I Would've 3 (Kondo Isao)

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(Y/N) yawned, feeling the morning light creeping into the comforts of her futon. She smiled lightly as she stretched her hands out. "It's another good day, today~" She hums happily to herself.

"(Y/N)-chan!! Are you awake yet?" Kondo's voice sounded from her kitchen and she giggled lightly when she heard it. "Kondo-san, you came too early again." She smiled, leaning against the door and peeking out to make eye contact with the male who sheepishly smiled at her.

"Ahahaha. I wanted to go see you before I start my work." He admitted with a shy grin. "You're so sweet!" She laughs, planting a soft kiss upon his cheek. "But I'll make us breakfast so sit tight. You need to eat before you work!" She reprimanded, pushing him down to the chair.

"I came because I wanted to cook for you though, (Y/N)-chan...." Kondo sighed playfully, he had become a completely different person ever since he and (Y/N) got together. Like the previous Kondo Isao who was known as a stalker and a gorilla never existed.

"I'm the cook here! Besides, you have heavy duty ahead of you, you need energy!" She waved her hand as she prepared their food.

"Your cooking is always delicious, (Y/N)-chan! I feel like I can work for days! Ahahahahah!" Kondo joked around while they ate. "This is bad, (Y/N)-chan. If you keep cooking for me, I might start craving for your cooking everyday." He added and (Y/N) blushed at his words.

"W-What are you saying? Ahahahaha! Look at the time!! You should be going to work!!" (Y/N) pointed to her clock and pushed him out quickly before he could see the mad blush spreading on her cheeks.

"E-Eh!? (Y/N)-chan!?''

"I'll see you after work!! Work hard!" She beams, placing a kiss upon his cheek and shutting her door close. Meanwhile, Kondo stood still behind the door, his hand placed on his cheek which (Y/N) just kissed.

He was dumbfounded.

"(Y/N)-CHAN, I LOVE YOU!" Kondo cried out in a loud yell. "K-Kondo-san, you idiot! You should yell that out in public!!" Kondo heard her yell from the door, as she threw a bento at his head.

"A-A bento!?" He gasped, touched. Kondo even swore he felt the tears pricking his eyes, "N-No woman has ever given me a bento!!" He cried out as he grinned and grasped it tightly against his chest.

"I'll miss you, (Y/N)-chan!!"


"I'm sure everyone already knows why I've called for this meeting." Hijikata spoke in a serious tone, arms crossed over his chest. The Shinsengumi Officers all had a serious look on their faces as the tension in the room doubled when Hijikata slammed a palm unto the small wooden table in front of them.

Kondo hadn't arrived yet since he went out in the early morning to visit (Y/N).

"Vice Chief— There's no reports again today." Yamazaki nodded sternly at Hijikata who nodded approvingly. "Today, I've called to say that Kondo-san....has stopped," Hijikata paused for suspense, all the officers leaning forward in anticipation.

"— has stopped stalking!!" Hijikata yells as party poppers went off and the officers cheered. "V-Vice Chief, is that true?!" A member asks, close to tears.

"Yes, we have received no complaints this past month from the Shimura Househould! He even stopped stripping buck naked and always wears his clothes!!" Hijikata nodded proudly as the men continued jeering happily.

"We have (Y/N)-san to thank for all this!! Kondo-san has even started taking his job seriously. I see him working on paperworks like a true Chief!" Hijikata says, pretending to wipe a nonexistent tear from his eye.

"(Y/N)-nee is a goddess. To think she was able to change him to that extent. She is a true miracle worker." Okita nodded as they all cheered.

"(Y/N)-san the goddess!!!"

"Oh, Toshi! Huh? What's everyone doing here?" Kondo appears from the door and everyone stood up, pretending like they were busy. "O-Oh, nothing!" Hijikata laughed awkwardly.

"I-I gathered everyone for the morning duties!!"

"Oh, alright then!" Kondo laughs walking into the room.


"Kondo-san, what are you doing?" Hijikata asked, spotting Kondo seated right on the porch outside his room with a tray of tea beside him.

"Ahahahah, (Y/N)-chan said she'll visit me after work. She's a sweet woman, isn't she, Toshi?" Kondo sheepishly smiled as he laughed and crossed his arms proudly over his chest.

Hijikata softly smiled at the sight, "Yeah. I'm happy you've finally found a woman who's perfect for you, Kondo-san." Hijikata says, and at the exact same time (Y/N) appeared.

"Kondo-san! Oh, Hijikata-san, you were here too!" (Y/N) appears with her usual graceful smile. "Well, I'll leave you lovebirds to yourself. I have more paperwork to do." Hijikata raised his hands with a sighs and walled away.

