Onion Boy

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It was the best day of my life, it was the worst day of my life. I had gained y/n's heart, love, and  affection, but lost the respect of my beloved Fiona. Let me rewind a bit, to where it all started. I was bathing in my swamp, minding my own business. Usually people wait a bit to try and attack me, so I was surprised to hear footsteps nearing me this early in the day. I turned around ready to scare the bejeebers out of my regular terrorizers. As I turned I shouted, "WHAT ARE YOU DOING IN MY SWAMP?" That's when I saw her. A beautiful, young, human, girl. She looked at me with fear in those beautiful blue eyes of hers, hiding behind the light brown strands of hair that had fallen out of her messy bun. "Sorry," I murmured in awe of her beauty. "I'm not very used to visitors that aren't actively trying to murder me. You're not gonna try to murder me, are you?" She looked at me as if she was shocked I could talk. "Uh- no. Im not here for that. I- I don't know why I'm here. I'll just go." I was about to ask her to stay, but remembering I was still naked and bathing in my swamp, I decided to refrain from calling after her. I watched her as she walked away, looking back at me a couple times, and I wondered what she thought of the ugly ogre before her.


If we're being honest, I hadn't just wandered into the swamp. I followed his signs and they led me there. I was scared to approach him, I had heard many tales about ogres, and how they tormented, injured, and even killed passerby. But my curiosity had gotten the best of me, and I had set out on my adventure to find one. I couldn't see him at first, and I probably would've waited if I had known he was bathing, but once I laid my eyes on him I couldn't move. I was terrified of what I saw. He looked to be about 7 feet tall, and he was green- very green. I was paralyzed with fear as he shouted at me to get out of his swamp. Shortly after a somewhat calming voice murmured a sorry. He asked me a question, but barely hearing it I muttered back a no, hoping that was the right answer. I started walking away because I figured I was intruding, and even though I wasn't as afraid of him any more, it was a bit embarrassing watching him bathe. I could feel his eyes on me as I walked away, and wondered if he wanted to know more about me, like I wanted to know more about him.

I wandered back into town and thought about the beast I had just encountered. I felt weird calling him a beast, it seemed like a rude thing to say. But, then again, that's what I had been taught to think of orges like him as. Was it weird that I wanted to go back? I wanted to see him again. I wanted to learn more about him, he didn't seem to be all that bad. He didn't want to sever my limbs, or devour my organs. He seemed- normal, and nice. I decided I would go back- just to see if he was there. If he wasn't that was fine, it's not like I needed to see him or anything.

It was beginning to get dark so I came to the conclusion that I would go back tonight. I mean- what's the worst that could happen? Well, I guess he could kill me but I doubt he'd do that. He seemed so sweet. I left my house and made my way through the forest to his swamp. I found footsteps from earlier in the mud, and followed them towards a small shack. I assumed this was where he lived, and knocked on the door. I was surprised to see him answer and greet me with a sweet smile. He gestured for me to come in, and I was hesitant at first, but eventually accepted his offer. Without asking, he got me a bowl and filled it with something that I assumed was his version of soup. He handed me the bowl and proceeded to drink his own from his bowl, so I did the same with mine. I immediately gagged at the taste of this "soup". It tasted like dirt, mixed with bugs, and puke. But, I ate the rest because I didn't want to make him feel bad. After a long period of awkward silence I blurted out, "Why do you think no one likes you?" "Excuse me?" He answered. "Sorry, that was a bit harsh. But still, why do you think they don't like you?" I asked. "Well, the way I see it, orges are like onions, we have layers. People don't get to see the sweet, caring, and sensitive side of me. Well, that is, everyone but you." I blushed and looked down as he said this to me. "Anyways, like I was saying, we're like onions because we have layers. But, we are also like onions because we're not all that like-able." He said with a sigh. "Well," I responded, "If it makes you feel better, I like onions." He smiled when I said this. "Thanks, but I don't even know your name." I looked up at him and said, "Y/n. My name is Y/n Y/l/n." "Shrek." And that was when I knew, I was in trouble.

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