To Remind You (Okita Sougo)

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"A marriage?...." (Y/N) furrowed her eyebrows at Matsudaira's words. "Yeah, I have a subordinate who's up for an arranged marriage. That's an okay right? I'll take that as a yes okay? There's no taking it back, alright?" Matsudaira quickly ran out of (Y/N)'s flower shop before she could say another word.

(Y/N) was the owner of a flower shop next to the Shinsengumi Headquarters. She came to know Matsudaira when the old man had helped her one time when her shop was being robbed. Ever since then he dropped by and casually checked up on her, until he eventually got concerned upon hearing she'd been living alone at her age.

"Hello." (Y/N) bowed her head to everyone present in the room before seating herself next to Matsudaira who she was familiar with. Matsudaira then glared fiercely at Okita who sighed. "My name is Okita Sougo. I'm the Captain of the Shinsengumi's 1st Division." He spoke in a casual, bored and uninterested tone which earned him a glare from Matsudaira and a gun threat.

"I'm (Last Name) (First Name). I own the flower shop next to the Shinsengumi." She beams with a smile and then turned to Matsudaira. "So, what do I have to do?" She tilted her head questioningly as Matsudaira brought out some sort of papers

"I just need to sign?" (Y/N) cautiously asked, when Matsudaira ordered her to sign it. "Yeah, just sign it already." He urged her and (Y/N) arched an eyebrow. "But shouldn't I read it's contents first?"

"No, there's no need. I already looked it over- here, hold this." Matsudaira placed her stamp in her hand and before she could react Matsudaira pushed her hand and made her stamp it. "There you go. Thanks for the cooperation."

"That's it then. Congratulations on your marriage." Matsudaira clapped his hand as Okita and (Y/N)'s eyes widened. "Wait- we're married already?! Oh no, those were marriage papers weren't they?!" (Y/N) gasped as she covered her mouth and Okita sighed and shook his head, "You really play dirty."

"Well, you both signed the papers. There's nothing you can do about it now. Sougo, you live with her from now on and be a happy married couple." Matsudaira says pointing his gun at Okita. "If you hurt her, a bullet won't be the only thing you'll find through your head."

"Poor woman, to be married off to Sougo. I wish you the best of luck." Hijikata sighs as he placed a hand on (Y/N)'s shoulder before walking out. "Sougo, make (Y/N)-san a happy woman!" Kondo patted Okita's shoulder and followed after Hijikata.

"This...can't be. We just met today and to be suddenly forced into a marriage with no love..." (Y/N) looked down sadly as Okita stared at her with an unfazed look, his expression as unchanging as ever. "There's nothing I can do about it. If I do anything I might lose my job." Okita shrugs.

"'re okay with this?! Suddenly getting married to a complete stranger you met for the first time?" She spat out in disbelief as he nodded. "We don't have any other choice. I look forward to you taking care of me." Okita says with a nonchalant expression.

"This can't be......"

"It's too early..." Okita groaned when he felt the morning light's rays hit his eyes through the open curtain. "Who the hell opened the curtains?..." He groaned loudly as he sat up and rubbed the sleep off his eyes. Then he smelt something delicious. Looking around, (Y/N) wasn't in her bed. Okita let out a small grumble as he walked to the dining room and found her setting up the table.

"Sorry...Was I too noisy?" (Y/N) scrunched her eyebrows worriedly as Okita sat upon the table without another word. "I usually wake up early because I open up shop. Sorry for waking you." She apologetically says when he started eating.

"It's fine." He mumbled and she tilted her head. He was surprisingly nice to her. From the countless warnings Hijikata gave her, none of those had happened yet she was surprised.

"I'm heading off." Okita mumbled lazily as he placed his black coat on, (Y/N) walked to the door and bowed to him. "Have a safe trip." She smiled softly and Okita's eyes widened. "Is something wrong?.." She asked when she found his red eyes stuck on her.

The sight was too beautiful for him, (Y/N)'s hair was tied to the side with a single tie and she wore an apron around her clothes. She looked so wife material in his eyes...and a lot more submissive as he'd like.

