Come My Way (Hijikata Toshiro and Takasugi Shinsuke)

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"Ehem. I just can't help but notice you work all day— so I-I guess you deserve a reward." Hijikata clears his throat, before his facial expressions turned serious, and his voice got deeper.

"Alright, that's perfect." Hijikata chimed happily, snapping his fingers as a confident smile appears on his lips.

He was talking to a reflection of himself on a window.

"You can do this. You're just gonna give her one can of coffee— her favourite. Just say you passed by and saw her, yeah. That's a perfect excuse." Hijikata encouraged himself as he took deep breaths.

"Wow, Hijikata-san. I didn't know you were such a wimp." Okita's monotone voice comments as Hijikata flinched. "I-I'm not!" Hijikata growled at Okita who smirked and appeared out of nowhere.

"Practicing before you talk to a girl? What's wimpier than that?" Okita shrugged his shoulders and smirked. "Oh, I know!" Okita feigned excitement and raised a finger.

"The demon vice commander doesn't have the courage to talk to a woman he likes~"

"I CAN! SHUT UP AND GO WORK!" Hijikata growls as he kicks Okita away and sigh slowly. "A-Alright, here I go...." Hijikata gulped thinly as he walked inside the small bookstore.

Hijikata's metallic blue eyes draw over to her beautiful figure, she was sitting behind the counter with her eyes locked on the book in her hands.

Hijikata felt his breath hitch in his throat, 'She's so beautiful....' Hijikata watched her with a very love struck expression on his face.

The sun gently illuminated her beautiful (H/L) (H/C) hair that beautifully framed her face, her eccentric (E/C) eyes that were focused on her book, and her naturally red lips which she occasionally bit.

"I.....could stare at this for hours." Hijikata sighed dreamily, but then she looked up and her (E/C) eyes met his blue ones.

"Hijikata-san, are you on patrol?" Her eyes were lighting up again, and with that beautiful smile hanging unto her lips. "Y-Yeah, I happened to pass by." Hijikata nervously laughs, he always got nervous around her.

"I bought some coffee, but the vending machine gave me two....So I figured you'd want some." Hijikata sputtered, pushing a can of coffee unto the counter.

"Oh, my favourite! Thank you, Hijikata-san. You're working hard, huh?" She hums, opening the can swiftly while Hijikata took a seat beside her. "Y-Yeah, I guess."

"So what brings you here?" She asked again, innocent eyes looking up at Hijikata who blushed again. He never can keep his emotions in check whenever he was with her.

"I, uh....I‐I....." Hijikata stammered, unable to find the right words to say. 'W-WHAT SHOULD I SAY?! That I just went here to see her?! That I deliberately bought 2 cans of her favourite coffee to use as an excuse to see her? No!! She'd think I'm crazy. Why can't FollowKata ToshiFollow follow this one up?!'

"Obviously, Hijikata-san's here to get some. If you know what I mean, (Y/N)-san." Okita suddenly spoke up from beside Hijikata.

"Okita-san, what do you mean?" (Y/N) turned to Okita who shrugged and suddenly a pile of BDSM Magazines appeared on the counter.

"This might help." Okita plainly says, "O-Oi, Sougo!!" Hijikata covered Okita's face with his hand and pushed him away.

"W-We have work to do. See you soon, (Y/N)!" Hijikata yells as he ran out with Okita.

".....So, uh....What do I do with this?" (Y/N) sweat dropped at the pile of BDSM Magazines which Okita left.

"I leave you for a week and you've developed a fetish, (Y/N)?" Takasugi smirked as he walked in. "Oh, Shin!" (Y/N) clasped her hands together as Takasugi examined the bunch of magazines on the counter.

"T-That isn't mine! A friend of mine's friend left it there. I don't even plan on reading that!" The female grew red at the statement and hid it away from Takasugi's sight.

"Well, it would do you good to read this kind of stuff. You could use it, one day." Takasugi sent her a smirk and she pouted.

"Shut up! You visit here after a long while just to make fun of me?!"

"Yeah, I come for the fun of it." Takasugu admitted, sitting himself on a chair and bringing his smoking pipe out.

"Honestly, Shin...." (Y/N) sighs as she placed a hand to her forehead. "Just shut up and read your book." Takasugi says with a slight laugh, as (Y/N) huffs and picks her book up again.

Takasugi gazed at her as he pulled his smoking pipe out and puffed out smoke. "......Just stay like that, happy and safe... " Takasugi whispers, as he savoured the beautiful scene in front of him.

Takasugi stumbled upon her on pure accident. It was a rainy night, Takasugi had just come back after he did some bad thing.

It was a romantic encounter.

Takasugi was caught in the rain, no umbrella, no shelter and no one to go to. That was until (Y/N) arrived, holding up her (Favourite Color) umbrella to him with that purely genuine smile full of nothing but kindness.

