Tease (Kamui)

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"Kamui, can you help me get that?" (Y/N) whined, tugging on the hem of Kamui's clothes, with a helpless cute look on her face. "Of course, anything for you, (Y/N)-chan!~" Kamui smiles as he easily took the object from the high shelf.

"(Y/N)-chan you're small and weak. That's why you should always stay by my side, okay?" Kamui grinned as he ruffled her hair and chuckled. "Kamui, how dare you call me small and weak! Hey, I may be a human but I am still a samurai!" She huffed and walked away from him.

(Y/N) grumbled words under her breath, she has had enough of Kamui teasing her, he made it a daily routine to do it and she wasn't having any of it. She loves Kamui but she could not tolerate his comments about her height and her ability.

It wasn't the first time he had teased her, he had done it countless of times. So she was gonna make sure it was gonna end. (Y/N) went back to her and Kamui's room and plopped on the bed with a huff of annoyance. She started thinking of what she could do to get back at Kamui.

"What'cha thinking about?~" Kamui hums happily as he joined her in the bed and wrapped his strong arms around her waist. "Get away from me, I'm mad at you." She says pushing his hands away.

"Because I stated facts?"

"Because you stated opinions! I'm gonna get back at you for all the times you teased me so you better watch out!" (Y/N) growls at him as he let out a loud chuckle. "Is that so?" Kamui teasingly frowned at her.

"Hey! Alright, you're not taking me seriously are you?" She frowned as she crossed her arms. "No, no. I really am, see?" Kamui says as he raised his arms in a mock surrender while stifling his laughter. "I'm not sleeping here tonight, I'm going back to my room." She says as she was about to stand up but Kamui pulled her into a hug.

"I'm sorry, don't leave me." He says in an apologetic tone as (Y/N) smiler, atleast he knows when he should apologize. But she was still planning on getting revenge on Kamui.

"Abuto...What's all these stuff?" (Y/N) asked, they had just finished their mission, and were now ransacking the place, it seemed to be a shop with all kinds of stuff. (Y/N) started wandering around until something caught her eye.

It was a potion, something that read- switch. It piqued her interest and thus, she pocketed the item. "Kamui, I am so gonna get back at you~" She smirked as she followed Abuto and the others on the way back to the ship.

"(Y/N)-chan, you didn't get injured, did you?" Kamui worriedly checked up on her when they got back on the ship, (Y/N) smiled and shook her head, then she offered him tea.

"Thanks~" He smiled as he drank a little bit before pecking her cheek, "But I have some work to deal with so wait for me later, okay?~" He hums as he went away.

"He didn't finish it. Hopefully it works~" (Y/N) laughs as she went back to reading her book. Unfortunately for Kamui, he failed to spot the hint of mischieviousness in (Y/N)'s eyes.

Kamui groaned as he opened his eyes. The first thing he checked was his beloved (Y/N). Except she wasn't there- in her place he sees Kamui himself. "What the hell?" Kamui immediately sat up, but then the unusual feeling of something hanging unto his chest made his back hurt.

"Ow!" He hisses as he looked down to see breasts, his hands shot out to fondle them and he furrowed his eyebrows. "These feel a lot like (Y/N)'s breast..." He wondered out loud. This was when Kamui, rather (Y/N) woke up. "Hey, Why did we switch bodies?" Kamui, in (Y/N)'s body questioned (Y/N) in Kamui's body.

"T-T-T-That's me?! Wait, then I'm—!?" (Y/N) looked down and she let out a shriek, well- a manly shriek. "Why did I change too?!" (Y/N) yells as Kamui laughed. "Well, isn't this just interesting~" He smirked as (Y/N) had a look of shock. Leave it to Kamui to act so casual about something serious, he wasn't even that fazed!

Though, it wasn't that easy to get used to it. It was weird, seeing your own face. Suddenly (Y/N) smirked, and Kamui finally started looking like Kamui. While Kamui was still quiet, thinking about what he should do in his girlfriend's body.

Suddenly (Y/N) pulls Kamui down to the bed and she hovered over him. "How does it feel to be so short and weak now?~"(Y/N) smirked at Kamui.

Kamui looked stunned for a while before he let out a soft chuckle and smirked back at her. "(Y/N)-chan...you do realize that it's pretty weird because I see myself, right? If you're planning on teasing me it won't work." Kamui muttered out as (Y/N) halted in her actions.

She immediately withdrawed and face palmed. "Oh, right...It didn't really really work out for me either." She sighed, "But I don't mind. I get to explore your body even more up close now!~" Kamui smirked as he placed a hand on her breast and squeezed it.

"AHHHHH! KAMUI NO!" (Y/N) turned to stop him before he could do anything. "What's that look for?" Kamui stuck his tongue out in disgust as (Y/N) arched an eyebrow.

"Don't make that kind of expression with my face. It's disgusting!" He says as (Y/N) smirks. She found a way to get back at Kamui. Torture him by doing things he hated with his body.

"Hey, Kamui. Am I cute? Am I pretty?~" She started battering his eyelashes and acting all cutesy and Kamui's jaw dropped. "Yuck!"

"This really isn't as fun as I expected it to be." (Y/N) sighs, "Tell me about it. I can't get turned on if I'm looking at my face, (Y/N)-chan! How will we eve—"

"Kamui, oh my god. Please shut up!" (Y/N) says as she covered his mouth- rather, her mouth. "Let's hope we return to normal tomorrow." She sighs hanging her head low in defeat.

Kamui woke up to the sight of (Y/N) sleeping beside him. He smiled lowly as he pulled her closer and snuggled with her. They were back to normal.

"We're back! We're finally back!" (Y/N) happily yells when she woke up to see Kamui sleeping beaide her eith that handsome face of his. All peace was short lived when suddenly Kamui was on top of her. "Now that we're back. We can do what we're supposed to, I've had enough teasing, (Y/N)-chan~" Kamui smirked as (Y/N)'s face went red.

She just wanted to tease Kamui, but he was way too good at teasing her~


Girl. First of all I apologize, MightyMarquess This is so bad. I'm sorry- Promise I'll do my best on the next one. It's hard to wrote with the switch soul thing, i dunno if I should continuously write who's in who's body. So I'm really sorry this turned out bad. 😭

Requests still open. ♥️

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