park and insecurities

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Damaged - tlc

Like I can find everything negative about myself.
It sucks honestly so much.
I get insecure about my body and how it looks and my hair and my face
I get insecure that my friends are starting to not like me and think that I'm annoying especially a the moment.
You know how much easier life would be if I was never introduce and "damaged " in the forth grade ( a story sissies) and could just be naturally confident.

Hopefully it's all in my head like Arianna Grande

I went to the park today and hung out with a good friend of mine. We ate, feed the ducks and took pictures. I didn't post mine cause once again I'm very very insecure about literally everything. But hers came out extremely cute.

At the park I wanted to relive some childhood nostalgic so I rolled down the hill T W I C E but I got a massive rash type thing on my fat thighs and it burns. I put baby powder on it so hopefully that helps.

Week one of summer is officially over and I start babysitting tomorrow. Which I'm incredibly exicted for . Cause to love babies.
Someone impregnat me in like 6 years please and thank you.

Sorry I'm such a boring person.
That's all
I wish all of y'all the best and that you're incredibly confident and love yourselves :-) because not doing so sucks ass.

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