(Y/N) was even kind enough to let him dry his clothes off at her house, thus leading to the present. Takasugi fell in love with her at first sight. From then on, he always made it his routine to visit her at least once a week.

But he never revealed to her his true identity. She knew him as "Shin" a samurai, who she saved from the rain. Not as Takasugi Shinsuke, the wanted terrorist.


".....Shin, isn't it a bit early?" (Y/N) asked when Takasugi entered through the doors of her just opened book store. "What owner scolds the first customer she receives?" Takasugi lightly humoured, as he saunters over to where she was fixing up the books.

"What customer? I don't see anyone." She huffed and then continued placing the books on the shelf. "....New books?" Takasugi asked her as she nodded with a deep sigh.

"Yes, a whole new shipment of books came yesterday. So, I have to fix this all up by today." She explained, while Takasugi casually started placing the books into the shelves quietly.

"....Shin, what are you doing?"

"Helping you."

"...I get that. But why are you helping me?"

"....Do you want help or not?" Takasugi turned to give her a dead look and she giggled. "Alright, alright. I get it, thanks for your help. Shin!" She beams as she leaned closer and placed a quick peck on his cheek.

He knew it was just her own way of saying thank you, but with the feelings he held for the woman— it was impossible to think that it was just a sign of her gratitude.

"....Don't do that." He lowly says as he continued sorting the books out. "I'm gonna go get the other new books from inside." (Y/N) exclaims as she ran inside.

While she wasn't there, the wind chimes rang— a signal that someone had entered the shop.

"Huh? (Y/N) isn't here?" It was Hijikata.

"The owner is busy right now." Takasugi stated boredly from behind the shelf, so Hijikata couldn't really see him. If he did, all hell would've broken loose already.

"Shin, Can you help me carry the box? It was heavier than I expected. It's all the way back." (Y/N) walked back into the room, Takasugi nodded and quickly went inside to help her.

"Oh, Hijikata-san. What brings you here in the early morning?" (Y/N) grinned when she saw Hijikata inside. "Oh, uh. W-Well, I heard that a lot of theft and robberies happen in this area recently. I just came to check up on you, is everything fine?" Hijikata asked her worriedly.

"Everything is fine, Hijikata-san. Thank you for your concern." She placed a hand on his shoulder. "But, you should keep yourself safe too! Thank you for always working hard to protect Edo!!" She smiled at him and Hijikata blushed a deep red.

"Oh right, when did you get a part timer?" Hijikata asked her, suddenly remembering about the man who answered to him when he was looking for (Y/N).

"Oh, I didn't. It's my friend, Shin. I've got a lot of shipments come in yesterday and I'm fixing it up." (Y/N) stated as she tilted her head slightly.

"You should meet him! I think the two of you would make great friends!"

"(Y/N)-san, please just let Hijikata-san get some. He's always been—" Okita appeared out of nowhere once more.

"SOUGO! WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU SAYING!?" Hijikata slapped a hand over Okita's mouth. "U-Unfortunately we have work to do! T-Then, see you soon again, (Y/N)!" Hijikata ran out again.

"Hijikata-san is actually a Tsundere, huh? He's pretty cute." (Y/N) giggled to herself as she turned to see Takasugi carrying the boxes.

"Was it a customer?" He asked her, while laying the boxes down.

"No, It's a close friend of mine." She beamed, as she started working again. "He always comes visit me to make sure I'm safe and all. I should introduce you to him, I feel like you'd be great friends!"


"Hijikata-san, this isn't good." Okita calls out as he sees Hijikata flinch at his call. "W-What do you want now, Sougo?" Hijikata sighed, he has had enough teasing from the younger male.

Okita knew Hijikata was in love with (Y/N) from the book store, that's why he always teased him. "You should confess to (Y/N)-san soon. If you don't, you'll completely loose your chance and die." Okita ended with a dark snicker.

"I know.........I know that." Hijikata whispered lowly to himself as he clenched his fist and stood up. Then he realized something—

"Wait— WHY WILL I DIE?!"


"Shinsuke....I think you need to get yourself checked out." Bansai sweat dropped when he caught Takasugi looking out the window while smiling.

Takasugi never smiled.

Bansai even thought that Takasugi didn't know how to smile.

"...What did you say?" Takasugi turned to Bansai with a fierce glare, as if he wasn't just smiling a second ago.

"W-Well," Bansai cleared his throat, "It's just that I've noticed you kept looking out the window and then you'd suddenly start smiling." Bansai explained.

".....Is it about her?" Bansai asked him quietly. Among the Kiheitai, Takasugi sneaking out to see (Y/N) was a huge secret. It was only Bansai who knew about it.

Takasugi's silence had answered Bansai's questions. With an audible sigh, Bansai pushed up his sunglasses. "Shinsuke, I think you know what you need to do."

