Any Time (Hijikata Toshiro)

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"You ready?" Hijikata calls out to (Y/N) who had just ran out from the Shinsengumi Base. They were going on one of their long awaited dates. The two had been a couple for a long time now but had decided to keep it hidden from the rest of the Shinsengumi.

"Yeah! Let's eat first, I'm getting hungry!" (Y/N) beamed happily as she looped her arms around Hijikata's and they both walked away.

"You ready, Sougo 13, Zaki 13?" Kondo came out from behind a bush with their respective black sunglasses and sniper rifles on. "Sougo 13, ready to kill, Gorilla 13." Okita saluted at Kondo.

"Zaki 13 ready for duty!" Yamazaki saluted too. Unfortunately for Hijikata, Yamazaki overheard their plans to go on a date. Greatly shocked by the information he relayed it to Kondo and Okita who then decided to watch over it.

(Y/N) was the Shinsengumu's beloved. Everyone absolutely adored her, and they were definitely not gonna let anyone who dare to hurt her off the hook. May it be the Shinsengumi's Demonic Vice Captain, Hijikata, himself.

"Roll out!!" Kondo yells as they quickly ran after the couple.

"I'm surprised you took me here, don't you hate sweets?" (Y/N) stated amusedly, as she smirked at Hijikata who sat opposite of her with that small blush on his face. "You love sweets...and I heard from some sweet freak that you've been talking a lot about this new shop or something..." He mumbles as she grinned.

"You're too cute, Toshi!~" She giggled as their orders were placed in front of them. Hijikata had no sweet tooth. But for his girlfriend who loved sweets, he was willing to give it a try.

"This is so good! You have to try it!" She smiles, as she scooped up a bit of the cake on her spoon and held it out towards Hijikata.

"S-She's feeding him!? That lucky—" Yamazaki gasped as the three assassins sat 2 tables away from the couple. Kondo was getting reprimanded by a waitress saying that they shouldn't bring guns in there. "Don't worry, I'll make sure he won't get a single bite from (Y/N)-nee~"Okita's eyes glinted with mischief as he looked through the crosshairs of his sniper rifle and pointed it at the spoon that (Y/N) held.

Just before Hijikata could take the food, he saw something glint from the corner of his eye and then something whizzed past his face and hit the cake off from the spoon. Hijikata sweat dropped.

'T-THAT WAS CLOSE! That was totally a bullet right?! Someone tried to shoot me right?!' Hijikata quickly looked around until he met Okita's wide smirk. Hijikata paled, their date was definitely gonna be destroyed.

"Finished already?" (Y/N) blinked when she saw the cake wasn't there anymore. "Here!~" she held out the spoon towards Hijikata again and while she wasn't looking, Okita shot it off again.

Hijikata gulped, with Okita there they wouldn't be able to have a peaceful time. He then stood up, "I think I'm full! Come on, let's go somewhere else!" Hijikata says as he forced (Y/N) to stand up and go to their next destination.

"Ah...My cake, farewell, my beloved...." (Y/N) sniffed dramatically as they went to their next date spot.

"Oh, Toshi! Look, isn't it cute?~" The next date spot was a dog cafe. Hijikata knew of the woman's soft spot for dogs so he planned this ahead. He watched as she played with 2 cute dogs who had come towards her.

She had the brightest smile on her face and Hijikata felt at peace. As long as she had that smile on her face, he was happy as well. "Come on, Toshi! They're so nice!" She says tugging on his arm she pulled him down to sit beside her.

"You're right..." Hijikata smiled softly, though he gaze wasn't on the dogs, it was on (Y/N). "Do you wa—" before Hijikata could continue something interrupted him.

"Chief, they're having fun." Yamazaki reported through the binoculars, they were right behind the two and watched as they acted all lovey dovey. "Who's the Chief!? I'm Gorilla 13! This won't do!!" Kondo yelled. "I've got just the thing for this." Okita patted Kondo's shoulder and gave him a thumbs up.

"Yamazaki, go stick these in Hijikata's yukata." He had an evil look on his face as he handed Yamazaki what seemed like beef jerky. "As you say so..." Yamazaki sneaked up behind Hijikata without being noticed, he was used to covert operations after all.

When Yamazaki got back, they watched as the dogs chased after Hijikata. "W-W-WHAT'S HAPPENING?!" Hijikata yells as he sprinted fast away from the dogs while (Y/N) worriedly gazed at him. "Oh, Toshi..."

Hijikata then saw Okita again with that sadistic smirk and he flinched. 'IT'S HIM AGAIN?!' He quickly ran back towards (Y/N) and grabbed her wrist and ran away. "Let's go to the next spot!!" He yells at her while (Y/N) was looking confused.

The next thing they were at was the dango shop which offered a splendid view of the bridge and the river. The two sat there enjoying the dango and the view. Hijikata nervously placed his hand on top of (Y/N)'s hand as they admired the view.

"(Y/N), I'm sorry..." Hijikata suddenly blurted out while the female was eating some dango. "What's that for, Toshi?~" She chirped in a happy tone as she met her (E/C) orbs with Hijikata's steel blue ones. "It's been a while since we went on a date and...I wanted to do everything to make it perfect." He sighed deeply.

"But there are idiots who ruined it...I'm barely restraining my anger right now because I don't want to lash out in front of you." Hijikata says guiltily, then he hears her chuckle lowly.

"Toshi, any time I spend with you is a memory that I cherish ever single day." She says as she smiles at Hijikata. "I don't really care if you lash out in front of me or something, I will always love you no matter what, Toshi! Even if we don't go on many dates, I still love you." She leans in and places a soft kiss on the corner of his lips.

"You don't need to take me on a date to show me how much you love me, Toshi~" She chuckled lightly again when suddenly a man stepped on (Y/N)'s foot. "Ow!"

"Look where you're placing your foot on missy!!" The man yells at (Y/N). (Y/N) sees Hijikata clenching his fist tightly at his side. "You should apologize to her..." He spoke lowly while (Y/N) placed a hand on his shoulder.

"Don't hold me back, (Y/N)." Hijikata says as he turned to glare at the man. "Huuuh?! Who do you think you are huh?!" The man was now poking Hijikata's chest. "Toshi...I wasn't gonna stop you," (Y/N) nodded at Hijikata.

"Go kill that sorry excuse of a man." She smirked as Hijikata stood up, the man immediately felt intimidated because Hijikata was taller than him.

"Who am I?...." Hijikata smirked devilishly at him, "I'm the Shinsengumi's Demonic Vice Chief, Hijikata Toshiro you dumbass!!!"



Yaaaaay! Toshi!!!! Thanks for the request tiff_reads hope you like it ♥️♥️♥️♥️

Requests still open guys!~ ♥️♥️♥️♥️

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