Carmelo x Toby: School project SMUT

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((This was a suggestion @a_is_for_arson and @wyattObert and don't worry Imma make a Tobias x Emilio next story))

Also heads up this is like 1 months after the field trip and this is VERY long (or at least longer then any other of my stories.)

Characters: Tobias x Carmelo

Mentions: STRONG smut

3rd pov:


It was a Friday morning and the schools bell rang as the student sat in their seats... well except for one.

"Carmelo you're late," the teacher sighed as the blue headed hot head ran into the class causing the door to slam on its hinges.

"What!" He exclaimed," the bell JUST rang!"

The teacher pinched the bridge of her nose and just waved him off to his seat not bothering to deal with him this early in the morning.  Carmelo rolled his eyes and sat in the back of the class as the teacher started with her lecture.
"Okay, so today is the start of this class's finale, and before you groan I've reminded you all about the date of this finale from the start of this semester."

Tobias POV:

I watch Carmelo enter the room and whine like the child he is. God please help this boy before his tardiness turns into him not showing at all...

"I've chosen partners for you all and I will call them out. Once I call them out get in your pairs and grab your things we will be going to the library so you guys can start on your projects, HOWEVER you will have to work outside of school for this project so don't slack!"

I sigh at the thought of having to partner up with any of these miscreants... or worse.. I could be partnered up with-

"Sara and Bennett you two are a pair, Tony and Henry are a pair, Tobias and Carmelo are a pair-"


'I groan quietly and facepalm as my partner was revealed. Why him? He most likely won't do anything!' My head was screaming and yet non of my thoughts were confessing my true concern.
I liked Carmelo in ways men shouldn't involve each other in... and I've spent hour trying to get rid of these feelings but I always seem to fail... every time I see him walking in the hall all I remember the trip to that historical town. I remember enjoying his company, the feeling of him caring enough to jump off a bridge for me, talking to me, helping me, looking at me, touching-


I look up to see Carmelo standing over my desk waiting for.. wait what are we supposed to be doing?

"Dude come on we need to go to the library," he said which caused me to stand quickly since I felt stupid from just sitting there zoned out.

"Right, sorry sir-"

"Dude stop saying sir to me it's weird," Carmelo said grabbing my things for me which I was confused by.

"Well, okay.. sorry but you don't need to carry that for me-"

"Too bad you're slow already so holding this will make you slower then you already are. Now cmon," he said turning away and walking to the door trying to hide his obviously red face. Was he upset? Or sick? I sigh and just follow him to the library along with our other classmates and teacher.
Once we get there we pick a table in the far corner and Carmelo puts my stuff on the table along with his. I grab my bag and note books to set up as Carmelo sat down and opened his laptop and put his password in.

"So what exactly is it that we need to research?" Carmelo asked looking over at me as I sat across from him.

"Uhm, our topic is..," I look over at the worksheet that was handed too each group about their topic, "we need to make a poster board on how astrology has been use in modern media. So like how people have used astrology in trends, modern use, etc."

Carmelo nods obliviously still confused after my explanation but he starts typing anyways.
"Okay, I typed 'how is astrology used in modern day ' and it says people use it for personalities and shit."

I raise an eyebrow and grab his computer to look at the screen. I then start to read what was on the screen out loud, "Some people use astrology to generate ​​expectations about future events and people's personalities, much as scientific ideas generate expectations. And some claim that astrology is supported by ​​evidence — the experiences of people who feel that astrology has worked for them."

"That's bullshit," Carmelo said crossing his arms.

I look at him and nod, "I have you agree with you. A lot of people on here say there's no science to it... however there are a lot of people saying they can relate to there zodiac signs and... comparability to other signs?"

Carmelo looks at me and raises his eyebrow, "compatibility? What the fuck does that mean? Like how alike they are or?"

"No it's more like relationship based," I say still reading the content on the screen as I scroll.

Carmelo gets up and moves to the seat next to me but moves it over close enough so he can see the screen as well. I look over at him and let him use the computer so I can grab my notebook to take notes.
He presses blue colored letter that said, "Zodiacs:Dates, Personality, and Compatibility."

