If You (Kamui and Okita Sougo)

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(Y/N) was the only female member of the Shinsengumi. Well, the Shinsengumi actually didn't accept female members but due to a special circumstance. She was accepted- actually, (Y/N) was one of the samurai who fought in the Joui War.

She participated with her friends who were a big name joui, Gintoki, Katsura, Takasugi and Sakamoto. After they all parted ways, (Y/N) found herself searching for Gintoki, her old friend when she stumbled upon Matsudaira one cold winter night when she couldn't find a place to sleep at.

Matsudaira then took her in, and after finding out about her past, he placed her in the Shinsengumi so that no one would know who she actually was. Matsudaira treated her as his own daughter, so he was a bit protective of her as well. The only ones who knew about her past, were Kondo, Hijikata and Okita.

Speaking of Okita, Okita was (Y/N)'s longtime rival. The two never got along, they always butted heads whenever they met, but surprisingly, they made quite a good team when they actually got on good terms.

Okita found the (H/C) haired female interesting. Her sword skills weren't something to scoff at either, she just kept making him want to know more and more about her.

"Aah, I can't believe they made me go with you. This is stupid, I can't stand your stupid face." (Y/N) sighs as she crossed her arms over her chest and leaned on the doorframe of the room where Princess Soyo was in. "I completely agree. I don't want you here either." Okita nodded nonchalantly as (Y/N) grunted in response.

"Ah! I'll go over to check on the Shogun." She huffed as she turned away from Okita. Okita frowned when she left, the actual reason he didn't want her there was because it was probably more dangerous. She was placing herself in the greatest risk she ever could, Okita was scared that he can't protect her.

She meant too much to him, though his pride wouldn't allow him to say so. He just wanted to protect her, watch over her secretly and help her without her knowing.

"Sho....SHOGUN-SAMA!" Maizo yells as Hattori takes the severed head and wrapped it up in a white cloth. (Y/N) came running and she helped Maizo up. "Remember what you saw here- I, Hattori Zenzou- am the one who cut off the shogun's head." Hattori spoke with his back turned to them before he disappeared again.

Suddenly the ship shook as an explosion occured. "Maizo- Get the Princess." (Y/N) instructs him as he nodded and ran off.
"Look Princess- That's the offal, and that's the liver- " Okita cut himself off from teaching Princess Soyo first hand about the fascinating severed human parts lying around the floor, when Princess Soyo lets out a scream, probably traumatized for life for what she had seen. Now, they were cornered, Okita holding his defense as the enemy ganged up on him.

Suddenly, Kamui appeared- smashing the men's head under his feet, he closed his umbrella and smiled at Okita. "Alright, I'm done cleaning!~" He happily exclaims as he opened his azure eyes and stared at Okita.

Kamui found Okita amusing as having survived a few minutes with the yato- he was about to punch Okita when Okita countered his fist with a sword. Kamui smiles as he jumped back and an explosion took place. Abuto and his men were now standing behind Kamui as the vermillion haired male pulled the metal pipe out from his abdomen.

"Sougo!" (Y/N) came running as she aided Okita. But then her eyes caught Kamui. "Oh? (Y/N)! So you were here too!" Kamui cheerily calls out with his trademark grin etched on his face as (Y/N) looked at Kamui before looking back to Okita.

"You know him- Nee-san?" Okita weakly smirked as blood dripped from his mouth. "Sougo...- Don't you dare die here, I'll take care of Kamui, you go escape with Maizo and the Princess." She worriedly says to him. "Gintoki got me in some kind of mess a few months back, I met Kagura's older brother there. Kamui is dangerous, so please let me handle this. Sougo." (Y/N) says as she held his hand and he sighed.

"I said I was gonna protect you...idiot." he muttered under his breath with an angry look in his eyes. Okita rarely showed his emotions, but if it was for someone he cared for deeply he had no problems letting his emotions take over.

"If you keep talking to my woman like that, I might just kill you right now." Kamui calls out to Okita as (Y/N) glanced at Kamui who grabbed her wrist. "Come on, you're coming with me. I already let you go once back in Yoshiwara. But this time, I'm not letting you go." Kamui growls lowly as (Y/N) furrowed her eyebrows.

"If you touch her so casually again, I'll cut your hands off. So let go of her, you damn space criminal." Okita growls just as dangerously as Kamui did. He gripped (Y/N)'s wrist too. (Y/N) bit her lip as she sighed and her lips pursed into a tight line.

She shook both the male's grip off her and furrowed her eyebrows with an angry look on her face. "Hold on. This is all so sudden. Of all the times to say something like this— In the middle of a fight?" She spoke with disbelief lacing her tone.

In all honesty, the first time (Y/N) met Kamui in Yoshiwara. He left quite the huge impression on her. Kamui definitely had looks. He was handsome, she wouldn't dare deny that. Though that was the case, she was still wary of him. He is still the enemy. But then, (Y/N) always believed that no matter how bad a person can be, there must be a reason for it.

"Fine then. I suppose it'd be better to settle it right now." Kamui crossed his arms, his azure eyes locked on (Y/N)'s face. "I agree. (Y/N), you have to choose right now." Okita nodded his head with that serious look on his face.

"W-Wait...Choose?! Right now?..." (Y/N) frowned as she bit on her lips with a troubled expression washing over her face.


Author-san is getting worse at writing day by day. I'm sorry everyone.. 😭 I hope you like dis one Okita_SougoWaifu. Sorry it's so bad.

Also. Thanks for the tag oki_doki_todoroki I didn't know you had a book by the way. I might not do it, I don't want to trouble my precious readers with uninteresting facts about me. So sorry, but still thanks! ♥️ Also, we're nearing 100 chapters!!

Requests still open ♥️

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