My Light (Takasugi Shinsuke)

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"Leader!!" A member of the Hyakka runs to Tsukuyo who was calmly smoking, Hinowa humming peacefully right behind her. "Is it her again?" Tsukuyo asks without looking at the woman. The woman had a small look of surprise before she looked down and nodded. Tsukuyo sighed, it had been the 10th time this week that it happened. "Tsukuyo, go easy on (Y/N)-chan." Hinowa reminded her.

Pushing herself away from the wall, Tsukuyo made her way into the streets of Yoshiwara. Walking into the brothel, Tsukuyo finds a mess of the place. Chairs and tables turned over, all the items strewn messily around the floor. A woman was pinned to the wall by a man, the woman with (H/L) (H/C) hair, was gasping for air.

One would expect a woman of Yoshiwara to be delicate, fragile and caring. That's what one would see when you stepped into the place known as a Land of Eternal Night, although that did fade since Yoshiwara is now free from Housen.

Women never fight back- but that was back then.

"What did you say earlier?" The man hisses lowly, tightening his hold on the woman's neck, her fierce (E/C) hues glaring hatefully at the man.

"'re a fucking....pig!" The woman gasped out in small breaths since he was choking her. "That's enough." Tsukuyo grasped the man's wrist tightly, giving him a stern look and (Y/N) turned to Tsukuyo, her eyes softening. "Tsk. Look at this bitch acting all high and mighty. She's a damaged good with that scar-" Tsukuyo raised her hand and the man shut his mouth with a scoff.

Tsukuyo gave the man one last look before he let go of her and sighed, walking away from the scene with a scoff. "This is the 10th time we've received a complaint against you. You always end up fighting with the customers." Tsukuyo says as (Y/N) now looked down at the floor, Tsukuyo standing in front of her.

"He tried to touch-"

"I know what he did. But still, (Y/N). Yoshiwara is different." Tsukuyo sighs, lifting her smoking pipe up to her lips. "There are some rules you can break...and some rules you can't. Although I feel bad for you, your fate has been decided when you were sold in Yoshiwara." Tsukuyo frowned, feeling pity for the (H/C) haired woman who was clenching her fists.

"I understand. I know you're just looking out for me, Tsukuyo." (Y/N) smiles lowly, as she extends her hands and hugs Tsukuyo. "Yoshiwara is free now, but it's people are not. I truly am sorry, (Y/N)." Tsukuyo says as she hugs (Y/N) tighter.

(Y/N) was a new recruit in Yoshiwara right before Housen's reign ended. She was a woman who was sold to the black market at a young age and trained to become an assassin.

Soon enough, deemed as useless- she was sold off to Yoshiwara and from there on out, she'd been working as a prostitute. But every single time a customer tried to touch her, she would snap and start to fight back- often ending up being hurt.

Tsukuyo and Hinowa knew that it was in the woman's system, it was her natural instinct to protect herself. Deep down, (Y/N) was a kind woman, with a pure heart.

"Now, come on. Seita's been looking forward to your cooking today." Tsukuyo smiles, breaking away from the hug and leading (Y/N) back to Hinowa's place. (Y/N) smiles lightly, letting Tsukuyo drag her back to Hinowa's place and spend time with the kid.


Carrying a tray full of drinks, food and cups. (Y/N) sauntered into the room filled with the intoxicating scent of smoke and alcohol mixed together. She sees various men with their hands roaming freely around the prostitutes of Yoshiwara. She grimaced at the thought of having a man run his hands around her body. She hated it.

(Y/N) never told Tsukuyo and Hinowa the story of how she was sold to Yoshiwara, because it was a terrible memory she wished would remain buried in her mind. From that horrifying memory, came the large scar running across her collarbones, from one end to the other.

She sighs deeply, when her customer held his cup out to her with a digustingly sly grin appearing on his face. (Y/N) grits her teeth as she poured sake and felt the man's hand slowly creeping up behind her body.

