Addicted (Sakata Gintoki)

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"Gin-san! That's the 3rd carton of strawberry milk you've had!" Shinpachi gapes, as Gintoki places an empty carton of the strawberry milk down on the table.

"Already? It's not enough." Gintoki sighs as he reached out for his JUMP and started picking his nose.

"Honestly, why are you so addicted to sweets?" Shinpachi sighs, as he started cleaning up the mess once more. Gintoki huffed and tirned away from Shinpachi to focus on his JUMP.

An unreadable expression plastered on his face as his mind wanders over to a small memory he had back in his old days at Shoka Sonjuku


"A kid?...." A young girl with (H/C) hair and (E/C) eyes peeked out from the door of the Shoka Sonjuku. She sees Shoyo carrying a kid with silver hair on his back. "(Y/N)-chan, could you go get us some water please?" Shoyo says as he placed Gintoki down and he looked around.

"Here you go, Sensei!" She cheerfully brought them back water and gave Gintoki one too. "Who are you?" (Y/N) asks, peering straight into Gintoki's eyes. "Sakata Gintoki."

He curtly answers and turned away from her. Indicating he didn't want to talk to her anymore than neccessary.

"He'll be living with us from now on. You'll be sharing a room with him too, (Y/N)-chan. Be sure to be nice to him, alright?" Shoyo says as he moved away and left the two kids alone.

"Then, I'm (Last Name) (First Name)! Nice to meet you, Gin-kun!" She extended her hand to him and he stared at it before he scoffed.

"Pretty rude for a first time meeting...But it's alright! You'll feel at home here soon! Come on, I'll show you our room!" She grabs his hand and dragged him along with her as she showed him around.

Gintoki could do nothing but stare at her with fondness in his eyes. She was so gentle, kind and warm. He felt at ease as long as she was by his side. And without knowing she did, she already found a place in his heart.

"Hey....Can't sleep?" (Y/N) frowned, she woke up in the middle of the night, and spotted Gintoki hugging his sword as he sat on his futon. Gintoki didn't reply but only hugged his sword tighter.

"Hold on." She got up from her futon and went out the door. A few minutes later she came back with a glass of strawbery milk.

"It's my favourite. Sensei bought it for me a while back because I have a massive sweeth tooth. After you drink that, you'll fall asleep right away!" She says as she moved her futon by his futon.

"And I'll sleep with you too, so you don't have to be scared!" She beams at him. Gintoki drank the milk, and his eyes widened, as he felt drowsy. He was getting sleepy as she said he would.

"Come on, we have to wake up early tomorrow." (Y/N) giggles as Gintoki let go of the sword. He laid on the futon and (Y/N) placed a blanket over the two of them as she hugged Gintoki close to her.

"It'll be fine. I'm always here..." She mutters lowly, Gintoki's eyes flutter close and those were the last words he heard before he had fallen to slumber.


"Too noisy! What the hell do you want!?" Gintoki yells as Kagura and Shinpachi sat opposite of him. "Tell us the story of how you got addicted to sweets, Gin-chan! We wanna know!" Kagura whined, Shinpachi nodding in agreement.

"I accidentally found it when I was sneaking into the fridge and I liked it ever since! Got that?! Now let Gin-san read his JUMP!" Gintoki huffed, moving over to his JUMP again.

"It's not believeable. You're trying to hide something." Shinpachi crossed his arms and looked deep in thought. "Gin-chan! We wanna know! We wanna know!"


"Sensei punished you again?" Gintoki hears her smooth, soft voice call out to him. He lifted his head to see (Y/N) sitting on top of the rock that was in front of him. "Tsk, it's the shorty's fault not mine." Gintoki huffed and puffed his cheeks.

"Idiot. Sensei will always punish you if you never learn to get along with Shinsuke-kun and Kotaro-kun, they're new friends after all." She hums along, as she took out a candy and popped it into her mouth.

"Hey, I'm hungry. Give me one of those things you're always eating." He says, his red eyes focused on her. (Y/N) sighs and smiled before she brought out a lollipop. "If you tell sensei I gave it to you, I'm gonna hit you- got it?" She says as she handed him the lollipop.

"It's sweet." He remarked as she laughed out loud. "Of course it is, idiot. I have to get going, I need to prepare dinner soon. Try to get along well with Shinsuke-kun and Kotaro-kun, okay, Gin-kun?" She shot him a glance over her shoulder.

Gintoki blushed at this and huffed. "I'll try...but no promises!"


"Hey, Gin-chan. We're out of soy sauce." Kagura gasped, she'd be raiding the fridge since she got hungry again.

Gintoki didn't reply but continued to read his JUMP. "Jeez, Gin-san is so irresponsible even though he's already an adult. I wonder how he survived like this." Shinpachi shook his head as he placed his head phones on and started listening to Otsuu's songs.


"H-Hey, Gin-kun. Aren't you a bit too close?" (Y/N) looked around, a red blush spreading on her cheeks as Gintoki pushed her back towards the wall.

"Close? What do you mean." His warm breath accompanied his husky voice brushed across her skin.

"W-Well..." She looked down, embarrassedly. Gintoki smirked at her expression and he placed his hand on her cheek, cupping it tenderly. "Tatsuma was obviously flirting with you back there." He stated, his red eyes meeting her (E/C) orbs as he gave her an intense gaze.

"I-It's not like I like Tatsuma-kun or anything..." She says, her voice growing weaker. "Of course you can't. You have to take responsibility for me." Gintoki says as she furrowed her eyebrows.

"Responsibility? What are you saying, Gin-kun?"

Gintoki's smirk widened as he leaned towards her neck. He trailed kisses upon her neck and occasionally left his marks around it.

"Gin-kun!" He felt her grip on his shoulder tighten, her blush growing redder by the second.

"You made me addicted to sweets...and now, you made me addicted to you." Gintoki says as he lifted her chin and placed a sweet kiss upon her lips.


"Gin-kun? I'm home!" (Y/N) yells as she takes her shoes off at the entrance. She gently placed the groceries on the table and Shinpachi started sorting it out. "Thanks, Patsuan." She smiled at Shinpachi. She then grabbed something from the bag and made her way towards Gintoki.

"Look, Gin-kun. There was a sale on puddings today so I bought them." She giggled holding a pudding out to Gintoki who perked up at this. He started eating the pudding but then he gave her a curious gaze. "Don't worry, I bought strawberry milk too." She assured and she saw Gintoki nod approvingly.

"I love you." Gintoki whispers as he finished eating the pudding, now laying his head on her lap as she gently stroked his silver hair. "I love you too, Gin-kun." She smiles warmly as she pecks his forehead.

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