Everything I Ever Wanted (Hijikata Toshirou)

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Hijikata yawns loudly, feeling the light pry his eyelids open. The space beside him was empty again, letting out a soft grunt, Hijikata opened his eyes.

Sitting up he yawned and scratched his head tiredly. Blinking his eyes repeatedly he finds (Y/N) in front of him putting on her kimono. "Oh, you're awake honey!" She exclaims, hurrying over to him and placing a gentle peck on his forehead.

Back then, Hijikata would always wake up early, and drag everyone along with him. He never tolerated laziness or sleeping in late. But, ever since he got married — everything changed drastically, especially when he had kids.

"....Why are you up so early?" He mumbled out in a husky, tired voice. "You have the day off today right? Kondo-san called me in for work today, I have to go to the Shinsengumi." She looked at him worriedly. She was the Shinsengumi's only medic, so she was pretty valuable to them

"So, can I trust you to take care of (S/N) and (D/N) today?" She asked him while he nodded meekly. "Toshi, if something happens call me immediately." She raised a finger worriedly.

"I've written a list of things you have to watch out for. Breakfast and lunch is ready, just heat it up and—"

"Yes, yes. I know it already, go on." Hijikata waved his hand at her with a soft groan.

"Oi," (Y/N) growled as she furrowed her eyebrows angrily at him.

"If something....ever happens to my kids. You'll have to commit seppuku a hundred times over, got that demon vice commander?" She growled in a low tone which made Hijikata open his eyes wide.

"Yes ma'am!"

(Y/N) could be scary if she wanted to. She isn't just an ordinary woman after all, she was a wifethe scariest thing known to men. Also, being the wife of the Demon Vice Commander menat that she was on a whole other level than Hijikata.

"Good, I'm off now." Sbe smiled kindly again as if she wasn't just threatening him. "Love you!" She kisses his lips quickly before she dashed out the door.

Hijikata begrudingly pushed himself up and walked outside their room to see her off. But, she was gone before he could even say goodbye.

With a sigh, he turned to the kid's room. Hijikata had two kids, the eldest was (S/N) who looked like a mini Hijikata. The youngest was (D/N) who was 2 years younger than (S/N) and looked like an exact replica of (Y/N).

Hijikata then turned to prepare food, because any time soon the kids would be waking up. That 'any time' meant now— Hijikata watched as (S/N) walked out the room while tiredly rubbing his eyes along with (D/N) who was following behind him like a lost puppy.

"Daddy, we're hungry!!" They demanded as they sat on the chair and waited for Hijikata to serve them food.

"Here, eat up."


"Dad, Mom said no smoking." (S/N) warned when he saw Hijikata reaching for his mayonnaise designed lighter.

"I-I'm not!! Who said I was gonna smoke? I was just gonna put this away!!" Hijikata broke into a nervous sweat, immediately letting go of the lighter.

Like him, his son was very perceptive and smart. "Mommy can always tell when Daddy smokes!!" (D/N) cheered as she approached Hijikata with hair ties in her hand.

"Daddy, tie my hair like how Mommy always does!!" She smiled brightly, holding out the hair ties to Hijikata who lowly smiled and nodded.

"Come here," He patted the space in between his legs as his daughter obeyed rather obediently. He then took the hair tie in hand and delicately gathered (D/N)'s beautiful (H/C) locks before tying it into a neat pony tail— Hijikata knew how to tie hairs because he used to have long hair before he cut it short.

"There," He smiled when (D/N) faced him and hugged him with her small, short arms. "Wait!!" She held her palm out to Hijikata and dug into her pockets to take out hair clips.

"Do you want me to put them on your hair too?" Hijikata smiled, he loved his cute daughter so much because her personality was a lot like (Y/N)'s.

"No," (D/N) shook her head adamantly and reached out to Hijikata's hair. "Daddy looks ugly so I'm making you pretty like me!" She exclaimed innocently as she clipped Hijikata's bangs back with two pink hair clips.

