(Y'all get a double feeding today because we hit 50 new followers on TikTok. But no double feeding on the New Recruit because insta is far from 50 followers.)
"I haven't heard from her since."
Everyone stared at me.
"Uh. What was her last name?"
"Um, it was...uh...oh right! Garza!"
Everyone stared at me.
"We arrested her. Alejandro had her locked up." Ghost said.
"Oh..." I looked down at my lap. "That's good I guess..."
"Do you feel... sorry for her?" Soap asked and I looked up shocked.
"Oh no! She was a bad person. I was only with her because I was lonely and refused to dig into everything she did which was pretty hard. That's one of the reasons we broke up. I couldn't turn a blind eye to all the things she was doing anymore. She's not my proudest ex but she was really sweet when you get to know her... although I could tell she never really let her guard down completely with me."
"I can't believe you dated Valeria..." Soap said in awe.
"We barely avoided meeting. You guys caught me about a month later, right?"
"I think it was two." Price said.
The game slowly died down and we all went our separate ways.
"What about this place?"
Ghost clicked on the photo of the gorgeous two story house.
We were in our room, on the bed scrolling through houses.
"It's nice. And it's near by."
Ghost nodded and read the notes. "We can go see it tomorrow."
"Yay! Will you be living with us?" I asked.
"When I can."
"Ghost. When are you gonna retire?"
He was silent, his finger hovering over the laptop's mouse.
"You... you are planning on retiring, right?"
He wouldn't look at me.
"You're not thinking of dying in battle right? Right?"
"You'll have all the money you need to survive. Everything you need will be- OW!"
I bit him angrily and glared.
"You're not dying. We have a family now! You're going to retire and we're gonna be happy and together and in love! Even if you don't love me, I love you! And you're not getting rid of me like that!"
He finally looked at me and examined my face.
"Of course I love you. You're the one that doesn't love me."
"Who the fuck said that?! Why do you think I married you? For shits and giggles?" I bit him again.
I put the laptop aside and crawled on top of him, pinning him to the bed.
"You're mine and I'm yours! What I told Steve was a big ass lie. He has a bladder mouth and I didn't want him going around telling people who could hurt us. But we're married now so you're not getting rid of me! Now fucking kiss me."
He blinked but leaned up and kissed me.
I smiled and began grinding on him. He put his hands on my hips and just as things were heating up, Kiara started to cry in the other room.
I sighed and stopped.
"I'm sure she'll cry herself to sleep." Ghost whispered as I got off his large bulge.
"She's probably hungry or needs a diaper change. I can't leave her like that."
I fixed my shirt as I exited the room and walked into the temporary room where we kept her.
Soap found a crib in the storage for some reason along with some baby shit so we used it on her.
"Hi baby! Are we a little fussy today?" I picked her up and changed her diaper before preparing her a bottle.
I hummed softly and rocked her as I fed her her bottle.
I felt hands on my hips and I was pulled back. I looked up to see Ghost.
He kissed the top of my head and glanced down at Kiara.
"She's already a handful. Are you sure you're ready?"
"I am. But if you're not, that's okay. I can stay away."
"No. It's just gonna take some getting use to. That's all."
"If you ever need time, just say so. I won't judge. I did spring a decision that was supposed to be on both of us on you like that."
He kissed my forehead.
"Don't worry about it."
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