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minho was the last one to get to hyunjin's house out of the entire group. it was on purpose. it would've been stupid to go first and risk being alone in the house with soojin and the hwangs.

once he was there everyone immediately stopped drinking their coffee and got down to business. damn, the work ethic of those girls! in reality, the choreo was ready since yesterday's rehearsal and there was nothing more to be done on it, except perform it more.

but the girls didn't trust the boys as much since they saw their cover from the previous week and wanted to make sure they weren't going to mess up again. so two hours after they gathered they were still repeating the same thing over and over again, waiting for jisung or shuhua, or anyone really, to mess up so they can fix everyone's mistakes right away.

but no one did. everything was fine, at every take. so at 5pm the girls decided it was time to finish the rehearsal and left. hyunjin motioned for the boys not to leave before the girls and once everyone else was out, he asked the remaining group if they'd want to invite the others and have a hangout again.

an hour later everyone had arrived at hyunjin's and they ordered pizza. yeji was also there with her friend ryujin that she invited to not be alone with the guys.

changbin and felix sat together, eating off of one plate (because the hwangs were too lazy to do the dishes). yeji shared her plate with ryujin and jeongin and chan were eating the same flavor so they shared too. hyunjin asked seungmin and they sat together to eat on the floor and jisung, who wanted to share with felix, was left with minho.

after that the group talked, along with the girls.

"so, yeji-yah, tell me, how did you two meet?", changbin asked.

"oh.. it was when we were still at school. she went to the same high school as me and hyunjin", the girl explained, "she was actually in jeongin's class with chae"

"oh cool. did you start dating then already?", changbin's question was innocent, just making small talk, but yeji, who was just starting to get comfortable enough with them was now red as a tomato.

"oppa, you're a little early", ryujin responded instead, "we'll keep you updated but we haven't started yet", she smiled with such a violent confidence that everyone in the room could take notes. she hugged yeji, whose hands were covering her face, by the waist with both hands and made her sit back, her face resting on the older's shoulder.

"binnie, it's okay", felix whispered to his boyfriend who was stressing over upsetting yeji.

"it's okay, we get that a lot, don't worry", ryujin smiled, "she always reacts like that. but it's only when she's embarrassed, she's a true goddess when she performs though", she turned to yeji who was barely peeking through her fingers.

"by the way, i don't know if it's gonna turn out like that too but i would've asked the same question about you two, oppa", she told changbin who smiled.

"well, we have been dating for like a week, haha", felix clarified, making everyone smile.

"oh cool. are you all in couples?", the pink haired girl asked, recalling the unproblematic distribution of the plates.

seungmin, jisung and chan gasped and hyunjin and changbin started laughing.

"not at all, ryujin-ah", hyunjin clarified, "they're the only official couple here"

"oh, so the rest of us are.. unofficial couples?", minho raised his voice before ryunjin could respond.

changbin laughed out loud and seungmin and jisung got more embarrassed than yeji.

"did you just.. call all of us out?", chan asked, biting his lip.

"well it's mostly just them to be honest..", seungmin pointed to jisung and minho.

"oh, so you two are not together?", the pink haired girl addressed the tallest guys in the group.

"uh? us?", seungmin's eyes widened as he looked around, "we're literally the least likely to date out of everyone else here", he giggled.

"but, unnie, you..", ryujiun started, turning to yeji but the girl gave her a sign to save it so she smiled and said instead, "well i think you'd make a cute couple. even your height is compatible", she chuckled.

"haha, thanks, ryujin-ah but hyunjin and i are friends"

meanwhile, the hwangs were exchanging angry looks for being put in awkward situations by each other's friends. jisung was watching it with the utmost interest and, since he knew both of their crush situations, it was even funnier.

minho was looking at jisung. the younger was studying the siblings so attentively that minho thought he could write a paper on them at the end of the night.

"so no one is dating.. but everyone is single?", ryujin clarified, making everyone turn to chan.

"yes", he surely stated, "we are"

"well, okay, yeah. our group is kind of in the same situation.. but i think chae is straight"

"nah, i think she's into lia", yeji whispered to her but everyone heard it.

"really? chaeryeong and lia? i don't see that.."

the conversation continued and, just like last time, the group decided to watch a movie because everyone either liked someone or shipped two of their friends.

the arrangement went down a bit like last time, with the exception that this time jeongin stayed with chan and talked a bit during the movie since they were the only two who actually watched the movie.

felix and changbin were cuddling and the blonde almost fell asleep in the other's arms. ryujin was still attached to yeji's tiny waist as the taller laid on her shoulder. the pink haired sometimes bopped yeji's nose and kissed her forehead to keep her awake since she was trying to watch the movie and found it boring.

hyunjin and seungmin were feeling awkward at first after ryujin's intervention but had forgotten about it already with seungmin laying on the taller's shoulder and trying hard not to fall asleep. both ended up taking a nap though.

when jisung found himself sitting next to minho at first he felt a bit panicked. he looked around to swap partners but everyone seemed fine with theirs so he gave up quickly on this plan. minho looked at him and smiled sweetly, making jisung copy the gesture.

the older didn't touch him at first because jisung did look a little awkward, which made him whisper a question along the lines of 'are you okay' to the younger. jisung nodded, but still looked anxious. minho couldn't handle it. he didn't want to see the younger bothered so he grabbed his hand and squeezed it reassuringly.

once he was in contact with minho, jisung felt his heart melt into a puddle and all of the anxiety to face the older was gone. so he almost immediately attached himself to the other's waist and buried his face into minho's chest, feeling the softness of his cotton tshirt on his cheeks.

minho felt the softness of jisung's cheeks make contact with his chest and wrapped his arms around the younger tightly, as if he didn't plan to let go anytime soon. they spent the movie like this.

neither of them fell asleep though. they couldn't, because the last time they did that it all disappeared. and now they didn't want to miss anything, any second that they could spend with each other, any little word that the other might say, intentionally or accidentally. they just couldn't afford to sleep.

"guys, wake up", chan turned to them, "oh, you're awake", he let out a laugh, "let's go home, it's late"

"but i don't want to..", jisung mumbled, lifting his head off of minho's chest but not letting go of the older.

"it's okay, we can do this again", the oldest assured.

jisung looked up at minho who smiled at him and let go of him with his left hand to fix his messy hair. the older still looked ethereal, and almost as if he was into him.

'so when is the carriage going to become a pumpkin again?', jisung wondered, slowly getting up from the couch.

chan's 7 seat van was going to be able to fit all the guys so minho was also leaving with them. ryujin was going to stay with yeji and seungmin was invited as well but he decided to return home anyways.

jeongin took the seat next to chan, since they had a conversation going on from before, and felix and changbin, along with seungmin, took the last row three seats which left minho and jisung to sit on the 2 seats in the middle row.

since they were sleepy it was hard not to give in but they quickly got in the same position from before but this time they were holding hands since the seatbelts were a bit restrictive. jeongin was the first to get off and then it was seungmin, felix and jisung's turn, chan was going to drop them off at campus since they literally lived no more than 5 minutes away from each other.

changbin and felix hugged, kissed and promised to text each other once they're home and chan did the same with seungmin. minho and jisung didn't know how to say goodbye. the shorter silently lifted his head off of minho's chest and unwrapped their hands, not knowing what to say.

"please, take care, jisungie", minho whispered, looking at the younger's lips as he stood up to go.

jisung licked his lips and smiled, nodding, "text me when you get home, hyung"


okay first off this isn't proofread either so i'm sorry if there's typos and mistakes. i will be going through the chapters soon tho

also i don't always receive the comments in my notifications but you guys are so funny and get my references i appreciate it sm <33

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