A Maiden (Hijikata Toshirou)

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Hijikata Toushirou couldn't believe what he had been going through right now. It took him quite some time but he finally realized what was going on with him.

That he had a crush on the (H/C) haired woman who was living with the silver haired samurai he despised so much.

And now, here he was patrolling the streets of Kabukicho- To be specific, he was walking back and forth in front of the Yorozuya building.

He felt nervous and was really scared, to the point he had started whacking his head on a nearby pole, not minding the weird stares he got from the passerbys.

"Oh, Hijikata-san? What brings you here?"Her sweet, smooth voice made him jump as he turns to see (Y/N) smiling at him cutely.

"C-Cute..."He mutters as his eyes widened and he cleared his throat, trying to act tough. "I was on a patrol around here." He plays off cooly when Gintoki appeared beside (Y/N) holding a bag of groceries.

"Oi, (Y/N)! Come help me, this is heavy-Ack! What the hell are you doing here, mayora?!"He glares at Hijikata, a vein popping out on his face.

"Gin-kun, you're too hostile. He hasn't even done anything." (Y/N) sighs as she shook her head and forcefully pushed Gintoki away before he could start butting heads with Hijikata again.

"(Y/N)-san...is cute and kind again today."Hijikata sighs as he placed a cigarette in his mouth and looked up to the sky, shrugging his hands in his pockets.

Hijikata first saw (Y/N) when he ran into the Odd Jobs at Ikedaya, she had suddenly swooped in, and even pushed Hijikata away when a bomb had exploded, but Gintoki had dragged her away before Hijikata could even say a word to her.

Ever since then, at every golden opportunity he could grab, he tried to speak to her, but the most he could do was glance at her. He was entranced not only by her beauty but her bravery and her determination. She was such a respectable samurai in Hijikata's eyes, that he slowly found himself in love with this woman.

"Gintoki, Enough of that- Come on." (Y/N) whined as she pulled Gintoki away from Tetsunosuke who challenged him to a dissing rap battle.

"You're too old for these kind of stuffs!"She yells, Hijikata was watching from the other wide of the patrol car, his eyes fixated on (Y/N) alone.

"Alright, Alright."Gintoki ended the battle with throwing Tetsunosuke's underwear at a store and high fiving his friends, but as he got back on the scooter with (Y/N) sitting behind, a police car rammed into them and arrested them.


And now, here Hijikata was, standing in front of Mimawarigumi Officers, bruised and beaten. The burned out cigarette barely holding unto his lips, his eyes widened as he failed to make it in time when the Mimawarigumi Officers attacked Tetsunosuke.

When suddenly, the men were all thrown back with a strong force, once the smoke subsided. Hijikata's eyes spot two figures standing back to back with swords laid on their shoulders.

"Ahh, Gin-kun! Look at what you made me do." (Y/N) sighs, her voice seemingly tired and exhausted.

"Don't worry, it'll be over soon. What? got too old your back hurts with just one hit?"Gintoki mocks her as she scoffed at him, "You're one to talk, for someone who has white hair."


"Come on, I'm not really siding with the Shinsengumi on this, but if you won't save a couple of kids...Then, I might as well just step in save them myself." Gintoki says with a devilish smirk on his lips, his eyes narrowed with a teasing glare.

He and (Y/N) stood protectively in front of the kids along with Tetsunosuke.

"What?..."Hijikata's cigarette dropped from his mouth at the sight. "Whatever Gin-kun does, I follow. It's not that complicated." (Y/N) shrugs as she stares at Hijikata, her (E/C) orbs glowing dangerously as she furrowed her eyebrows and narrowed her eyes.

But oddly enough, Hijikata found it seductive. He was getting turned on by her fierce look, and he definitely won't admit it.

"Oi, Vice Chief- You're up first! Let's see if you can take down the Joui Patriot known as the White Yaksha. I'll thrown in a special and let you battle the Iron Maiden if you're lucky,"Gintoki says as he raises a hand up, gesturing for Hijikata and soon pointed to (Y/N) with his thumb.

"Gintoki, I told you I hated being called by that name." She sighs as she smacks his head and turns around to the kids.

"Hey, Give me the kid."She threatens as they hand Tetsunosuke to (Y/N), and she threw him off the roof.

"There, with that you can start now right?"(Y/N) says as she dusts the dirt off from her hands giving Gintoki an innocent look.

"YOU KILLED HIM?! YOU REALLY KILLED HIM?!"Hijikata yells as he runs to the edge of the roof and looked down, to see Yamazaki and Kondo with their thumbs up.

"But, Vice Chief-They'll get all the glory."Yamazaki whines as they were now on their way back to the patrol cars to go back.

"It's Alright, it's alright. We got the jackpots right here, Right-White Yaksha, Iron Maiden-san?"Hijikata says as he opens the police car to reveal both Gintoki and (Y/N) in hand cuffs.

"Ehem, Policeman-san. This guy here-yes, the white yaksha threatened me into helping him, he said if I didn't help him he would kill me."(Y/N) clears her throat, putting on an innocent look she pointed to Gintoki.

"What's that?! Hey, you bitch! Don't you dare sell me out!"Gintoki yells at her, "Don't worry, I'm also a co-founder of the Odd Jobs so I'll continue it for you."She whispers to Gintoki.

"That's not what I'm worried about!!"Gintoki yells, "Oi, come on-You guys know I'm a model citizen now, besides if we're talking pasts-That member of yours is also a Joui Patriot!"Gintoki whined.

"I never would've dreamed you were a big name Joui like Katsura, the most unexpected one is (Y/N)-san though."Hijikata sighs.

"Alright, Alright. I can give you guys a good deal, if I kill Gintoki for you, will you let me go?"She asks as Gintoki gaped at her.

"The betrayal! Where has our bond of years growing up together gone to?! You're nothing but a traitor! Fine!If I'm going down I'm dragging you with me!Hijikata-kun, Okita-kun! This woman has been meeting with Zura! She's the closest friend of Katsura! If you capture her, surely Zura will come to help her and you can catch him there!!"Gintoki yells while (Y/N) punched him.

"What'cha staring at like that for?!" Hijikata yells at Gintoki noticing the silver haired samurai eyeing him with an intense gaze.

Kondo had decided to release both of them since they did help the Shinsengumi.

"Tsk, you damned tax robber. Normally, I won't let anyone date her, but I won't step in if it's someone she chose. Agh, damn it, just go!" Gintoki pushed Hijikata towards (Y/N), who was rubbing her sore wrists.

"Hijikata-san! I appreciate your help this time." (Y/N) sent him a kind smile to which Hijikata blushed at.

"Well...If you want to pay me back...M-Maybe we could go grab something to eat?" Hijikata turned his head away from hers, so that she couldn't see the blush spread wide on his cheeks.

Hijikata shyly scratched his cheek with a finger, nervously waiting for her reply. (Y/N) turned to Hijikata with wide eyes, she blinked a couple of times before she smiled at him.

"Are you sure? I'm no maiden or lady, in fact- I'm pretty far from it~" She hums as Hijikata now stared at her.

His icy blue orbs bore into her (E/C) ones before he grabbed her hand and interwined his fingers with hers.

Feeling his cheeks heat up at his own bold move, he turned away again and spoke.

"W-Well...In my eyes, you're the perfect maiden- for me."

(Y/N) looked stunned at his words, and she went quiet before she broke out into a fit of giggles. "Hijikata-san, you can be pretty cute sometimes!"

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