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"Welcome in!"

A warm voice shouts as I enter the small cafe- the smell of fresh coffee and warm vanilla fills my nostrils

"It's just me Lux!"

I shout back, allowing my coworker to acknowledge my arrival


"The raggedy lesbian, late as always"

Lux giggles, dragging out the "sss" sound of the "as".

"Oh hush hush- as if you weren't making out with Micheal in the back right before i walked in- I wonder.... what would boss say to that?"

I retort, a grin spreading across my face, as another voice- this one slightly more gravely than the warm voice of Lux shouts from the back-



Soft giggles follow and soon the cafe door swings open once more- the soft ring of the cafe bell echos in my ears, This time I am the warm voice lying behind the small register.

"Welcome in!"

I say, smiling at the pre-teen girl who stands before me

"what can i get started for yuh?"

"Uhh- just a matcha Latte please. No cream"

she mumbles, dodging contact with my eyes.

she seems awfully familiar, I study her face for a moment- However I am unable to place where this strange feeling of knowing is coming from and I reply-

"Of course! your total is $3.41, will that be cash or card?"

Her shy dodging eyes finally meet mine, and for a split second I am left with no control of my body as it shivers in the muscle spasm-ing realization that i have seen these same eyes before- just on a different, older, and taller body.

"Uhhh card please"

The girl grins and I am placed back to reality as I take the card from her small hands. I pause once more, my fingers tracing the name etched apon "her" card-

"Grayson J Richards"

The cafe bell rings yet again and another voice fills the once empty space, this one harsh- and demanding. I know who it belongs to without even having to look up.

"Lucy what the hell is taking you so Long? I said you could use my card for one drink and-"

Mid sentence she pauses, her eyes locked on to mine. I swiftly turn around, heart in my ass as I grab a freshly made matcha latte from Lux's hands.

"Have a nice day!"

I grin at "Lucy" as I hand her her drink, she smiles back at me. Behind her I can still make out the clearly stunned shadow of Grayson lingering in the background, who's eyes I can still feel burning a hole through my skin.

The cafe bell rings once more as the two girls exit and I let out a massive sigh of relief.
I had almost forgotten Lux was still behind me until he aggressively flicks the back of my head, giggling as he says

"Well that's a damn lesbian if I ever did see one"

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