I Heard (Takasugi Shinsuke)

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(Y/N) hummed as she paved through the busy streets of Edo. She was out for her morning shopping, carrying a small bag in her hands she made her way to her house.

"Morning, (Y/N)-sensei! Your medicine really helped a lot!!" The flower shop owner, Tanizaki, greeted while watering the flowers outside her shop. "Oh! Tanizaki-san, please do drop by if you ever feel ill!!" (Y/N) offer the old woman a kind smile before moving ahead.

(Y/N), was known as the passionate doctor in the District of Kabuki. She helped foe or friend, sometimes she would even treat others for free. She had the purest soul one had ever seen. She didn't choose her patients, she treated them all equally and always helped out to those in need.

"Oh, you still have no owner?..." (Y/N) crouched down in front of a box where a cat was mewling out to her. (Y/N) frowns, gently patting the cat's soft fur. "Alright. If no one adopts you until tomorrow. I'll be your owner, alright?'' (Y/N) grins as the cat purred against her hand. She then felt bad and sighed, "Oh, What's the harm in taking you earlier? You're coming home with me now! What should I name you?...." (Y/N) laughs as she picked up the box.

"I've decided." She laughs with a fond smile at the cat who looked at her curiously. "I'll name you Pouf!"

She'd usually feed the stray dogs and cats wandering around. But this one, had been around for weeks and yet no one had come by to adopt it.

Arriving at her house, which was also her clinic. She found that her door was already open. She raised a brow, and cautiously entered her house to find a man barely conscious on her floor. "Oh no! What happened to you?" (Y/N) gasped, immediately running to his side.

"I heard.....you're......a freelance doctor." Takasugi grits his teeth, his hand covering his wounded stomach. "Don't talk! I'll try to help you!!" (Y/N) shushes him as she ran around to get the medical kit. "I......" Takasugi passed out just before he could say another word.


Takasugi opened his eye to a sight that made his heart swoon. (Y/N) was sitting by his side, her eyes closed and her breathing soft. She was asleep. Takasugi looked at his wound to see it patched up and bandaged. Looking closer there was also a cat resting on her lap.

He then eyed the woman with (H/L) (H/C) hair, she was pretty in his eyes. He wandered what such a woman like her was working as a freelance doctor for? Then the cat woke up and hissed at Takasugi spitefully as if it was protecting the woman. The cat was trying to reach Takasugi with it's claws, baring it's fangs at him.

"What? I'm not gonna do anything to her." Takasugi frowned at the cat. The cat then turned sideways and ignored him.

Suddenly, her eyes snapped open and Takasugi could clearly see those beautiful (E/C) eyes of hers.

He seemed captivated when she smiled at him. "Hey there, my name is (Y/N). I'm the doctor of this clinic. Are you fine now? Your injury was pretty serious." She spoke softly, rubbing her eyes tiredly.

"I'll go get you some pain killers. The injury was pretty deep so you should be feeling the pain right now." As she said so, Takasugi felt his stomach tinge in pain.

He hisses lightly as she chuckled, "It's alright to let it out. It must hurt a lot." She says, now handing him some medicine and a glass of water. "......Thank you." Takasugi mumbled lightly as he turned away from her eyes.

"I'll leave you to rest now. Try not to walk too much. I don't know if you also noticed but your ankle was badly twisted. The swelling should disappear in 3 days." She says as she pointed to his feet. "So you're free to stay here until your injuries are gone!" She disappeared through the door.

"Oh, right. What's your name?" Her head popped out from the door and Takasugi gazed at her intently before replying.



Takasugi had been staying at (Y/N)'s clinic for 4 days. His injury was healing far slower than they expected. Takasugi knew that the Kiheitai would probably be panicking right now and start searching for him, but they would only catch the attention of the Shinsengumi if they did so.

So he decided to lay low and stay with (Y/N) for a while. But being with her only made him feel these strange things within his chest, that regularly happens on the times he would look at her.

He was no fool. He knew what it was: he was falling yet another victim to love. Takasugi watched (Y/N) everyday, often even helping her out with her and her patients. He got a glimpse of her true self, and finally found something worth protecting in this rotten world he so wanted to destroy.

It was like Takasugi had become a completely different person when he was around her. It wasn't like him at all to be so gentle and kind as she was with others. She was compassionate, he was ruthless.

"Oh? (Y/N)-sensei, is that a new helper?" An old lady comments while (Y/N) was checking up on her and Takasugi passed by. "Oh, no. He's a friend." (Y/N) immediately covered up while Takasugi sat behind her, the cat coming up around his lap and playing with his kimono.

Luckily, the cat seemed to warm up to him, somehow.

"Everything is perfectly normal, Shiori-san. But to be safe, I'll give you some medicine if ever your blood pressure gets higher, alright?" (Y/N) smiles, letting go of the old woman's hand and scurrying off to collect the medicine.

"Hey, you." The old woman hissed at Takasugi, who seemed bewildered as he pointed to himself. "Yes, you!!" The old woman nodded as she beckoned for him to lean closer. "When are you gonna make your move?" The old woman asked and Takasugi felt confused.

"Excuse me?"

