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May 22nd

5:45 AM

I don't even remember falling asleep. Keannon was warm, and I didn't realize how much I missed sleeping next to someone until last night. My body finally admitted defeat after weeks of being in a state of constant flight or fight.

I woke up to being the little spoon. I was safely tucked against him in an iron grip while his pittie Finn had his head buried in my chest. I lay like this listening to his deep shallow breathing and the slight snoring of Finn. I finally rolled over to face Keannon after his dog moved toward the end of the bed.

The sun was slightly rising casting a low glow into his bedroom window. It made his hair shine in a golden hue. He looked peaceful, softer. Spending the day with him yesterday healed something broken inside me for so long. Having someone who genuinely talks to me and cares enough to ask me questions I never had that with Elijah no matter how badly I try to delude myself into thinking I did. I was simply a means to an end.

I couldn't stop myself from smoothing out the rough lines that burrowed in between his eyebrows. It looked like he was stressed in his dream. This caused him to flinch slightly after a heartbeat passed, and his deep ocean-blue eyes opened to meet mine. My heart dropped to the pit of my stomach. I froze jerking my hand away immediately.

"Sorry," I crock.

The slightest quirk of his lips left him smiling. "I know I'm attractive, Ro. You don't need to admire me in my sleep," his voice thick with sleep.

"You're not that attractive," the lie effortlessly flew out of my mouth. Of course, he was that attractive I've been drawn to him all day. His mere presence made me nervous and excited all at once.

"Oh fuck off," he grumbles jokingly tightening his arms around me which moves me closer to him. He gently nuzzles his nose against mine.

The same need sensation of kissing him wormed its way under my skin. His eyes fluttered closed again the inner war against kissing him or not raged inside my head. I didn't know when I decided to throw common sense to the wind, but my hands cupped his jawline angling his head upward slightly I pressed my lips softly against his.

I half expected him to pull away and shoot me down so that I looked too much into it. Instead, his hand moved from my hip to the nape of my neck pulling me in closer to deepen the kiss.

Holy fucking shit.

I'm not a nun I've been kissed before. Elijah always demanded that he hated kissing or anything that was in the form of foreplay. I have never been kissed like this. I have never felt the raw need of hunger for someone else. The passion poured in between us. I couldn't get enough. This was the type of kiss that you see in movies or read about in smutty romance books.

His tongue explored everywhere. I couldn't figure out where I began or ended. All I felt was Keannon. I couldn't stop I met every lash his tongue made against mine, every show of dominance he made, every soft tender moment where he pecked even when he pulled on my bottom lip with his teeth.

I didn't know when it happened, but I found myself on top of him straddling his hips. The insecure broken girl buried deep inside of me wanted to shy away that my weight was too much for his lean frame. His hands travel down my back, through my mess of curls, landing on my ass. He gripped my soft flesh through the lace of my panties. I could feel the way his length hardened in the thin material of his shorts. The mere size and girth of him made my mouth water. Before completely losing myself to him, I pulled away breathless, my heart hammering inside my chest. I know my lips were swollen and I probably looked like I'd been in a catfight.

"Woah," I breathed out trying to calm my racing heart rate.

"You can't kiss me like that and just stop," he fires back, staring up at me, completely out of breath.

Kiss him like...what?!

"That wasn't me!!!!" I immediately fire back completely flustered. Keannon smirked wildly he pulled me by my arms to prevent myself from fully landing on him I made sure I caught myself. "We both know how attractive you are. Kissing me, while grinding against me like that, Ro? Be lucky I can maintain my restraint." He mutters leaning up slightly to capture my lips with his yet again.

This kiss was full of hunger and need. We became a mess of hands, tongues, teasing and whimpers. I felt the way he jerked his hips upward to grind his throbbing length against my already-soaked core. I wanted him to so badly tear off the clothes that caused a barrier between us. I never felt this turned on by someone before. Without breaking apart from kissing me Keannon rolled us over so I was flat on my back propped up against the pillows. He pulled away from my lips sitting up in between my thighs his large hands stroking my bare skin lovingly. I felt those blue-piercing eyes studying me like I was a cure for an illness he hadn't figured out yet. I already knew I probably looked like a mess with my hair wild and untamable, breathing heavy, and my eyes clouded with need.

