My World and My Everything (Takasugi Shinsuke)

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"(S/N)! (D/N)! We're gonna be late!!" (Y/N) yells as she sighed and gave the two kids, who slowly walked out of the room, a stern stare. "...Do we really have to come, Mom?" (S/N) asked with a deep sigh.

"I want to come! I get to see our handsome uncles again!" (D/N) cheered happily. "And your uncles probably miss you too." (Y/N) added as she ushered them outside the house.

"Your father's been waiting for quite a while now. Let's not keep him waiting, okay?" (Y/N) smiled at the kids in a way that was telling them not to be stubborn.

"Y-Yes mom...."

(Y/N) was a woman that one did not want to piss off. Even Kamui got scared of her when she got really mad, Takasugi was basically under her thumb. Even the kids were terrified of her too.

"Dad, what took you so long?!" (S/N) asks when Takasugi arrived at their house. "Sorry, I was caught up with some things." Takasugi smiled softly as he pats (S/N)'s hair.

"But do we really have to go?..." Takasugi turned to (Y/N) with a hesitant gaze. "Shin, it's been a while since we've seen everyone!" She furrowed her eyebrows at him disapprovingly.

"And you—" She pinched his ear. "Have to make up with all of them— especially Gin!" She let go of his ear and Takasugi frowned.

"Tsk, idiot."



"Daddy, what took you so long?" (D/N) tugged on the hem of Takasugi's kimono making the man look at her and pick her up.

"I had to finish some things." Takasugi explained, but then something caught (Y/N)'s eye.

It was a pink handkerchief sticking out from the sleeve of Takasugi's kimono. (Y/N) gasped as she watched Takasugi walk away with (S/N) and (D/N).

Her mind immediately got clouded with various thoughts and scenarios. "Shin....What did you do at the ship?" (Y/N) asked him, catching up by his side as she looked away from him.

"Oh, there was a new recruit. Matako recruited her, I think..." Takasugi answered nonchalantly. (Y/N) looked down and bit her lip. "...Who is it?" She forced a smile and Takasugi raised an eyebrow.

"I think her name was Kimiko...or something."

".....Was today the first time you met her?" (Y/N) asked.

"....You're unusually interested, huh?" Takasugi smirked as he looked at her. He placed (D/N) back on the ground and grabbed (Y/N)'s hand. He then leaned down to place a gentle kiss on her ring.

"But don't worry— I'm only yours forever." He smiled at her.

".......Let's go, they must be waiting for us." (Y/N) spoke coldly as she slipped her hand out of his grasp and walked away.

"....She's acting weird again." Takasugi's eyebrow twitched as he sighed and followed behind her.

(Y/N) had her doubts— but now, what he said just added fuel to the fire. (Y/N) bit the inside of her cheek and she anxiously focused on the trail in front of her.

Why was she acting this way? Well, that was because of a little something she stumbled upon a few weeks ago...

'...Last week, I saw that lipstick stain on his kimono sleeve.' (Y/N) thought as she slowly remembered all the things that she happened to see all upon pure coincidence.

"Shin, I'm doing the laundry. Change into this," (Y/N) instructs, strutting inside their room where Takasugi was laying comfortably on the bed. She gave him a new kimono, and he easily slipped out of the one he was wearing.

"Thanks for always working hard, I love you." Takasugi smiled as he pulled her into his embrace and kissed her neck.

"Gee, stop it!" She giggled and pushed him away. "I have a lot of laundry to do, so don't you dare distract me okay?!"


(Y/N) smiled, she never thought that the man who said he wanted to destroy the world would become so obedient and so loving.

(Y/N) smiled as she thought of Takasugi. She raised the kimono he was wearing and her ring glinted against the sunlight.

"Married to still feels like a dream~" She swoons happily as she looked at the kimono. "Pfft, it really smells like him~" Then she held the sleeve and saw a red mark on it— A lipstick stain.

(Y/N)'s mouth slowly opened in she stared at the lipstick stain that seemed to tease her and mock her.

What was the problem? (Y/N) doesn't wear lipstick.

She never wore it nor did she own any lipstick at all. So who did this lipstick stain on her husband's kimono belong to?

(Y/N) pursed her lips in a tight line as she clenched the kimono in hand. 'Calm down...I trust Shin, it must've been a mistake.' (Y/N) assured herself as she nodded to assure herself.

She then proceeded to wash the lipstick stain out furiously.

"No, no. Haha, that's not it, right?" (Y/N) shook her head as she looked ahead to see Takasugi walking along with (S/N) and (D/N). They were nearing the restaurant where they were supposed to meet up.

"But then again...." (Y/N) looked down and placed a hand on her chin, remembering another faint memory.

"Shin?...." (Y/N) entered Takasugi's office in the Ship. Matako came over and told her that Takasugi was looking for her, so she went there as fast as she could.

