mu qing ......

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After that hair thing.

So they continue to talk and have fun with gu zi and a-ling. So end up being a big noise, and looks like the person in the room dislike it. 

Can you all just lower your voice?! he screamed. And walked out too see what happened to make this much of the fuzz, and it was a bad idea. Because when he walked out of his room qi rong was shock since he know that if he came out it will became a disaster.

But the person has no idea about it and came out. Xie lian and feng xin was shock by this person. 

....Mu qing?

It's mu qing he was with qi rong all the time and qi rong said nothing about him.

Mu qing is it really you? xie liand asked and went up to him try to hug him but mu qing turn around and ran back in to the room he was in before and locked it so xie lian and feng xin can't go to him and asked some question.

But xie lian and feng xin keep calling him to open the door and they just want to talk. But mu qing didn't listen, he kept the door shut keeping them out. He wasn't ready to talk with them or met them yet, but they end up found him.

Mu qing sat in the room's floor, with his knees up to his chest and bury his face in his knees. Xie lian and feng xin just kept on asking him to come out.

Qi rong have lived with mu qing for some time he knows that his not ready to see them just yet but they have already saw him, he know that there no way that they will leave him alone after trying to find him for almost more then two years.

Wait let him chose, royal cousin you can't just make him go back, maybe he's not ready yet. He has the power to chose if he want to go with you both. qi rong said.

He's right mu qing does have the power to chose if he want to go back with us. feng xin said. Xie know that but, you want to find him for so long. xie lian said. I agree with qi rong he isn't ready to see or talk with you both after what you said and did. ghostling said he was aggressive.

I... xie lian don't know what to said after that. feng xin was lost in words.

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