'Endure it. Endure it, (Y/N). You don't want to make any more trouble for Tsukuyo and Hinowa.' She thinks in her mind, shutting her eyes close and taking slow, deep breaths to calm herself when the man's hand stopped advancing just before it reached her lower half. She sighed in relief but then the man harshly pushed her away.

"What's that?! Why do you have a scar?! You're a damaged woman! Why the hell would they let you serve me?!" The man yells in disgust as he looked down at her with an angry look. "W-What?" (Y/N) furrowed her eyebrows in disbelief at his words.

"How dare you try to entertain me with that ugly scar of yours. No one will find you beautiful!!" The man yells, a look of utter disgust and fury on his face while (Y/N) was bewildered at his statement.

"You think you're any better? You're a despicable pig that's only here because no woman wants to be with you unless you give them money." (Y/N) muttered lowly under her breath. The man heard this and picked her up by her kimono. "What did you say?!"

"You slut! You think you're better than me?!" He yells as he raised his hand about to slap her. (Y/N) shut her eyes, bracing herself for the impact and the pain when the man's movements were forcibly stopped.

"What a scandalous sight." (Y/N) heard another man speak. She slowly opened her eyes to find a purple haired man gripping the man's wrist tightly, preventing him from slapping her.

"Who are you?!" The man yelled, letting go of (Y/N)'s kimono, he pulled his wrist away from the man's hold. "I know I'm no monster to raise my hand at a woman. Why should I let a pig know my name?" Takasugi smirked as he stared down at the man who seemed scared of his presence.

"Why do you care for an ugly bitch like her? She won't let me touch her but she's got that ugly scar. She thinks too highly of herself!" The man turned back to (Y/N), pointing an accusatory finger at her while (Y/N) furrowed her eyebrows angrily at the man.

"She's ugly? Who decided that? You? Do you think you're good enough to judge someone by their looks?" Takasugi scoffed, his mouth twitching into a scowl as he glared at the man. "You're nothing special either. You're just a scum of the society who walks around flaunting money you illegally stole." Takasugi spat out as the man frightenedly backs away.

"Don't forget this. I'll be back!" The man yells as he runs away, after throwing a final threat to Takasugi. (Y/N) looked up as Takasugi held his hand out to her. "Are you taking it or are you blind?"

(Y/N) blinked as she took his hand and when she stood up, she bowed her head to him. "Thank you....for defending me." She mutters lowly, shocked that a man in Yoshiwara- actually helped her. "I wasn't defending you. I tried to lessen the scum of the society and their abuse of the power they think is so great." Takasugi looked away and quickly turned his back to her.

"If there is anyway that I can show you my gratitude...." (Y/N) yells out as she bowed again and Takasugi paused in his steps. Throwing her a glance over his shoulder, his smoking pipe hanging unto his lips- he spoke, "Gratitude?...Then, from now on- I'll be your regular customer. I expect great service from you the next time I come visit."

(Y/N) lifted her head, to watch the man disappear into the night, the blinding lights of the city of Yoshiwara made her squint. Her lips parted slightly, feeling her heart thump against her chest, a small smile tugged on her lips. For the first time in her life, she found a bright light in the city of Yoshiwara.

Weeks passed by, as Takasugi promised- he returned to Yoshiwara, and every time he did. He would only have (Y/N) accompany him on the nights he stayed there. They didn't do anything but talk and drink.

She only caught Takasugi's attention even more. She wasn't like all the other prostitutes who entertained their customers eagerly. She was just sitting there, as polite and graceful as she could.

She was interesting.

Takasugi studied her figure. She wasn't one to disappoint either. But what caught his eye the most was that clearly visible scar across her collarbones. To others it was an ugly scar, the one thing that one wouldn't want across their skin, but in Takasugi's eyes- it was a story of her bravery. Whatever it was that led to that, Takasugi knew he would only love the woman deeper if he knew. He didn't care if she didn't pleasure him, he just wanted to talk to her.

He wanted her company.

