hear you rap anyways too", he smiled at the younger making him feel as if he was melting.

"haha, okay, even though this song doesn't have too much rapping. but if you want i can show you some of my rap later", jisung offered, shrugging. he loved the looks the other was giving him every time he was surprised.

"yeah, i'd love to hear your stuff", the older flashed a bright smile.

"you guys ready?", seungmin came up to them, putting a hand on each of their shoulders.

"yeah, we're going for a band song", minho stated.

"oh i'm jealous..", seungmin frowned a little, "i wanted to do day6 but the boys said it'd be hard to cover with no instrumental. we're doing twice now"

"wow, that's great, i love them. which song?", jisung asked excitedly. minho looked at him amused.

"fancy. and you?"

"moreugetdago", minho smiled proudly.

"oh cool, let's go inside though, class is about to start"

they went back to the room and did the harmonization exercises that they were supposed to (which were again pretty boring). first jisung was the one to take the high parts in the harmony and he started belting one high note after the other, making minho's eyes almost fall off of his head. then they switched roles and jisung did the base vocal while minho was showing off a falsetto.

the teacher clearly didn't measure the course time correctly though. when the duet presentations started only 3 groups had the time to so their songs before it was time to leave.

"alright everyone. we'll listen to the remaining groups next time. have a nice weekend", she said and even before she had finished the people started getting up and loudly gathering their stuff.

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