"....Seems like he's not here," (Y/N) sighs as she walked around. "It's been a while since I've come to his office too." She chuckled as she remembered all the times she and Takasugi spent in his office back when they didn't have kids yet.

Just then, (Y/N) spotted a note sitting on Takasugi's desk. She looked closer and read the note.

"Looking forward to the next time, signed Kimiko?!" (Y/N) gasped, after reading the note out loud. "H-He's having an affair?....." She covered her mouth with her hand in shock and crumpled the note before she threw it in the trashcan.

"N-No. We have kids— he wouldn't dare...Shin, wouldn't....he would never...betray me!'' (Y/N) yells as she shook her head and held her tears back, and then she ran out.

"Hehe...Good, break up with Shinsuke-sama, divorce him!" Matako grinned evilly as she watched (Y/N) run away. "As if I would give up just because he's married, mwahaha."

What (Y/N) also didn't know— was that Matako was trying to ruin her marriage with Takasugi.

"Stop it! Just forget about it and have some fun, alright??" (Y/N) spoke to herself as she squished both her cheeks with her hands.

"It's been a while since you've seen Tatsu and the others. So, think positive thoughts!!"


"(Y/N)!! (S/N)!! (D/N)!! You all came!!" Sakamoto was the first one to rush over and hug the three once they arrived. "Oh, sorry— who are you again? Hahahahah." Sakamoto laughs and pushed his glasses up looking at Takasugi.

"....You want to die?" Takasugi threatened.

"Wow, the gorilla came." Gintoki rolled his eyes but the kids ran to greet him. "...But, the gorilla took you two with her!" Gintoki smiled lowly as he patted the kid's head gently.

"....I wonder," (Y/N) hums as she approached Gintoki. "Who is this gorilla you keep speaking of?" She raised a fist and gave Gintoki an irritated smile.

"O-Oh, no one. I seem to have mistaken something, hahahah! You know how it is, we're getting old! My eyesight must be failing me." Gintoki nervously laughs.

"Haha, yes. You wouldn't want to lose your eyes so suddenly now, would you?" (Y/N) smiled as she turned to Katsura. "Kotaro, it's nice to see you again too." She smiled.

"It is indeed. However, did you have to bring that along too?" Katsura immediately frowned and pointed to Takasugi who glared back at Katsura. "Tch, I still feel sick looking at your face, Takasugi."

"No one asked, Zura." Takasugi crossed his arms and glared at him. "Why are you acting so close with my kids?" Takasugi huffed seeing as the kids now went over to Katsura.

"Ahahahahah! Hahahaha! It's alright, thanks for taking them here. You can leave now!" Sakamoto grins, as he pats Takasugi's back and was escorting him towards the door.

"I'm not leaving my wife and kids here!"

"Hey! You should be thankful for me! If I hadn't introduced you to my cousin, you wouldn't have a wife or kids!"

"Tch, that's why I told you, Tatsuma." Gintoki cut in. "You should've just introduced (Y/N) to me, not him."

"Are you guys...." (Y/N) trailed off as she glared at the men with fierce (E/C) eyes.

"Fighting? Right now? In front of my kids...?" Her voice was chilling and terrifying, enough to make all the hairs on their body stand up.

"N-No ma'am!"

"Good, get along well." (Y/N) smiled kindly as she turned to (D/N) and (S/N).

".....What a scary woman...."


After a while of chatting and catching up— along with a few quarrels here and there. Takasugi went to the bathroom for a while, and since he was taking so long— (Y/N) decided to look for him.

(Y/N) stood up and looked at (S/N) nd (D/N). (D/N) was currently braiding Katsura's hair while (S/N) was excitedly talking to Sakamoto. She then stepped out and started looking for Takasugi.

"....Did he get lost? No way, he's not a kid." (Y/N) stated to herself as she started walking around the restaurant to look for Takasugi.


(Y/N)'s eyebrows furrowed when she heard another woman calling out her husband's name. She hid behind a wooden pole, slightly leaning out to take a peek on the scene.

There stood a beautiful woman with brown hair, she had this voluptous figure and a picture perfect face. She seemed pretty young too.

"Kimiko." Takasugi stoicly moved away. "We're outside, call me Commander and here." He ordered her, handing the woman the pink handkerchief and the woman pouted. "That's not fair!!" The girl whined at Takasugi, trying to act cute.

"....He is cheating on me..." (Y/N) choked back her tears and sobs as she slowly backed away before she bumped into someone. She turned to look and saw Gintoki looking at her.

"...What're you sneaking around for?" Gintoki tiredly rubbed the back of his neck and looked ahead to see what she was looking at.

"N-Nothing— Don't—" (Y/N) tried to stop him but Gintoki saw Takasugi talking with Kimiko and he frowned.

".....How long?" Gintoki's knuckles were turning white from how hard he clenched his fist. "I-I don't know. But, I think it's just a misunderstand–"

"You have kids. 2 kids, you're married!" Gintoki cut her off as he looked at her. "You have every right, to go straight to him and ask him what the hell he's doing right now." Gintoki pointed to the direction where Takasugi was.