Okita blinked and looked away. "No. Nothing." He said before he went out to go to the Shinsengumi. 'Why was I thinking that she was cute just now?' Okita thought as he shook his head and tried to throw her out of his thoughts.

"I'm home." Okita called out, entering their humble home in the dead of the night. She sat up from the couch as she rubbed her eyes and yawned. "Welcome home. Would you like to take a bath?" She asked, Okita stared at her again. "Yeah...." he nodded as he took off his coat and sword.

Okita watched her retreating figure as he sat on the couch. She looked so homely, in his eyes, she was the perfect wife. She took care of him, cooked food for him, washed his clothes, he even felt like he was a pet with how much she took care of him. He didn't know when he started caring about her.

It just happened.

He got used to someone welcoming him home.

"Okita-san?...You can't sleep?" (Y/N) worriedly calls out when she felt Okita stir in his bed. "You keep calling me Okita. Call me Sougo." He ordered as she pouted but complied. She didn't really have a choice but to listen to him. "Alright then, Sougo." She says as Okita's eyes widened again. Why did his name sound so good with her voice?

"I'm cold. Come here." He ordered again and she furrowed her eyebrows. "What would me coming there do? I can't change the weather, it is winter right now." She muttered confusedly, which greatly irritated Okita.

"Just come here!"

(Y/N) complied again, and when she did, Okita quickly pulled her into the covers of his bed and wrapped his arms tightly around her. "I-Isn't this a bit too intimate?" She blushed as she struggled to look Okita in the face because she was embarrassed in their current position.

"No, we're married, it's fine." He assured her, laying his chin on the top of her head. 'She's a whole lot smaller in my arms...and surprisingly warm. She'd make a good pillow.' Okita thought as he smiled softly, his eyes flutter close and before he knew it he was off to slumber.

Having someone to hold at night, wasn't so bad after all.

"I'm back." Okita calls out but then (Y/N) wasn't there inside their home to welcome him. He looked around but she still didn't appear. Okita frowned, she always welcomed him home, no matter what she was doing. He wandered into her flower shop to see her talking with a familiar face.

"Oh no, really. I can't." (Y/N) giggled as she pushed the rose back Gintoki handed her. "It's just one measly rose, I'm just telling you to take care of it." Gintoki says as he crossed his arms and (Y/N) gazed at him for a while before she sighed and gently took it in her hands.

"Alright. I'll take care of it for you, Gin-san." She smiled and Okita swore he saw a blush on Gintoki's cheeks. "Great! Then, when I come back for i-" Gintoki cut himself off when Okita hooked his arm around (Y/N)'s shoulders, hand in his pocket he glared at Gintoki.

"Sougo! You're back." (Y/N) exclaimed in surprise while Gintoki looked dumbstruck. "So, Boss. What did you need from my wife?" He purposely emphasized the last part as Gintoki's jaw dropped to the ground.

"W-W-Wife?! You're married?! To him!?" Gintoki asked as she blushed and looked down. "So? What do you need?" Okita narrowed his eyes, his grip on her shoulder tightened a bit. Okita was acting jealous.

That was weird. Okita never got jealous. He rarely got jealous. He was possessive he'd admit that. Another thing he'd admit is that he loved (Y/N) and couldn't be more happy that she was his wife.

"Nothing..." Gintoki cleared his throat and walked away rather dejectedly. As soon as Gintoki was out of sight, Okita placed a hand on her waist and he moved his other hand under her chin.

He stared her in the eyes with jealousy swimming in his red orbs, "You shouldn't let other men flirt with you like that, you're my wife." Okita says firmly as (Y/N) gulped and looked into his eyes.

Okita wasted no time in capturing her lips with a sweet and passionate kiss. She was shocked, but melted rather quickly into the kiss as she relaxed her arms around him. Okita smirked as he pulled away and bit her neck.

"That's to let other men know you're mine." He smirked as she went red, then he pulled out a ring from his pocket and placed it on her finger.

"And this is to remind you that you're my wife and I'm your husband."


OAH. That was bad. I dunno if this is anything like what you wanted sleepy_and_lazy 😭 I apologize if it isn't though.

Requests still open. ♥️♥️♥️♥️

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