Their time ended smoothly, Takasugi never touched her or anything. It was as if they communicated in the occasional times he would hold out his cup and she would pour him sake. The words exchanged between them were nothing but small talk made to rid the room of the deafening silence.

Slowly and surely, (Y/N) started falling for this man. She did the most taboo for a woman of Yoshiwara to do: she fell in love. Takasugi wasn't all that different either. Why would a man who wants to destroy the world come and visit Yoshiwara often just to see one woman?

Tsukuyo passed by (Y/N)'s room, noticing her door was slightly wedged open she peeked and saw a sight she had never seen before. (Y/N) sat in front of her mirror, her voice coming out as a small hum. (Y/N) delicately and gently brushed her hair with a hairbrush. A small, genuine smile hanging unto her lips.

Tsukuyo's eyes widened, (Y/N) never hummed while brushing her hair- at most she never brushed her hair either! Tsukuyo wondered what it is that put the woman in such a happy mood, she got the answer she was searching for when she saw (Y/N)'s (E/C) hues.

Her (E/C) eyes,once dull and empty were now filled with a glimmer of hope and lighting up. Tsukuyo smiled lowly, 'I've been watching her for a long time, and this is the first I've seen her eyes look so lively.' She sighed and she moved on and walked away.


Takasugi sipped on his cup, his eye wandering over to (Y/N) who was smiling, although she was sat still on her place. After gazing at her for a while, Takasugi gently places the cup down at the table and cleared his throat.

(Y/N)'s eyes immediately snapped up to his, "Is something wrong, Shinsuke?" She asked him softly, her gentle voice coming off to his ear as a beautiful melody. 'I never seem to get tired of hearing her voice.' Takasugi thought as he looked at her.

"Tomorrow...." He trails off, her eyes widening, but the light in them wasn't even fading. "I'm going on a trip....and I need a company." He cleared his throat again, suddenly feeling nervous.

Takasugi had found his light the night he met her. He didn't expect it to happen though, he didn't intend to fall in love with her. But now that he had fallen for her, Takasugi made a decision. This light of his- (Y/N), was a woman who he would do anything for. She was the light that shines throughout, embracing him with her warmth and kindness.

"I......I don't understand." (Y/N) nervously chuckled, fiddling with her thumb, she gulped lightly as Takasugi made eye contact with her and sighed. He looked away and placed his hand atop hers, "I was asking...if you wanted to accompany me on my trip?"

(Y/N)'s heart started beating against her chest loudly, she wasn't even sure if she was hearing things right. "What? But, Shinsuke. I'm-"

"I know. I can do something about that. Right now, I need your answer." He cut her off immediately. (Y/N) felt confused, her heart wanted to be with him, but her mind drifted off to Tsukuyo and Hinowa. They helped her all throughout her life in Yoshiwara and she couldn't just abandon them like that.

Takasugi glanced at her and sighed softly, rubbing the back of her hand with his thumb. "I will come back tomorrow. Give me your answer then." He says before he stood up and disappeared once more.


That night, (Y/N) went to talk to Hinowa and Tsukuyo after she tutored Seita with his lessons. "Hinowa, Tsukuyo....If I were to go on a trip, would you miss me?" (Y/N) suddenly brought up while she was fixing up the things they used. Tsukuyo sitting upon a chair with her smoking pipe and Hinowa sitting on her own wheelchair.

"A trip? (Y/N), what do you mean?" Tsukuyo's eyes met with Hinowa's eyes and she instantly knew what it meant. Hinowa nodded at Tsukuyo and smiled, they definitely knew what it was about.

"(Y/N)-chan, of course, we will. You are a part of our family." Hinowa started as (Y/N) looked at Hinowa with a soft gaze. "We will miss you a lot. But we will be happy for you because it means you've finally decided to start pursuing your own happiness." Hinowa added, as she wheeled herself towards (Y/N).

"Besides, even if it's a trip. It means that you'll be coming back eventually right? I don't see any problems with it, as long as you bring something back as a souvenir." Tsukuyo smiles as (Y/N) looks up at the two of them.