".......I understand why he's doing it though...." (Y/N) looked down with a sad gaze, her hands connecting in front of her. "I'm a woman who's getting older with each passing day. Surely, he would want someone who's younger and more beautiful than I am..." she laughed bitterly.

"I.....I'm not beautiful anymore. I'm a mess, I guess....that's just how life is?" (Y/N) then looked at Gintoki and smiled.

"So, don't worry. I'm okay!" She says, while a tear slipped from her eye. "I still love Shinsuke, nothing will change that. But, if he doesn't love me anymore— I will understand." She sighed and started blinking her eyes to try and hold her tears back.

"I love him, so I'll accept whatever makes him happy."

"(Y/N), I—" Gintoki reached his palm out to cradle her cheek and try to comfort her. But, before his fingers could make contact with her cheek, a hand slapped it away.

"Don't you touch my wife." Takasugi growls, wrapping his free arm around (Y/N)'s shoulders and pulling her to his chest as he glared at Gintoki.

"You've still got the balls to call her your wife when you just got caught flirting with another woman?" Gintoki sassed, keeping his eyes on Takasugi.

"...Flirting? I wasn't—" Takasugi cut himself off when he looked down to see (Y/N) crying.

"If you really love her— then don't make her cry anymore, bastard." Gintoki clicked his tongue and walked away to give them some space.

"(Y/N), I promise you, it wasn't what you think it was." Takasugi started, while (Y/N) pushed herself away from Takasugi's embrace.

"It's fine. I understand, I'm already so old and ugly, how would you not get tired of me?"

"No, it's not like that— I found out that Matako was paying her to ruin our marriage." Takasugi didn't waste any time and quickly wrapped his arms around her waist and leaned his chin on her shoulder, hugging her tightly.

"Let me explain," He breathed out— "I found some weird things in my office earlier today, there were lipsticks, notes and pink handkerchiefs. I asked Bansai where it came from and he said Matako placed them there." Takasugi explained.

"So I confronted her and she confessed saying that she was trying to make us divorce— which I will never agree to. I would never do anything unfaithful to you, (Y/N)." Takasugi ended his explanation while (Y/N) was still quiet.

Then, she turned around and looked up at Takasugi with teary eyes. "You're not...cheating on me?"

"No, I would die before I even do."

"...Then, that handkerchief and that lipstick stain on your kimono..."

"It was all Matako's doing."

"...You won't ever get tired of me?..."


"...Shinsuke, do you love me?"

Takasugi smiled and grabbed her hand, he kissed the back of her hand while keeping eye contact with her. "With all of my heart," He spoke and then he kissed her ring. "And with all of my being."

"....I love you, Shinsuke!" (Y/N) cries out as she jumped into his arms and buried he face in his chest. "Idiot... How could I ever get tired of this?" He smirked at her.

"You're my woman. You're my world and my everything. My hearts beats only for you, and you are the only woman in my eyes." He spoke softly as he leaned forward and rested his forehead against hers.

"So, love me for the rest of my lifetime— as I will love you for all of my life." He spoke and then he leaned closer to finally connect their lips together in a pasisonate kiss.

"....I already made my decision." (Y/N) giggled once they broke away from the kiss.

"...What decision?"

"I decided that you'll become my world and my everything too! From the very moment I fell in love with you." She cheekily grinend at him.

"You know...You're beautiful when you smile," Takasugi pinched her cheek. "But, you're most beautiful when you're with me..."

(BONUS: aw, this was kinda bad im sowwy)

After their sweet little romantic session, (Y/N) and Takasugi returned to the room where everyone was. However, (Y/N)'s red eyes and nose did not go unnoticed by the two kids who were particularly observant.

"Mommy, what happened to you?!" (D/N) worriedly ran over to (Y/N), while (S/N) followed suite.

"Did you cry, Mom?" (S/N) asked with an angry expression on his face.

(Y/N) sweat dropped unsure of what to say, until she grinned at the two kids and spoke–

"Uh...Your father punched me?"

"WHAT?!" the kids gasped and turned to Takasugi who also gasped and was now gaping at (Y/N).

"Why are you surprised?!" Sakamoto pushed Takasugi.




I'M UPLOADING AT 12AM AGAIN TODAY, hehe, in case wattpad doesnt want to publish the chapter again. I wouldn't want u guys to not get ur daily dose of updates 🥺😤

But I'm also sorry for this one. It was kinda bad?? Fancieyyyyyy I'm sorry, I hope you still like it though....I really worked hard, for this!!

Also, I kinda forgot to mention— BUT THE RELEASE DATE FOR THE GINTAMA MOVIE IS JANUARY 8, 2021— And uhm— IT'S A DAY BEFORE MY BIRTHDAY, I wanna cri 🥺

Oh, and uhm...6 more days till the 200th chapter!

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