Yup, (D/N) inherited everything from (Y/N). Even that small portion of her narcissistic personality.

"Pfft, I agree. Dad is ugly!!" (S/N) stifled his laughter, walking over to marvel at (D/N)'s work of magic. Hijikata glared at (S/N), but it only made (S/N) crack up even more at the sight of his father, feared by men, with those pink hair clips holding his hair back.

"Say, (D/N)...." Hijikata smirked as he crossed his arms. "Doesn't (S/N) look ugly too? Why don't you make him pretty like us?"

"Oh!! Good idea, Daddy!!"

"W-What?! Nooooo!"


"Daddy, let's go see Mommy!!"

"You wanna go to the Shinsengumi?" Hijikata asked unsurely, this time (S/N)'s eyes sparkled as well. "Yes! Let's go Dad!!"

Hijikata looked at the two kids smiling eagerly at him and he sighed. How could he ever say no to those cute little things? And so, they found themselves walking through the gates of the Shinsengumi. With (D/N) being carried by Hijikata and (S/N) walking beside him.

"Ah!! Vice Chief, what's with your— Oh, (D/N)-chan and (S/N)-kun are here too!!" Yamazaki who was walking by greeted them cheerfully. Even crouching down when (D/N) jumped down from Hijikata's arms.

Yamazaki had to stop himself from laughing out loud when he saw the pink hair clips on both father and son holding back their iconic v shaped bangs.

They were forced by (D/N) to walk to the Shinsengumi looking like that.

"UNCLE ANPAN!" (D/N) grinned and Yamazaki sweat dropped.

"Ahahaa....It's Yamazaki though...." He scratched his cheek awkwardly.

"Where's (Y/N)?" Hijikata asked Yamazaki, while crossing his arms over his chest. "Oh, (Y/N)-san went out to purchase some medical materials that she needs. She should be back soon." Yamazaki says.

"Alright. We'll be staying at my office," Hijikata says as he started walking down the hallways. "Come on, you two." He grunted, as (D/N) and (S/N) follow after him.

Suddenly as Hijikata was walking towards the office, he spots something glint from the corner of his eye.

His years of experience from surviving multiple assassination attempts from his subordinate immediately kicked in and he grabbed (S/N) and (D/N) and tackled them to the ground.

"Oh? If it isn't Hijikata-san!!"

It was Sougo.

"SOUGO! That's dangerous!! (Y/N) would kill you and I both if you had put (S/N) or (D/N) in danger!!!" Hijikata yelled vexedly as he turned to glare daggers at Okita.

"Sorry, sorry. I thought I saw a cockroach so I immediately tried to get rid of it." Okita spoke with his usual monotone voice and easily brushed it off.


"But looking closer, I think it's only a barbie doll." Okita snickered, eyeing Hijikata's pink hair clips. "Shut up." Hijikata grumbled at Okita who was obviously trying to tease and make fun of Hijikata as usual.

Minutes later, Hijikata, (S/N) and Okita sat at the porch outside Hijikata's office watching as (D/N) enthusiastically picked out flowers from the garden.

Hijikata crossed his arms over his chest as he leaned his head on the wooden pole, eyes gazing at (D/N) cautiously, watching for any danger around.

Nope, Hijikata wasn't over protective— he was just.......too cautious.

"Wow, Hijikata-san. You look like a total freak." Okita snickered again and Hijikata sighs. "And you're an actual freak." Hijikata retorts, with a roll of his eyes. "(S/N), stay away from him. You might catch his sadism."

"Dad, what's BDSM?"

"OI, I DIDN'T SAY ANYTHING ABOUT THAT!!" Hijikata panicked, (Y/N) would kill him if she found out he ruined his son's innocence.

"I saw it here. Uncle Sougo gave it to me," (S/N) lifted up a BDSM Magazine while Okita snickered. "My, my Hijikata-san," He put a hand to his mouth.

