7.Excuse Me?

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"Excuse me?"

"For your crimes, you'd be locked up forever in American federal prison. But it's been decided that you're more useful to us on the field than in the slammer." Price nodded.

"I'll take the slammer, thanks."

"That's not up for you to decide. You'll be accompanying us on missions until your inevitable death."

"That's a bit harsh."

Price nodded.

"Ghost. Please show her to her room."

"Why him? He's creepy."

Without a word, Ghost grabbed the back of my shirt and pulled me along.

"Chill bruh. You know, you have a bad habit of grabbing people without permission. You like ruining my clothes, don't you?"

He said nothing and kept his eyes on the space ahead of us.

"Wait, this isn't the way to my room?"

"You talk too much."

"Don't tell me I talk too much. You don't talk so your opinion doesn't count. Especially since you don't like me."

"If you want to survive here, know when you should keep your mouth shut."

"Soap liked me, he thinks I'm fine when I talk."

For the first time, he glanced at me before opening a door and pushing me in.

I looked around the plain, cologne smelling room.

"Is... this my new room?"

"Is there a problem with this room?"

"It's so...sad and boring. A loser must have decorated this place."

"This is my room."

"HA! Oops. But wait...I refuse to sleep in the same bed as you."

"Your room is in there."

He pointed at the closet.

"What in the Harry Potter?"

He pulled me to the door and opened it to show a small bed and a bookshelf.

"Oh. It's not as bad as I thought. But what is this? Why in your room?"

"So I can keep an eye on you. Make sure you don't try to escape."

"What if I kill you in your sleep?"

"I don't sleep."

"Interesting." I nodded before making a tiny beeline for the twin size bed and sitting down.

"You're only allowed out for meals and the bathroom. Other than that, you stay inside."

The door opened and we both looked over.

"Hey LT. Hey YN."

"Hey, good cop."

"Good cop?"

"What do you need, sergeant?"

"I just came to talk with YN. See if she's settling in alright."

"She has no choice. This is her life now."

Until I escape at least.

"Ah, come on LT. Go easy on her. She's just a kid after all."

"Um, excuse me. I'm like two years younger than you two. I'm not a kid."

They looked at me, glanced at each other then continued to argue.

"Sure she's a criminal, but she's still human. You gotta be nice to her. She's really a nice person. Just talk to her for five minutes and don't be an ass."

"Yeah, don't be an ass anymore. It's rude."

"You. You don't get to talk. Shut up."

"Guess you're stuck being an ass..."

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