(Y'all are hilarious, I love you all so much! I'm happy to be your mama! Also, I finally got #1 on ghost and I've been fighting so hard to get there. Thank you all.also, shout out to that reader that voted on the latest chapter 30 seconds after publication.)
"That's a nasty bruise." Soap cringed and Gaz stared in awe.
"I know. What an ass."
Gaz glanced up and waved. I glanced behind me to see Ghost and Price behind me.
"Put your shirt down."
"Why? Cause I'm exposing your abuse?"
"It's not abuse, it's training." Ghosty crossed his arms.
"You're trying to gaslight me now." I narrowed my eyes.
"You know how."
Price chuckled.
"Shut it, old man, you're not helping."
"Don't you ever speak to the Captain like that again." Ghost glared.
"He ain't no baby. He's okay."
Price smiled and shook his head.
I finally dropped my shirt and looked back at Soap and Gaz who were playing with Budge.
"We have a mission. YN, you missed the briefing so we'll fill you in on the way." Price fixed his hat.
"No need. Just tell me who to kill and we'll be fine."
Ghost grumbled and Price grinned.
"Alright Budge, you're in charge while we're gone." Price nodded and she chirped.
"Feel free to shit all over Ghost's belongings." I added as Ghost pulled me out to the room.
"I'm cooking her ass for dinner."
Budge chirped out a tune and marched about the table like s little soldier.
How cute!
Ghost and I snuck through the halls of a building.
I'm still not sure what's going on.
I just know I have some blades and a few pew pews and I'm excited to use them.
I bounced through the halls and Ghost shot me a glare.
"Will you be quiet?"
"If you let me stab someone!"
"Shut up and get behind me. "
I sighed but backed up behind him.
"La di da di da!"
"YN, shut up!"
"I'm bored! Come on, let me go in first."
"No, it's dangerous!"
"I'm the most dangerous thing here, skully."
"YN, I'm warning you."
"Come on. I need to get this energy out somehow."
"We'll work out later."
"No, you're really mean... my ribs still hurt and are a dark purple and green."
"I'm setting you up for success."
I sneezed into his back and coughed.
"My throat hurts. It's itchy."
"You're getting sick."
"Can I scratch the itch with your cock?"
Ghost stopped walking and I hurried past him.
"Ladies first!"
"YN! Get behind me!"
"I work better alone!"
I poked my head over the corner and saw no one.
"Let's go."
I felt Ghost place a hand on my hips and pull me close to his chest.
"You need to look carefully. You need to stop being so reckless." He mumbled into my ear.
I shivered and glanced at him.
Why is he so close?
"Come on."
We moved on.
I held my blade as I glanced around.
No one.
I was pulled to the ground and Ghost covered me with his body.
"Ow!" I shrieked as my ribs bumped the floor.
Ghost pushed my face into his chest.
I could hear his heart pounding as bullets showered the area.
"But I didn't see them!"
"You need to be more careful! Crap."
Ghost grabbed his shoulder and I looked at it.
"You've been shot!"
"It's fine. Right now we focus on getting out of here in one piece."
I swiped Ghost's legs out from under him and pushed him onto the ground.
"I got this!"
I used one hand to put all my weight on his wound and the other hand to grab my gun.
"Bang bang bitch!" I shot at the three men with a pistol.
"Price you bitch, answer!"
"This is Price how do you copy?"
"Price, Ghost was shot in the shoulder. He's losing a lot of blood. We're heading back to the truck."
"I'm fine Price."
"He's bleeding like a pig at slaughter. I'm O negative blood type. I can stich Ghost up and transfer him blood."
"Copy that. We'll meet you there."
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