"(Y/N)-nee is gonna kill you," He darkly laughed.


Suddenly, (D/N) was running back towards then with a bunch of pretty, plucked out flowers in her hands. Hijikata's eyes slightly widened as he opened his arms, expecting (D/N) to run to him but then—

(D/N) ran into Okita's arms.

"These are for you, Uncle Sougo!!" (D/N) beamed pushing all the flowers into his arms, while Okita looked stunned for a while. Then, he felt the temperature around him drop, as well as an intense stare directed at him.

"Oh, for Sougo huh?....I see, I see...." Hijikata nodded trying not to let his irritation show. Mayne he could finally get revenge on Okita, tie him in his sleep, place his feet in a bucket of cement and drop him in an ocean

Okita immediately smirked and found another way to irritate the poor man.

"Oh, thank you, (D/N)! Wow, these are so pretty! You like me that much?" Okita says as he starts petting (D/N)'s head which the child seemed to like.

"Yes! I wanna marry Uncle Sougo when I grow up!!"

"What if I don't want to?"

Hijikata's jaw dropped.


Before Hijikata could mutter out a string of infinite curses at Okita (Y/N) appeared.

"Dear? No cursing in front of the kids." She gave an innocent smile with a killing intent hidden behind it and Hijikata gulped nervously.

"Hahahaha, I-I wasn't gonna curse!"

After a while of hanging out, Hijikata had fallen asleep with his head slumped to the wooden pole, (D/N) had gone off to pick flowers again while (S/N) spotted a marker.

(S/N) smirked evilly as he grabbed the marker and took the lid off, and just when he was about to scribble on Hijikata's face— Okita stopped him.

"(S/N), no." Okita waved a finger with the same monotone face.

"Don't use markers, use this instead." Okita handed (S/N) a bucket of blue paint complete with a brush.

"Thank you, Uncle Sougo!!" (S/N) grinned, throwing the marker to the side and he started painting on poor Hijikata's face.


"Oh, Toshi!! Look at that!! (S/N)-kun and (D/N)-chan are here today!!" Kondo greeted, walking towards them as he opened his arms to welcome the kids.

"UNCLE KONDO!" (S/N) bowed to a random gorilla passing by. "Uncle Kondo!" (D/N) smiled at the same gorilla (S/N) was bowing to.

"I'M RIGHT HERE THOUGH?!?!" Kondo yelled standing beside the actual gorilla who the kids greeted.

"Aside from that, why is there a gorilla in the Shinsengumi Compounds?...." Hijikata sighs exasperatedly at the sight.

"(S/N), (D/N)— Over here!!" (Y/N) called them over and the two kids immediately ran to their mother. "Do you wanna come with Mommy?" (Y/N) smiled at them as the two nodded.

(Y/N) then stood up and carried (D/N) away with her while (S/N) followed her. Hijikata was left sitting on the porch.

"Oi....you're forgetting me...." Hijikata sulked a little. "H-How could my own wife and kids forget me...." He depressedly stood up and followed after them.


".....Toshi....Where's (S/N)?" (Y/N) looked around her office to see only (D/N)— who was busy playing with Hijikata's hair as the vice commander was only sitting and admiring the view from the garden.

Hijikata looked around and realized that (S/N) indeed wasn't around. "Go look for him," (Y/N) glared at him and Hijikata sighed

"And if you don't find him...kill yourself." She spoke with such a gentle, kind smile you would've thought she was kidding— But she wasn't.

"Hahahaha, Bye-bye Daddy!~" (D/N) waved happily to Hijikata as she ran over to (Y/N).

"I-I'm sure (S/N) will be somewhere here and he'll be just perfectly fine, hahahaa." Hijikata nervously laughed to himself. Just then, he was passing by Okita's room when he heard something.

"Prepare yourself, (S/N)....." Okita spoke in a low voice. "This is your fate as Hijikata-san's son, if you have anyone to blame— BLAME HIJIKATA-SAN!" Okita's voice raised and the shadows of the shoji door showed Okita raising his sword and a smaller figure standing in front of him.