I wrote down notes as we read what zodiacs were and what the dates were. I was a Leo and Carmelo was a Virgo but based our actual personalities I believe it should be the other way around.

Soon the bell rang and I started to pack up before I hear, "so my house?"
I look up and turn pink, "w-what?"

"For the project? We need to make time out of school for it remember? Jesus dude what is up with you?" He said packing things to go.

"Oh- uhm yeah... today or tomorrow? Not Sunday I have church..," I say putting my backpack on.

"How about today? Tomorrow I have a family dinner thing and my mom will kill me if I miss it.. again," he said rubbing the back of his neck.

I nod, "alright I'll ask my father first and I'll try to be there around 5:00?"

Carmelo nods, "sure, whatever that's cool. Uhm well I'll cya later then- yeah, uhm bye."

I watch as the boy turned red and briskly walk away. I smile a bit as I watch him walk away and before my eyes have a chance to wonder I snap out of it and start making my way to my next class.


Carmelos POV:

"FUCKING FINALLY," I yell as I exit the school with my friends. School today seemed to be EXTRA long today. I look over at Francis who was saying something about being busy seeing his "cousin" this weekend so he couldn't make plans but my eyes were pulled by a short raven haired boy talking to a blond lady- HOLY SHIT IS HE GONNA GET STOLEN.
She then kisses his forehead a seems to say goodbye to him before he looks around before seeing me. He quickly walks over looking both nervous and giddy, "hey Carmelo do you think you could just give me a ride to your house? My mom said I could just go with you so I wouldn't have to worry about my dad. Although now I feel like just asking him straight up would've been safer..."

I look at him realizing he wasn't gonna be stolen since that was his mom and I was just a dive ass and just nod, "sure, I don't think my mom will mind. She likes when I have company over because she can embarrass me."

I wave bye to my friends and watch my mom pull up in the car. I open the front door and say, "hey mom I have a project to do with my friend Tobias and my teacher said we need to do the work from home so is it cool if he gets a ride from us?"

As expected my mom was delighted and immediately said yes. I nod and open the door for Tobias because I know for a fact if I didn't have 5/5 manners my mom would hit me with the wooden spoon she hides in her purse. He gets in and I close the door before getting in as well. As we drive my mom non stop talked about embarrassing things so I sat there looking out the window but then the mirror on the side of the car caught my attention... I could see Tobias smiling slightly at my moms stories. I could see his eyes light up when he chuckled, the way his lips moved when he smiled more and more, the way his cheeks flushed a light pink, the way he-

SHIT HE LOOKED AT THE MIRROR. I look away hoping he didn't see me staring..

Soon we get to the house and I get out the car grabbing my backpack before closing the door and going to the front door with Tobias and my mom. She opens the door and I tell her we are going to do our project and to please not bother us because we have a lot to do before Monday when it's due.
She agrees but says she will brings back up in a it which I don't complain about.

"My room is upstairs but take your shoes off first my mom hates outside shoes on our carpets," Tobias nods and quickly takes them off. I take mine off before showing Tobias to my room, I immediately plop down on my bed and sigh loudly. I lay there for a bit before looking over at Tobias who was sat at my desk with his stuff out and ready for the project.

"Do you have anything for the poster board?" Tobias asked.

"Yeah across the hall is my moms craft room, she has a shit ton of shit in there."

He nods and gets up to go grab it. I sigh once again before getting up and walking over to my desk to look at the notes he took. It seemed to be just enough for us to get a good grade for our project but then I noticed the compatibility section and it was him taking notes on our signs compatibility.
I look over it and it looked like overall our match was a 50-50 depending on person but on the post it note next to it said "definitely not reliable."

I chuckle at it and hear Tobias enter my room again.
I lol over and see him put the poster board down on The floor so I bring the stuff over and sit next to him I hand him his note book while he puts down some markers, pens, and pencils. We start to get to work on the poster board and over time it got awkward so I ask, "so what do you think about this?"