"You should tie (Y/N)-sensei down as soon as you can." The old woman wiggled her eyebrows suggestively at Takasugi. "She's been single all her life! Even though (Y/N)-sensei gets proposals from men, she never accepts them. If you don't make a move on her now, you'll lose the chance, boy!" The old lady snickered

"Oh, no. I'm not—"

"Don't even try to lie, I can see it in your eyes. The way you look at her isn't normal!! You look like a kid in love." The old lady says as she then moved away quickly when (Y/N) returned.

"Here is the medicine! Come by again if you ever feel something!!" (Y/N) happily waved goodbye as the old woman smiled and went on her way.

"What's wrong, Shin?" (Y/N) turned to Takasugi, who seemed frozen and in a daze. She leaned closer to find a little speck of red coating his cheeks. "Are you okay?" She worriedly asks reaching her hand out to touch his face when Takasugi grabbed her wrist before she could touch him.

"I'm....I'm fine." Takasugi cleared his throat, snapping out of his trance he stood up, holding the cat in his hands. "I want to buy some food." He says as he abruptly walks out leaving (Y/N) confused.

"Alright then...Be back home before night and watch out for your wounds!! Ah, wait....why are you taking Pouf with you??" She shouts after him, noticing he had also brought the cat.

"I am well aware of my feelings towards her.....but, do I really look at her like a kid in love?" Takasugi mumbled lowly to Pouf, the cat as he wandered the streets aimlessly. The cat rolled his eyes at him. He just wanted to sort his feelings about her- whenever she's around he seemed to lose all sense of reason and logic.

His emotions seems to take over every time he sees her and it took everything in him to hold back. Takasugi just wanted her to be happy, she deserved all the happiness in the world and he wanted to make sure that he'd be the one to give it to her.

"I'm back." Takasugi announced, walking into (Y/N)'s house, Pouf immediately ran away from him and seeked comfort in (Y/N).

It was calmly silent around, so he wandered into the living room and there he found her. "Oh? Who arrr yuu?~" (Y/N) looked up from the table where her head was previously slumped down against.

She was still wearing her white lab coat around her shoulder but she seemed completely wasted. "(Y/N), what did you do?" Takasugi asked her sternly as he takes a seat by her side and sighed.

"Oh....itz Shin! Ahahahahah!~" (Y/N) laughs heartily throwing her hands around Takasugi's waist and hugging him tight. "Where did you get this alcohol? I thought you didn't drink?" Takasugi asked, now spotting the bottle of sake and the cup in front of her.

"Oh that?~ Ahahaha, The old lady dropped by again and gave me sum! It's good! You should try itz!" (Y/N) cheers, as she happily poured him some sake. "No. That's enough, you're drunk." Takasugi scolded her, taking the cup away from her hands.

"Noooooo~ Shinsuke, nooooo~" (Y/N) whined, her lips forming a pout. "Wait- did you just call me, Shinsuke?" Takasugi asked, freezing when he heard her call his name out.

He never told her his full name.

"Shinsuke, sake! Give me my sake! I want sake!!" She whined like a little child as she held her hands out. Takasugi saw a new side of her.

She was absolutely adorable.

"I never told you my name...How did you know?" He asked her, holding her in place and staring her right in the eyes with an intense gaze. "What'cha sayin' Shinsuke~" She draws out his name, with a drowsy smile upon her lips.

"I knew it from the very first time you came here, Shinsuke!~" She says as she tapped his nose lightly with her finger and laughed. "Then why...did you help me?" Takasugi asked, looking down at the ground feeling confused all of a sudden.

This drunk (Y/N) was too much for his heart. Luckily, drunk (Y/N) was also honest, now he hoped that she wouldn't remember any of this in the morning when she woke up.

"I choose no one!" She declared with a serious face, and Takasugi thought she sobered up. But then she drowsily smiled at him, falling against his chest. "You were injured. Hehe, why would I need a reason to save you? If you need a reason to save someone, that's just cruel and that's not right." She giggles softly, as she rubbed circles on Takasugi's chest with her finger

"Besides, because of that I met you!" She exclaimed, throwing her hands up. She was definitely drunk. Takasugi lowly smiled at the sight of her.

"I'm sooooo glad I met you, Shin! I really really want to tell you that I really really love you and I always want to be with you! Ahahahah! See? I'm sooooo happy!~" (Y/N) drunkenly splurred out and Takasugi was taken aback from what he heard.

"(Y/N), repeat what you said." Takasugi ordered and she giggled again. "I said I love you, Shin!! I love you!!" She yells loudly while Takasugi was staring at her. After a long while, he smirks and then he kissed her. "Yeah, I heard a certain doctor say she loves me loud and clear." Takasugi chuckled lightly.

"Then, I'll give you my answer." He says as he easily carried her in his arms. Carefully, he walked towards her room.

"I love you too."

SOOOOOOO Bad. Woah. That was my worst Takasugi one yet???? I'm so sorry pinecest15 really hope u like it too??? I apologize. Seriously. (Also, hehe. Author-san is hooked up in reading 'Noblesse' its realllllly good!!!)

But uhm....requests still open!️♥️♥️

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