20.How dare I?

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(20 chapters already...wow.)

I made it to a park.

There were lots of kids with their families there that looked at me funny.

Shine of them ushered their families away from me.

Can you blame them?

A latter was lowered and I clime up.

"What the bloody fuck, YN!?" Ghost pulled me in and I looked around.

My mood darkened when I saw the man laying on a medical cot.

"G-get her away from me!"

I frowned.

"What the fuck is he doing here?"

I purposely made it so he would be aware of his surroundings in as much pain as possible as he burned, unable to move or pull himself to freedom.

Why did they rescue him?!

"Did you do this?" Ghost asked.

I believe it's in my best interest to not answer that question.

I stormed over and reached for him.

I'm going to throw him out of this plane.

A hand grabbed my wrist as the man screamed.

I looked up to Ghost and frowned.

"Let go."

"What are you gonna do? Mangle him even more?"

"I never said it was me."

"But I'm sure it was."

"I won't confirm shit."

"You can't act this way in the field. You can't just-"

"Those are the limitations of the army. I'm not part of the forces. I'm just me."

"Get her away from me! She's insane!"

"You shut up! I'm just gonna see if this jackass can fly, that's all. It's in the name of science."

"What is with you!? Why are you suddenly so interested in this guy?"

"Interested!? Interested!? I'm not interested! He's sickening. He's disgusting and he deserves more than he got."

"Sit down!" Ghost picked me up and sat me down, tying the seatbelt onto me.

"Fuck off, Ghost!"

"How dare you? First you run away, then-"

"How dare I? I'm not the one that rescued a pedophile when they deserve to burn here an in hell!"

"Is that what this is a about? The face that he's a pedophile? Does that trigger you?"

"What does it matter!? He should be dead!"

That's enough." Price walked over. "That is quite enough.  I get it, tension is high but we all need to take a deep breath. What's done is done."

"Price, she ran away again!"

"No I didn't. I simple went to get some food. I came back. If I had ran away, I would not be here right now. You'd never see me again."

"Oh, shut up. You think so highly of yourself, it's disgusting."

"Not my fault I don't have a low self esteem like you. I know my worth. I won't lower it for you."

"If you were a man, I'd punch you."

"Sexist pig. Punch me anyways."

Do not, that will hurt.

"LT, why don't you go on that side of the plane. A little distance will do you some good."

"You're to soft on her, Johnny."

Ghost turned and walked away. 

"YN, you can't just do that to a man like that and leave. And you set fire to the house? Come on, you're better than that."

"I admit to nothing, Soap."

"You don't have to. We already know." Gaz leaned against the wall with his arms crossed.

Back at base, I stormed into my room.

I shut the door and threw myself onto my bed.

I screamed into my pillow and kicked my legs angrily.

The guy went into surgery but at least he won't recover completely.

"Hey kid."

I looked up to Price who smiled at me.

"What do you want, old man?"

He chuckled.

"I came to see how you're holding up."

"I'm fine."

"You're part of my team now. So I'll be looking out for you. Dinner will be ready soon. I expect you at the table in 15."

I watched him close the door and his footsteps faded away.



See if I care.

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