"How was work today?" (Y/N) smiled when Kondo poured her some tea. "It wasn't all that bad! Ahahahaha! My day just got better when you came, (Y/N)-chan!" Kondo grins at her and she smiled placing a hand on his cheek.

"My days....have gotten better ever since we got together, Kondo-san~" (Y/N) smiles sincerely at Kondo and he blushed. "Y-You shouldn't say those things out of the blue, (Y/N)-chan!!" Kondo laughs nervously as he held her hand.

"Say, wanna have dinner tomorrow at my place? I'm planning on trying out this new recipe!" (Y/N) exclaimed happily, not minding his hand which was on top of hers.

"O-Of course!! Anything for you, (Y/N)-chan! Ahahahah!" Kondo laughed nervously, now lacing their fingers together and (Y/N) smiled, tightening her hold on his fingers

"Then, could I trouble you to buy the ingredients tomorrow on your way to my house?"


Otae looked towards the porch from the living room, an empty gaze falling upon the peaceful scenery, it was as if she was waiting for something— rather someone to appear. "He's not here anymore, Sister." Shinpachi stated as he arrived with a tray of their food.

"Ahahaha. What are you talking about, Shin-chan? I was just thinking of buying some Baagen-Dash." Otae covers up with a small laugh. "You haven't gotten much sleep these past few days, sister. You should rest." Shinpachi sighs worriedly as Otae laughs and stands up.

"Nonsense! I'm fine, I'm gonna go buy some Baagen-Dash. You go on ahead and eat, Shin-chan!" Otae says waving her hand as she quickly walked out of the house.

Otae frowned slightly, gripping the plastic bag of Baagen-Dash in hand she walked slowly with cautious steps. "Hm, I wonder what (Y/N)-chan's gonna cook today." Kondo hums happily to himself, walking the opposite way from Otae.

Otae's eyes widened slightly, and then she felt her strength fading away. "...What?" She muttered out lowly. The last thing she saw was Kondo dropping his items and rushing towards her.



"Kondo-san is pretty late...." (Y/N) worriedly looked at the clock, her apron still on her body, she nervously and impatiently tapped her foot against the floor.

"Did he get into trouble?...No, he might not look it but he's pretty strong." (Y/N) shook her head to get rid of those depressing thoughts entering her head.

She kept waiting and waiting and waiting for him to come—

But he never came.

With a soft sigh, (Y/N) took off her apron and shut all the lights off before she went to her room.

"....Where are you, Kondo-san?"


"So, what is it?" Kondo asked Shinpachi, after getting called by the hospital when Kondo took Otae to the hospital. "Apparently it's exhaustion from work. Thank you for saving her, Kondo-san." Shinpachi bowed his head to the male.

"No, no. It's alright. Haha, is she awake now?" Kondo worriedly asked, "Yes, but she's resting." Shinpachi says as Kondo smiled and scratched the back of his neck.

"That's good then. I'll get going, tell her not to work too much and get enough sleep." Kondo smiled softly, as he turned his back and walked away.


"(Y/N)-chan?...." Kondo walked inside (Y/N)'s house. The place was peaceful and quiet, he figured she was fast asleep. He entered her room and saw her sitting while gazing at the moon through her window.

"Kondo-san...." She hasn't even turned around but she already knew it was him. "I'm sorry, (Y/N)-chan! I was on my way back but then I passed by Otae-san and then she collapsed and I had to take her to the hospital!!" Kondo got down on his knees and bowed his head to her.

"I swear I didn't intentionally stand you up! T-There was an emergency and I just wanted to hel—" He was cut off when he felt her soft touch at his shoulder.

"You don't need to apologize, Kondo-san." Her voice was calm, soothing and soft. "Lift your head, silly." She giggled softly and Kondo looked up to meet her soft (E/C) orbs with nothing but kindness in them.

"You're....not mad?" He asked slowly and she nodded with a gentle smile. "I can't help it that you're a generous, kind man who helps out anyone in need. Besides, that's the part of you that I like the most."

"You're...not angry at me?" He asked again and she shook her head.

"Why would I be? You did something good." She answers proudly, "Kondo-san, I would never doubt your loyalty to me. I know that you are loyal and faithful, nothing would ever change that— no matter what happens, I know I Would've trusted you with all my heart!" She ends with a grin, opening her arms at him.

"(Y/N)-chan," Kondo looked teary eyed as he rushed to her hug. "I love you so much!!"

(Y/N) giggled and softly patted his hair with a small smile, "I love you too, Kondo-san."

Whew. I dunno if this was good? Didn't think it through. I'll apologize in advance for this one— AerisRiz. I'm sorry if Author-san messed up your request 😭😭 I tried to give Kondo-san some love!!♥️

Requests still open!!( if anyone wants a continuation of the other past stories, I'll be glad to make one as long as u request for it!!) ♥️♥️♥️

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