Live For Me (Sakata Gintoki)

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"I told you to stop pestering us!!"Shinpachi yells, he stood his ground in front of all the men who surrounded the Kodokan Dojo's entrance.

Without his sister, Otae around— The men who wanted to buy the place came by and met with Shinpachi. "See, you're too young to maintain a large house like this, just shut up and sell it to us!"The man yells throwing a kick to Shinpachi's stomach, sending him to the ground, when suddenly someone grabbed the man's shoulder.

"Is this the way you live your life?...."A woman, with (H/L) (H/C) hair, and piercing (E/C) orbs stared down at him with a death glare. "Life is precious you know? You have to learn to treasure it."

She pulls out a sheathed blade and raised it against the men who were harassing Shinpachi. "What an ugly soul you have,"She looked down at them with her bright (E/C) orbs as if she was looking at garbage and slashed her blade down, as the men fell with the strong blow.

"Knock her out! A female samurai in this day and age? What a rare find! If you step up to offer yourself in this boy's stead. I might leave him alone."The leader says as (Y/N) places her sword back on her sash.

"Fine then. Take me,"She says standing up straight, dusting off her kimono with that unimpressed and emotionless look on her face, that seemed devoid of emotions.

"Boy, what's your name?"She asks turning to Shinpachi, who flinched. "I-I'm Shimura Shinpachi!"He says as he stumbles up on his feet.

"N-No! I possibly can't let a stranger, much less a woman! Do that for me!"Shinpachi says as he looks at the woman with troubled eyes.

"Then...It's fine if I introduce myself? I'm (Last Name) (First Name), a pleasure to meet you."She smiles slightly at Shinpachi and he gaped at how bright she shone, she was very beautiful and captivating.

A woman who was ready to sacrifice herself for others. A woman who got angry for other's sake— she had a beautiful soul. He thought she couldn't feel emotions because of that look on her face but he realized— that she had the kindest and purest heart of all.

"Enough chatter! Men, take her away. The deal is made!"The man says as men handcuffed her, (Y/N) raised an eyebrow at this.

"Handcuffs?...Pretty kinky."(Y/N) sighs shaking her head nonchalantly, as if what was happening was an everyday thing.

"W-Wait, (Y/N)-san!!!!"Shinpachi yells but they already took her away. "I-I have to tell Gin-san!"Shinpachi says as he clenched his fist and hurriedly ran to the Yorozuya.

"Huh? What are you going on about, Patsuan?"Gintoki sighs, pinky up in his nose, he stares at Shinpachi with his dead fish eyes.

"I said we need to rescue (Y/ N)-san!" He yells, his patience running out. "(Y/N)? Who's that?"Gintoki questions uninterestedly, but deep inside– he felt something at the mention of a familiar name engraved in his heart and mind. A small flame of hope flickered in his heart.

"W-Well...I did just meet her today too, so I don't know much but..."Shinpachi trails off with a sweat drop.

"She's a female samurai!"Shinpachi says as Gintoki's eyes widened, 'Impossible right?...I mean, she died in the war.' Gintoki thinks as he shook his head to rid himself of the thoughts.

"She saved me from those gang who've been wanting to buy our dojo and she offered herself as payment and they took her!"Shinpachi explains as Gintoki sighs, the glasses wasn't going to stop nagging him.

"What's her name, Shinpachi?" Kagura asks, right after finishing her meal. "Uh...If I remember correctly, she said (Last Name) (First Name)."Shinpachi says as Gintoki suddenly stands up, a serious look painted on his face.

"Patsuan, lead the way." Gintoki says, his tone suddenly serious as he had a look of anger on his face.


"Ah, is that all you guys have?"(Y/N) sighs, swinging her sword's hilt down on the man's head as she squats down and searches his body for the keys to the handcuffs she just broke.

"And here I thought I finally found some people who could finally put me out of my misery. "(Y/N) sighs as she finds the key and easily unlocks her hands from the cuffs. She turned toward the leader who had been beating up Shinpachi earlier.

She then throws her sword down right in front of his feet. "There, take it. I want to atone for all of my sins by dying but no one has been able to do it for a long time now. Why don't you give it a try?" She spoke softly, her eyes had a hollow gaze on them as she stared at the man who was trembling.

"Alright, that's enough." Gintoki grabbed the man's hand just before he grabbed the sword. He quickly knocked his head and he went unconscious.

"I knew it was you. "Gintoki's voice says with a loud sigh as (Y/N)'s eyes meet the silver haired samurai with dead fish eyes staring at her.

"Huh?...That annoying perm, those dead eyes...Gintoki?" (Y/N) mumbles lowly as she stood up. "This is perfect. Here." She placed her sword in his hand and guided it right to her neck.

"One swift slice if you please." She says as she flutters her eyes close. "W-What is with her?" Shinpachi confusedly asked. "Are you still going on about how you want to die to atone for your sins?" Gintoki furrowed his eyebrows angrily as he threw the sword down.

"(Y/N), you've committed no sin so why don't you just stop it already!" He raised his voice as (Y/N) opened her eyes and looked at him with the same bored look. "That may be the case but...I have no reason to live anymore, Gintoki. What is life?" She says as she falls to the ground.

"I'll be your reason." He breathes out softly, as he kneeled on one leg and placed his hand on her cheek. Smiling warmly at her, while she was trying her best to hold her tears back.

"You were my reason to live back then, you gave me the courage to fight, survive and live. And now, it's my turn to give back to you what you gave to me." His words were full of honesty, sincerity and purity. (Y/N) felt herself falling even more for the silver haired samurai.

"What're you crying for, idiot?" He gently wiped her tears away with that gentle lool on his face.

She didn't know if the tears were because of her not wanting to die. Or if it was because of his words. Or because she was reunited with the one man she wanted to see again the most. The one man she had loved all of her life.

"Live for me, as long as you can, and as best as you can. Stay by my side, (Y/N). I lost you once and I don't wanna lose you again." His words slowly pulled her out of her thoughts as she felt his warm embrace.

"Gintoki.....I love you." She broke down, crying as she let her tears slip past and hugged him tightly, not wanting to ever let go. Gintoki smiled softly at the feeling of her in his arms. "I love you too."

"And here I thought you were dead. Hey, do you know how many times I visited your grave?"Gintoki says in a joking tone when they both broke away from the hug.

"I have a grave? Wait, am I dead? I wasn't informed."(Y/N) chuckles, wiping her tears away. "Where the hell were you idiot, you got everyone worried."Gintoki says as she shrugs.

"I was kidnapped by amanto during the war and when I finally broke out, you were gone. Everyone was."She shrugs and then she turned her eyes towards Kagura and Shinpachi.

"Oh, so...are they your kids Gintoki?"(Y/N) asked while Gintoki smacked her head.

"They work for me. "Gintoki sighs, but then he turned to eye her from head to toe. "Look at you full of blood, a woman should keep herself clean, if not no one will marry you."Gintoki says as he laces his arm on her neck.

"Come on, I'll take you back home. Go get washed...and maybe then— I'll marry you..."He whispered the latter part with a small blush.

"What? I didn't hear what you said."(Y/N) whines letting herself be dragged by him.

"I said you stink! Oi, Kagura, Shinpachi! Let's go!"


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Thanks to everyone who reads and votes on this book. Thank you for all the support and love!~ ♥️♥️♥️

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