"(S/N)!!!!! SOUGO DON'T KILL HIM—!!" Hijikata flings the door open to see (S/N) with uneven bangs instead of his usual v shaped bangs much similar to Hijikata's.


"Oh, Hijikata-san."

Then, all of a sudden (S/N)'s uneven bangs suddenly grew back into the v shaped bangs.

It just went 'poof'.

"....What's happening here?" Hijikata sighed as he crossed his arms, demanding an explanation as to why Okita had been trying to cut (S/N)'s bangs with his sword.

"Cut him some slack, Hijikata-san. (S/N) already has had enough trouble of having your face, but it seems like he's cursed with the v-shape curse as well." Okita casually says as he sheathed his sword.

"What? Wait, it's no use asking Sougo....(S/N), you explain!" Hijikata turned to his son who pouted. "My bangs were getting in the way, I wanted to ask Uncle Sougo to trim them. But it keeps growing back every time we cut it!!"

"It's the V-Shape curse. Your father has it, blame him."



"Honey, my work is done. We can go—" (Y/N) sees Hijikata put a finger up to his lips, signalling her to keep quiet. Then, he glanced down at the two kids sleeping on his lap.

"....Well, we can stay here for the night, I guess..." She sighs softly with a smile, preparing to take out their futon. Hijikata used to stay in his room/office all the time.

After Hijikata gently laid (S/N) and (D/N) in their respective futon, he slipped into a futon beside (Y/N).

"It's been so long since I slept here again," Hijikata smiled lowly as he gently wrapped his arms around (Y/N). "The first time I slept here was when I...confessed to you," (Y/N) blushed lightly and smiled.

"....Thank you, (Y/N)." Hijikata suddenly tightened his grip on her, and laid his chin to rest atop her head, his eyes fixated on the far distance.

"What's gotten into you all of a sudden?" (Y/N) joked, feeling that Hijikata was suddenly going to say some sweet, sappy stuff without even knowing it.

"....You've given me everything I ever wanted. You've given me everything, and for that I will forever be thankful." His voice was getting weaker and she even thought he would start bawling his eyes out. 'Ah, I forgot.....Toshi gets all sentimental when it's night....'

"You're so precious to me, (S/N) and (D/N) too. I love them so much, thank you (Y/N). I love you so much....I'm willing to do anything to keep you safe."

"I just want the family I love to be happy...."

"Toshi, you don't have to say thank you every time." She giggled as she moved away slightly to look at his face. "You're everything we ever wanted and more too. I'm sure (S/N) and (D/N) are proud that you are their father, and I couldn't be any more proud and happy that you're my husband." She pinched his cheek lightly and leaned closer.

"I love you, Toshi. I'm sure (S/N) and (D/N) love you so much too!"

".......(Y/N)!" Hijikata looked at her with tears in his eyes.

"Ack, Toshi— NO! DON'T CRY!!"

Now, Hijikata was sobbing.

"Wait— Toshi, Why do you have  blue paint drawn all over your face?"


THIS IS FOR U yeetedintoouterspace BUT IM SORRY IT WAS BAD. AHH! IM SO SO SO SORRY. But, uh...Hijikata loves you.? ♥️ Hope u like it hehe

Requests still open!! ♥️♥️♥️♥️ WAIT NO— I'LL BE ACCEPTING ONLY 18 MORE REQUESTS!! The book is almost full!!! the book is almost coming to an end, voting stops at 190th.


And help Bisha-chan's man (Gintoki) become #1 too!! ♥️♥️♥️♥️

These are the characters you can vote on:

Takasugi Shinsuke

Sakata Gintoki

Katsura Kotaro

Sakamoto Tatsuma

Hijikata Toshiro

Okita Sougo




Yoshida Shoyo/Utsuro (?)

Kawakami Bansai

Toujo Ayumu

Kondo Isao

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