"Go and do what makes you happy. It's time you start thinking about yourself, (Y/N)." Tsukuyo says with a smile and (Y/N) hugged her. "Thank you...." She whispered softly and let her tears slip by.


Takasugi smiled lightly when he spotted (Y/N)'s figure a few meters in front of him. She hugged and said her goodbyes to Hinowa and Tsukuyo while Takasugi approached her.

"Tsukuyo...Hinowa, when I'll be here to welcome me home, right?" (Y/N) asks, her hands laced with Tsukuyo's. "Yeah. We will always be here." Tsukuyo smiled at her, trying to stop her tears from spilling out.

"Seita would be the first one to welcome you home with a big smile. Tsukuyo and I, will be here waiting for you too." Hinowa says with a gentle smile and (Y/N) felt like crying again. They had become her family, a family she had always been praying for. A family she never had, and now she had to say goodbye to that family.

"I'll miss you.....all, so so much. So, please....wait for me to return, alright?" (Y/N) says with a wry smile as she pulled them all for a group hug one last time before she laced her fingers with Takasugi.

"...If you do come back, we will be here for you. Always. I'm happy you found your light, (Y/N)."

"You're wrong." Takasugi smirked, glancing at Tsukuyo over his shoulder. "I found my light." Takasugi says as he presses his lips softly against (Y/N)'s forehead.

(BONUS: 'cause Shinsuke is a cutie and a hottie. AND Tsukuyo is precious!)

Tsukuyo hums lightly, raising her smoking pipe to her lips. "Tsukuyo-nee, I'm going out to buy the grocery, is there anything you need?" Seita, now a teenager, calls out as he prepared to go out. "I've given him a list, but if there's anything else you need, Tsukuyo." Hinowa smiles, wheeling her chair to where they were.

"No. I'm good." Tsukuyo smiles as Seita nodded, "I'm off then." Seita says as he walks away to do their usual groceries. Suddenly, a woman appeared in front of Tsukuyo and Hinowa.

"It's been years, but I think I need a little break from my trip. May I be so honoured to rest here?" The woman, resembling a slightly older (Y/N) spoke softly with a familiar voice, a gentle, kind smile plastered on her face.

Tsukuyo and Hinowa's eyes widened at the sight. "(Y-Y/N)?.." Tsukuyo couldn't believe her eyes, she stood up and hugged her. "Yeah, I'm back. Only for a little while, I have a surprise too." (Y/N) giggled lightly as she released Tsukuyo from her hug.

Takasugi came into view, holding hands with a little boy with the exact same features as Takasugi- it was a mini Takasugi. The same purple hair, the same face, the only thing different was that the boy had (Y/N)'s eccentric (E/C) hues.

Tsukuyo and Hinowa's mouth hang agape. Takasugi faintly smiled as he released the boy's hand and crouched down. The boy, immediately felt shy and hid behind his father.

"Introduce yourself." Takasugi says, gently pushing his son forward. The kid looked up at Tsukuyo and Hinowa, blinking his big (E/C) eyes at the two women.

"I-I'm (S/N). N-Nice to meet you, Aunt Tsukuyo, Aunt Hinowa." The kid says, as he then smiled. He had (Y/N)'s smile. "I figured he'd like to meet his aunts." (Y/N) says when the kid latched himself to his mother.

Tsukuyo and Hinowa clasped their hands over their mouths as tears filled their eyes. "We're home, Tsukuyo, Hinowa." (Y/N) smiled softly as Hinowa and Tsukuyo smiled.

"Yeah....Welcome back."


WAS IT BAD?! IT WAS BAD?! I'M SORRY! I hope you like it Sleepy_and_Lazy. Author-san, u know? Author-san did her best!! 😭 I tried really hard for this one! So I really really hopes u like it! ♥️ I added the bonus becoz I think it was relly bad. ♥️

Requests still open. ♥️♥️

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