"....I know." Takasugi curtly answered as he stood up. "I know that very well."


(Y/N) was humming while she was closing up shop, it was quite late in the afternoon and she needed to close up soon. She was tired after a hectic day of working. As she was about to walk back inside her shop after fixing up some things outside, she heard two yells.



Whipping her head back around, she sees Takasugi on her left side and Hijikata on her right side. "Hijikata-san, Shin!" She cocked her head to the side while the two men glared at each other.

Even (Y/N) could sense the tension between the two men as they glared daggers into each other. "TAKASUGI!" Hijikata yells as he brings his sword out and points it at the purple haired male.

"Oh, from the Shinsengumi." Takasugi nonchalantly spoke, keeping his usual smug smirk on his face as he puts his smoking pipe between his lips.

"Wait— Shin, Hijikata-san you knew each other?" (Y/N) clapped her hands together happily. "That makes it easier then! Are you good friends?" She asked again, completely oblivious of both men's hostile intentions to each other.

"(Y/N), you better stay away from that man. He's dangerous, come over here!" Hijikata says as he cautiously held out one hand for (Y/N) to grab while still keeping a tight hold on his sword.

"(Y/N), don't listen to the dogs of the Bakufu. Come over here, I have something to say to you." Takasugi spoke again, his eye was focused on her and (Y/N) felt like she couldn't look away.

"Oh yeah?! I have something to say to (Y/N) too!" Hijikata yells angrily, a vein was even popping on his head.

"......Well, if you both have something to say. Why don't you say it now?" (Y/N) sighs with a hand to her waist as she shot both men a serious look.

(Y/N) is probably the only woman in the world who can order around Takasugi and Hijikata.

"You go first," Hijikata blushed, as he looked at (Y/N).

"No, you go first." Takasugi huffed, pushing it right back at Hijikata.

"No, you!"

"No, you."

"I said you go, damn it!"

"I said, you. Shut up."

"Are you kids!?" (Y/N) yells, cutting off the two's child-like bicker with her own. "Shin, you're up first!" She declares with a loud growl, turning her head towards Takasugi while Hijikata shot the man a smug look.

"(Y/N), I know I haven't been truly honest with you. But, I only hid my identity because I was worried for your safety, so please understand." Takasugi started, not breaking eye contact with her.

"I am completely honest when I say that I have only nothing but love for you. I have no other intentions but to make you mine because I have fallen for you." He stated strongly. "You're a one of a kind woman for me, the only woman who was ever able to make me feel this way. I know that what I feel is love and nothing but all the purest intentions." Takasugi looked down for a bit.

"So, please....come my way, (Y/N). I will be completely open, honest and truthful to you. I will love you with no lies."

"Shin....." (Y/N) gasped, as she felt her cheeks going red. "I-I......"

"It's my turn!" Hijikata interrupted making (Y/N) turn to him now. Takasugi shot him an irritated look when Hijikata cleared his throat and prepared himself.

"O-Okay, look. I know I'm a bit awkward and shy," Hijikata started, "But that only happens when I'm around you. Because... I love you." Hijikata admitted, now staring at her seriously.

"I am determined to protect you at all costs, I will never put you in harm's way. I find myself changing and doing the unthinkable because of you, I love you that much, (Y/N). You were able to change me." Hijikata spoke softly.

"I.....I never really liked coffee until I saw you drink that. After I learned it was your favourite, I always bought coffee for you in the mornings." Hijikata confessed as he smiled lowly at her.

"I promise to protect you with all my might. I love you, (Y/N). So, won't you please come my way?....." Hijikata ended.

"Hijikata-san...." (Y/N) covered her mouth. Takasugi and Hijikata were both looking at her with serious expressions on their faces, none of the two were backing down now.

"I.....I don't know— what-what should I......."

I....would like to apologize for this bad fic. I'm really sorry. Uhm, this is for you tiff_reads!! As promised. Also, this is the 150th chapter!! Yahoo, only 50 more to go and we will bid goodbye to this book 😭😭😭😭 (actually the requests have reached past 160— so actually about 40 more!)

I hope u like this and uhm, thank you for everyone's support! I love u all, and thanks so much. Bisha-chan will definitely,definitely do her best and really really work hard for all you guys!! 😭😭♥️♥️

Requests still open! ♥️♥️♥️


And help Bisha-chan's man (Gintoki) become #1 too!! ♥️♥️♥️♥️

These are the characters you can vote on:

Takasugi Shinsuke

Sakata Gintoki

Katsura Kotaro

Sakamoto Tatsuma

Hijikata Toshiro

Okita Sougo




Yoshida Shoyo/Utsuro (?)

Toujo Ayumu

Kondo Isao

Kawakami Bansai

Saito Shimaru

Shimura Shinpachi

Yamazaki Sagaru

Sakata Kintoki (?)

Hattori Zenzou

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