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    I'd woken up to dark...nothing I wasn't already used to. In fact, it was something I'd grown to enjoy in the time that I was held captive. Oh yeah, I'm not with them anymore. The ones that had taken me I mean...I'm dead now. But, I couldn't tell if I was dead dead or...I don't know. In the place before I get to hell. Cause I'm pretty sure I'm not getting any set of wings any time soon. I knew I was dead though, cause I didn't feel..alive. I didn't feel warm, and I couldn't feel my heart beat in my chest.

     Right, dead.

     I looked around me, trying to find any sign of where I could be or anyone that could tell me. No luck. I stood up, feeling the dampened soil beneath my feet. "What the actual..." I whispered quietly looking down and seeing I was barefoot. Gross. I looked up, taking in my surroundings before nodding and taking a step. With each step there was no sound, no squish in the mud or crack of a tree branch, just silence. I felt light too, as if I weighed practically nothing.
     "Hello! Anyone out there?!" I called out, hoping for any answer. Though nothing came. "You've gotta be fucking kidding m- Ah!" I screamed out, taking a wrong step down a hill and tumbling head over heels the rest of the way. I fell, farther and farther until I finally landed in a pond, soaking my clothes completely. "Perfect!" I yelled and stood up. Though I heard something, distant and faint in the forest, but..there. What, chuckling?
     "Hey! Who's out there?!" I called out into the darkness. Probably not such a good idea, I mean it could be anyone. Even so, I'm already dead..what harm could they do?
     "You shouldn't just call out into a dark forest like that...anyone could be out here" A voice said..that same torturous british accent that the Boss had. After a quick moment, a figure stepped out from behind the trees. He stood a good head taller than me, black hair draped across his right eye like a curtain...even so, I could still see his piercing green eyes through the strands of hair.
     ".....who are you." I stated a bit more harsh than intended. Who could blame me..I was standing here freezing from falling in this pond, and he was just laughing..not even bothering to help. Still though..I couldn't help but be the slightest bit attracted to his sly smirk.
     "Blake...and what do you call yourself?" He spoke, his arms crossed his chest as if displeased by my tone which made me smirk now. He stepped a bit closer, and I could get a better look at him now. He wore a white short sleeved shirt with a black leather vest, black ripped skinny jeans and matching combat, okay.
     "You could ask a bit nicer Blakey-Boy" I laughed a bit. I was only probably acting like this because I was getting colder by the minute..though, his smirk dropped leaving a not so pleasing expression that ran a chill down my spine. ".....fine..Delani" I answered after a moment and he nodded, the same smirk returning to his face as before.
" That's better." He said and stepped forward again. "I'm guessing you haven't the slightest idea of where you I correct?" Blake questioned coming closer.
I took another step back, then another but came to find myself pinned against a tree. I looked him over once, then crossed my arms tight over my chest. "So what if I don't.." I replied, the tone in my voice clearly signaling irritation.
     Blake continued closer before finally stopping right in front of me. In a swift movement, he had both his hands planted against the tree on either side of my head. He leaned in, coming just inches away from my face...okay, being this close..with his eyes staring deep into mine, I felt like he was searching my soul. "So if you don't..then you'll get lost, and then you're likely to die..again." He grinned. I wanted to move, push him back so hard that he fell into the water this time. But I couldn't..something about him was so enticing that I didn't want to. Blake came closer "And this time...there's no coming back." He whispered in my ear and then pulled away. Just like that.
     It wasn't until then that I realized I'd been holding my breath, because now I let out a sigh..not of relief though. "W-What..what do you mean no coming back?" I questioned, suddenly becoming much more interested about his whole situation.
     Blake turned his back to me, I watched his shoulders shrug slightly as he shoved his hands back in his pockets. "You'll have to follow me if you want to know." He stated and began walking off towards the trees he'd emerged from to begin with.
     "What? Where are you going?!" I called out to him while following. What else was I gonna do? This place was getting creepier by the minute..and he seemed to know what he was doing. So I followed..waiting for an answer to my previous question, and getting impatient when I didn't get one after a couple of minutes. "Hey! I'm talking to you Bla-" I began. Though he stopped and turned, covering my mouth when I began to call him out.
     "Shhh..shh. Some around here don't like me too much..I'd keep quiet with my name for now if I were you.." He whispered while still holding his hand over my mouth. I froze, gazing up into his eyes..taking in each detail. My mind wandering for just a moment before I remembered what was going on. Focus! I told myself and I began squirming, trying to break free from him. After a moment he let go "Aw look at you struggling" he said which brought back the memory of my, don't think about them.
     I watched Blake's smirk return to his face which aggravated me. The attitude is back. "Where are you taking me anyway." I asked bluntly, clearly over his games.
     He watched me closely for a moment, and there was something familiar about the way he'd stare at me...the eyes, I don't know. Then after a minute he spoke.

"My house. I'll try and explain there."

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