Girl Code #13: Even if everything seems terrible, you have your best friend

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Betty's POV:

I kiss him, passionately. My arms wrap around his neck and his go around my waist. He kisses back. My hand run through his hair and then i finally pull away, catching my breath.

"I'll see you tomorrow Jug" I say smile walking away. Once I get inside, I sneak up to my room. I lay in bed, smiling to myself. I can't sleep at all, all I can think about is Jug.

The next morning
"Betty you totally have a boyfriend" Veronica says throwing herself into my bed.

"What no way"I say picking out clothes from my drawers.

"Yes way. The way you described the kiss and obviously y'all have sexual tension out the wa zoo"

"VERONICA" I scold her, hitting her with a pillow. She burst into laughter and I hit her again.

"I'm just saying B, you are totally in love with him. And he totally loves you!" She cheers.

"It's not that simple V"

"Why not?" She ask me point blank.

"It's- it's just not" I say, feeling defeated.

We're best friends. I've known him forever, he can't feel like that for me.

"B, here's my advice. Take your shot" veronica says, honestly " now I have to go but just show him. Don't be afraid to let him know that you love him"

She's right.

What am I so afraid of?

I grab a Riverdale bulldogs shirt and throw on some jeans and my signature pink converse. I run down the stairs and I grab my moms keys.

"Elizabeth, where are you going dressed like that?"
My mom ask, resting a hand on her hip.

"Just to football practice, I have to pick something up from the writing room anyway"

"You and writing room, I'll never understand why you don't try cheer or something" She scoffs, pouring herself a glass of wine and going back to the living room. I slam the door behind me as I run out to the car. I drive with the kind of urgency I never have before.

As I drive there, I think to myself.

What am I going to say to him? What the hell am I even doing?

I pull up to the football field and there's the usual coward of people in the stands cheering them on.

Even if it's just a practice, the school is here to support them.

I get out of the car, pulling on a hoodie. as I'm walking towards the field, I realize how crazy this is.

Normally, I'd never be caught dead out like this or even here at all.

I guess love makes you do crazy things.

I see an empty seat on the front row and sit down. I watch as Jughead runs and makes a touchdown. Everyone starts to cheer but I feel myself scream for him.

"I can't believe she's here" I hear someone whisper from behind me. I turn back and look at her. It's just one of the attention whore cheerleaders. As I turn back, I make eye contact with Jughead. He takes off his helmet and shakes his hair out.

"Betty?" He yells in confusion. He drops his helmet and runs over to me.

"Hi" I say standing up. He gets to where we're only inches away.

"What are you doing here?" He ask.

Good question.

"Just watching the football practice ya know" I say trying to sound casual.

There's no way to be casual about this Betty, damn.

"You hate football and the cold and being out in this crowd"

"But I love you" I say. The words finally escape my mouth. From behind him, the couch yells at him to get back on the field. He's clearly nor focused on that because a smile stretches across his face and he wraps his arm around my waist.

"You love me?" He whispers

"I do" I whisper back.

"You heart is beating out of your chest, are you scared?" He ask, his hand roaming around my back.

I take a deep breath "I'm terrified" I admit. Both of my hands grab his cheeks and I pull him to my lips. We kiss for a moment and then he pulls back.

"I really gotta get back to the- umm" He starts but kisses me again. This time I pull back.

"Practice, Jug. You have practice" I say using my free hand to pointing to the field where his team makes are oo-ing and aww-ing.

"Oh yeah" he laughs. I break into a smile too.
"Just one more" he say and kisses me again. I smile as we break apart.

"We'll talk later?" He ask, holding my hands.

"I'll be right here" I smile. He nods and runs off back to the field. I sit down, now all blushy.

A few days later
"So y'all are together!" Veronica ask.

"Yeah" I say shyly. Jughead holds my hand under the table.

"Oh my god B, don't say it shy like that. Be proud, you got him finally"

"Finally, how long has this been going on?" He ask.

"Not that long"
"Since y'all were 9" We say at the same time.

"VERONICA YOU PROMISED" I say throwing a fry at her. Jughead burst out laughing and I turn bright red.

"I'm sorry, Betts. I wish I would have known sooner" he says, kissing my cheek.

"I have to go, I have a date!" Veronica announces.

"Really? Who's the lucky guy?"I ask eagerly.

I think I know though. Totally Reggie

"Reggie" she smiles. I give her a way to go look. She stands up and hugs me before leaving pops.

Later that night
We're cuddling in the couch, watching tv when I ask Jughead a question that's been weighing on my mind.

"Jug" I say looking up at him, my hand still against his chest.

"Yes, Betts?" He mumbles, I can tell he's barely awake.

"Do you think we'll be together forever?" I ask. He grabs my hand and fiddles with my fingers.

"Will you love me in 100 years?" He ask

"I'll never stop loving you" I say honestly.

"Then I'll never stop loving you. Your mine Cooper, forever" he says kissing my cheek. I smile, my heart being warmed and snuggle closer to him.

Finally, I'm in his arms.

I'm his, forever.

—————— the end———————-

A/n: I'm so sorry it took so long but i got distracted. I finally finished it though! I hope y'all enjoyed it!

Love you -R

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