"You're something else, fucker." He remarks pulling my left leg up in the air where he trailed his lips down my inner thigh towards my knee, down my caft, towards my toes. "The way you have purposely been teasing me with these cute little toes must stop." He grumbled as he nibbled on my pinky toe. I gasped loudly I knew he was right ever since he told me he had a foot fetish my inner brat had been using that to my advantage all night. I gently repositioned myself never tearing my eyes off of him stalking every way he pecked every single toe admiring the bright green gel polish I had decorating them.

It was when his blue eyes shot right into my green ones. I knew I landed in the right spot I used my right foot to gently rub his growing erection, "You're playing with fire, brat." He warned me nibbling on another one of my toes. I smirked slightly shrugging my shoulders and leaning up more. "Am I?" I whisper applying harder pressure feeling the way he throbbed against my touch.

Keannon continued his assault on my toes while he trailed his fingertips up and down my leg sending tingles down my spine. He finally admitted defeat crawling back up my body nestling his large body into my thighs. He gently kisses my lips leaning his forehead against mine breathing heavily. "I need a break," he chuckled softly his minty breath fanning my flushed skin. "I'm going to have fun with you, baby."

My brain felt like mush. The chemistry between us was completely electrifying I've never had anything like this before. "I-"I stutter slightly. "I never felt anything like that before." I slightly pause trying desperately to sort out my thoughts I couldn't stop staring at the way his eyes fluttered close. "I've only been with 3 guys in the last 5 years. And I didn't feel anything close to that even with Eli. I didn't even know my body could react to being touched that way."

Keannon buried his face in the crook of my head his breathing slightly evened out. "I can't explain it, brat. I've never been this turned on for someone before either." His confession made butterflies tumble throughout my stomach.

I wanted to expose every insecurity that I held inside. Allowing another man to touch me after spending 6 years with Eli showed me a level of insecurity that Eli preyed on for his benefit. "Truth for a truth?" I say breaking the silence. It was a game I used to play with my best friend Kayson whenever I got into my head he would demand a truth, an ugly raw piece of people exposed.

He moved from where he snuggled up against me. His blue eyes laced with concern probably thinking maybe I regretted allowing him that much access to me. "Let me guess." He begins pausing to study me he sits up looking down at me. "Let me guess you're probably thinking this stupid white boy is making me question everything I thought I knew." The cockiness of his tone normally would give me the ick, but instead, it gave me comfort that in a way he was able to read my mind.

"Yes," I reply curtly. "The fact you didn't shy away from my body in return you embraced it and made me feel beautiful in ways I've never felt before. You also made me feel wanted, seen and desired. Eli always said he liked bigger girls, and how he couldn't handle being with an extremely skinny female. Every single time we broke up because he found something better to occupy his time the first thing he targets to make me cave in on myself and hate my appearance is my weight." I paused waiting for judgment to flash across his beautiful face, but all I saw was acceptance and mutual hurt for my experience.

Keannon trailed his large hands up my thighs causing his t-shirt to rise up my inner thighs toward my stomach every part of me wanted to cover and hide immediately. He saw this reaction build up under my skin and pulled my hands away trying to cover myself from him. "There's a lot of bigger girls who wish they were skinny, but there's also some skinny people who wish they could build more fatty tissue. Everyone wants to change something about themselves, Rory. You're devastatingly beautiful, not only do you have a mind of your own; you're naturally funny, you're easy to talk to, you have this intriguing way you view life and people, and honestly you're like the sun, you're warm, and inviting. You need to embrace yourself and love every inch of you."

I tried to find the lies between his words but found none. Instead, I found the god's honest truth. I leaned up softly pressing my lips against his it was innocent and intimate. "Thank you," I say pulling away from him. I didn't dive deeper or explain how much I needed those words especially when I've been on the verge of losing myself to this pain for weeks now.

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