6. the brunette and the Evans twin

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Chad's passion had never been geography, but today it felt twice as hard to focus on Ms. Zecchi talking about. Islands or something? The boy was sunk low in his chair, arms extended over the desk and feet ending up under the chair of the student in front of him.

All he could think about were blonde, spiky short hair, fair skin flushed with a rosy pink and those deep teal eyes. Oh and that smile. The light pink, soft lips that arched up revealing two rows of perfect, white teeth.
He rested his cheek on his right hand, a dreamy smile running across his face. Was he really... thinking about an Evans twin? In that way?

As Chad was deep into his daydreaming, a confused Jason and Troy were staring at him, then at each other, than back at him.
Troy looked over to his friend once again, raising a brow as to ask if he knew what was going on.
Jason shrugged, having absolutely no idea of what the co captain of the Wildcats could be thinking about.

Chad was now sinking into Ryan's hoodie, feeling the smell of the blonde embrace him. He was fidgeting with the strings of the hoodie, trying to maintain himself from straight up sniffing the thing.

'Oook then!' Troy ultimately decided to focus his eyes on something else, not knowing and not eager to know what the brunette was exactly engaging in.

Geography finally went past, and then spaish class and then history. It was time for lunch.

As soon as the bell rang, Chad threw himself out of the classroom and into the hallways, hollering to Ryan's locker.
He met Gabriella and Taylor halfway there, who invited him for lunch with their friend group as always, but he politely refused and kept walking.

When he saw that Ryan's locker was open, he basically sprinted towards it, leaving Ryan startled when he closed it and found himself facing an incredibly close to his face Danforth.

"Hey Ry."

A huge, sheepish smile was spread across Chad's face, which made Ryan grin, leaving him with an incredibly stupid face too.

"Hey Chad. Wanna go?"

Chad nodded enthusiastically and they started walking towards the cafeteria, Chad's hands being positioned one in his pocket and the other around Ryan's shoulder.

He couldn't help but act so idioticly when around the theater kid, he felt over the moon every time Ryan was near him, and he was just drawn to the feeling of Ryan. Was it bad to want to chase that feeling? I mean, if something, or someone, made him feel good why would he want to keep it away?

Chad shook away his thoughts as the two decided to settle down to a corner of the cafeteria, near the window.

The blue eyed boy started listing stuff that they could do after school, while almost choking on his spaghetti.

"And we could like- drive to a pond and then buy bread and then uhm. Throw rocks at ducks or something. And we-"

Chad's eyebrows furrowed and then he chuckled.

"Ry, we have basketball practice today."

Ryan's grin quickly turned upside down and he stopped eating his pasta.

"Yeah, you're right."

He was now staring down at his tray, suddenly realizing how bad the cafeteria food tasted.
Chad hated seeing him sad, but as much as he liked spending time with Ryan, they couldn't just keep skipping practice. He loved basketball, and he wasn't gonna toss it aside.

While the brunette and the blonde Evans twin were having lunch in the cafeteria, another brunette and another Evans twin were having some troubles behind the theater stage.

Sharpay, arms crossed and a distressed expression on her face, was walking up and down the room furiously. She let out little grunts and would often throw her arms in the air above her head, as if she was trying to punch the ceiling.

Kelsi had seen her have various nervous breakdowns over the spawn of their friendship, but today she seemed particularly out of it.

Sharpay suddenly stopped in her tracks, let out a loud sigh and composedly walked back to the back of the stage, where kelsi was sitting at the piano, holding her music sheets a little too tight.

"Are you better now, Sharpay?"

The brunette girl asked as the blonde sat beside her at the piano. Kelsi started gently adjusting Sharpay's hair out of her face.

"You know Kels, I thought I really had it together. I was focused on getting Troy so that we could be king and queen of East High, but after him and Gabriella got together, I realized that I never really wanted him. And now, for the first time in my life, I don't know what I want."

Sharpay kept focusing her big, brown eyes down on the black and white of the piano, while Kelsi silently nodded.
She never talked too much, maybe out of fear or maybe she just wasn't built for full sentences. But today she decided to take a different path.

"Remember a couple of months ago when I wrote that song for you and Troy and Gabriella to sing and I got mad because of how you and Ryan rearranged it?"

Sharpay raised her head and stared at nothing for a couple of seconds, then nodded.


Kelsi let go of her music sheets and placed her hand over Sharpay's, which was resting on the blonde's thigh.

"I wasn't actually that mad that you changed the song. It's just that.." she hesitated, swallowed and then kept going "I just wanted you to sing me that song. About finding out you loved someone."

Sharpay's eyes went from Kelsi, to the music sheets, to the piano, back to Kelsi and then on the ground and then back to Kelsi.

The girl with glasses was staring at the ground, blushing, immediately regretting her confession.

Sharpay brought a hand to her cheek, then shook her head, then squinted her eyes, then scratched her head and then sighed.

And then she kissed her.

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