"About the zodiac. Do you believe in it?" I ask looking over at him.

"No, I don't believe it is a reliable source," Tobias said as he finished writing something on the board.

"Why is that?" I ask now curious since I saw the notes of our compatibility.

Tobias looks at me and sits upright, thinking he gently tugs at the bottom of his shirt, "well-"

"My door opens and my mom pops her head out, "hiii! Sorry to interrupt but I wanted to tell you that I'm going to the store real quick to get some things for dinner okay?"

We nod and she closes the door. I look back at him waiting for him to continue to which he nervously moves his position from sitting on his kneel to crossing his legs.

"Well, there's no science to it.. there's nothing to prove it right or wrong so why bother?" He says looking at the board.

"Well if you have a chance would you?" I ask

"Would I what?"

"Prove it right or wrong," I say as his face starts to turn red.

"Well, it's not possible.. everyone is different so every result is different," he said looking away.

I smile a bit, "fair..."

Tobias POV:

My chest hurts.. likes really bad. My face feels hot, my head is spinning, and- the poster board is starting to curl. I sigh and look at Carmelo while pointing to it, "hold it down so I can finish this up"
Carmelo nods and moves to sit across from me before leaning over and holding both sides down for me. That's when I lean over as well and start writing down what was left on my notebook which was a small summary.

"You know we finished this quicker then I..," I stopped talking when I looked up and was met with Carmelo's blue eyes. He was...he was close... too close... I could feel my body lean closer against my will but as I move just a little close he decided to do that same. Our lips met in the middle and it felt...nice. But this is wrong isn't it? This is a sin and.... Oh fuck it why should I care.
I gently reach my hand to the back of his neck to pull him closer but stop and pull away when I remember about the poster bird between us. Carmelo looks at me no words leaving him so I decided that before I have to deal with rejection or embarrassment I move the poster board aside and grab the collar of his shirt before pulling him into a deep kiss.

Carmelos POV:

He kissed me before I could speak. One of his Hands holding onto my collar the other resting on my chest as I put my own hands on his waist to pull his body closer to my own. His body didn't radiate heat like mine did so when his torso met mine I could feel his body give into the warmth as I held him close and moved my lips down to start kissing his jawline and neck. His hands move from my chest to the back on my head as I kiss, suck, and bite the soft skin that I never thought and only imagined being so close too like this. His breathing was quickening and I heard his suppressed whines and whimpers so in response I bite down on the spot he whined the most. His gripped some of my hair and let out a breathy moan before saying, "A-Ah~ Carmelo you fucking mosquito why are you biting me."

I chuckle and look at him, "because I like your reaction."

He rolled his eyes and pull me back into a deep kiss but him pulling again caused him to fall back onto the floor and me on top of him. I don't mind tho since now my hands could wonder now without worrying about dropping him... in fact Tobias seemed to have the same idea because his hands started to roam first moving from the back of my head to my neck, to my shoulders, down to my chest, and under my shirt to gently crease my lower abdomen. I shiver at his touch and I retaliate moving my hand from his back down to his ass before gently squeezing it in my hand.
He jumped slightly in surprise and got back at me by moving his hand down to the belt of my jeans. I was caught by surprise when he started to unbuckle my belt. I should've thank him if anything because my jeans were getting tight and by the look of it the same went for Tobias.

Tobias POV:
The kissing wasn't enough... I wanted more of... something.. anything... I just wanted more.
I unbuckled his jeans and he unbuttoned mine in response, my hand went down a palmed against the bulge in his boxers making him groan. He kissed me deeply but I continued to palm him and soon my hand made its way into his boxers. He pulled away from the kiss and kissed my neck trying to hide any noises that would wound his pride. My fingers wrapped around his dick, my thumb gently moving over the tip rubbing it gently which was rewarded which a almost whine from the blue haired boy which was followed by him shoving his hand into my pants to teasingly palm me painfully slow and rough. I moan into his ear knowing full well on the effects it had to cdon him. My hand started to stroke his length up and down, first slowly but I started to speed up but to tease him I would slow down.

"Ngh~ you're an asshole," Carmelo groaned as he finally moved his hand into my boxers and wrapping his hand around my dick which caused me to tense a bit but when he started to move his hand my body felt like it was electrocuted but not in a bad way. My body felt warm and I became way too aware of my lower body.

"Mmm~ that's a lot coming from you- Ah~" it was hard for me to keep my voice down enough to save my dignity so I did the next best thing and started to stroke Carmelos length faster which made him tense. He groaned pulling my pants and boxers off fully and tossing them to the side. I felt exposed and vulnerable but I pushed those feelings of embarrassment aside and continued stop move my hand but soon he grabbed my hand stop me.

"Do you want to go further then this or no? We don't have I'm completely content making you feel good like this," his words made my stomach do flips. I thought about what he said though and honestly I would probably not have another opportunity like this since my father was definitely gonna kill me. I nod to him and he smiled at me.

"Yes, I want to go further please," I say clearly enough for him to know for sure that I'm okay with this.

He kissed me before getting up and helping me up so we could move to the bed. He led me over to the bed sat me down before reaching to his bed side table and grabbing something from the jour. it was a condom, thank god for health class to at least teach me the basics.
He sets it down next to me and looks for something else. He pulls out a bottle of lube which hasn't been open yet and it had some writing on it which read, "from: Francis. too: Carmelo you gay fuck" I guess it was a funny present?

Carmelo looked at me and asked once again, "are you sure?" To which I nodded with a small smile once again confirming to him that I'm sure and from there my head went fuzzy. He was kissing me, touching me, holding me, soon he turned me around so my back was too him...then his hands his down and oh god- it felt weird but not wrong. My eyes were shut close as his lubed fingers entered me.. first there was one and it was odd, it was a foreign feeling that made me ache... then there was two and that's when it stung but it wasn't bad until the third one which cause my body to tense up.

"Are you okay?" Carmelo asked almost panicked which would've resulted in me calling him a dumbass but I was too focused on the pressure and fading pain. So I just nod to him and grip on the sheets... he then started to kiss the back of my neck... my hair was somewhat in his way but enough of skin was showing for him to find a spot to focus on kissing.

" can keep going," I say now feeling nothing but pressure and the pleasure. He tried to ask if I was sure but I again confirmed that I was in fact okay... and there it was again. The pushing, the kissing, the fire in my stomach.. I face plant into the sheets as I try to cover my moans and soon it became too much.

"C-Carmelo just hurry up already please..shit~" I say most of it muffled by the sheets but he seemed to get what I meant because what came next was overwhelming. The previous sensation in my stomach burned and spread through the rest of my like a forest fire and that feeling became almost addictive.

"Shit Tobias~ you need to relax or I won't- mmm~ be able to move," Carmelo said making me realize how tense my body was. So I slowly relaxed and that's when he slowly started to thrust in and out.

Carmelos POV:


"Slow down~"



Every word, every request, every plea, every moan that came out of the boy below me made my head spin as I thrusted in and out of him. His moans got louder to the point the sheets were no longer muffling him so to help with it I grab his waist, pull him back, grab his chin, turn his face, lean over, and kiss him deeply as I continued to trust into him. It felt like seconds turned into hours and all I could hear, see, taste, even think of was him. How did we get here? Years of questioning myself and yet here I am fucking a boy who when I first met I would've never thought about doing this. But shit am I glad I am.

"Fuck Carmelo I'm- Ah~ I'm.."

"I know~ I got you," I whisper into his ear as I thrust into him until he cums covering his mouth to quickly muffle his moan of pleasure.

3rd POV:

Carmelo and Tobias were laying on the bed staring at the ceiling silently... well until Tobias said the following.

"I'm going to hell and I'm sharing a bunk bed with your ass."


//IM DONE HOLY SHIT- Sorry if I'm rusty- I feel like I could've done a bit better with their personalities but I'll make sure to work on it! Anyways I hope you like it and I plan on coming up with a schedule for my updates//

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