15. the end

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Of course that wasn't the most important thing at that moment. Hell, Ryan had just confronted his dad ultimately, his sister just came out, his mom had threw a homophobe out of the house and Chad had tried gnocchi for the first time. But all Ryan could focus on was his use of a certain word with a flaming nonchalance that was so-not-him. He usually got scared, embarrassed, fidgety and stuttery. But this time he let it out without problem, almost like he had been waiting his entire life to say it. Apart from the fact that Ryan had never had a real boyfriend, only a couple of flings here and there, he had just self proclaimed as Chad Danforth 's boyfriend without even asking him first. And sure, he could see how that could have been building up for a while with the extreme mutual pining and the flirting and that kiss. They just kissed like- an hour ago for the first time! But calling Chad his boyfriend? He basically introduced him to his family before even dating, and that IS a so-him thing to do. Going fast was Ryan's thing.

Meanwhile Chad Danforth, Co captain of the basketball team, class clown, trouble maker, musical hater and good at baseball, was melting in his godamn seat. 'Nghhhhhh eheheheh boyfriend.... boyfriend Ryan my boyfriend me his boyfriend eheheh' was his general train of thought as Ryan was shaking in his mocassini and his mom was hugging him and kissing his forehead. What made him snap back to reality was one of Sharpay's signature murder stares that had him get up fast enough to slice the air around him in half.

He put a hand on Ryan's shoulder while he was turned around. "Hey Ry? You ok?"

Ryan let go of his mom and turned, he hugged the brunette and buried his head in his right shoulder. "I just.. need you right now. Can you stay over tonight?"

'Man.' "MAN." Chad corrected himself "i-i mean. Sure. Anything for you."

"Danforth!" Ugh, could Sharpay just leave the room already? "Get your mind out of the gutter, my brother's having a breakdown!"

Shut up Sharpay his mind was out of the gutter. Mostly. Derby Evans said something about a cake in the fridge and wished them a good night, then started heading upstairs, leaving the three teens still shaken up by the situation.

"Mom?" One last conversation before Derby went to bed "can I sleep in your bed tonight?" Sharpay was clearly struggling to hold back tears, as Ms Evans nodded and took her under her shoulder.

Now Ryan and Chad were alone. They watched Vance struggle to pull two suitcases to the door without the help of any employees, and now they were alone.

"You need to sleep Ryan. You look exhausted." A smile was spread on Chad's face, a calm, concerned one.

Ryan nodded. "I think we both need it."

They took each other's hand and went to Ryan's room. Chad took Ryan's shirt off and kissed him on the cheek and then on his left shoulder. Ryan put his pajamas on, Chad decided to sleep in his underwear. Didn't wanna bother an already tired Ryan by asking him for clothes, but also was too tired himself to do more than just undressing.
Chad kept a hand on Ryan's jaw while rubbing his thumb on his cheek, while the other felt himself slowly slipping away. They slept without too much trouble, except Ryan's eventual turning.

The next morning there was school and Chad proposed to skip, but Ryan was very serious about his perfect presence record, so he reluctantly accepted to go.

They were in Ryan's car, almost at east high.

"So." Chad started "I'm your boyfriend now?"

Ryan looked guilty. "I mean, not that I don't want to be, it would be an honor, Evans."

Chad was relieved to see that Ryan was now smiling as he turned towards him for a second. "Yes. Yes, you are my boyfriend."

He was shining brighter than ever, like no stage lights in the world could ever do him justice. And Chad enjoyed the light he was surrounded by.


Sharpay was looking at herself in the mirror of her room. The crying from last night had left her eyes puffy and she was trying her best to hide it with concealer, then covered her eyelids with pink shimmery eyeshadow. Today she had to look perfect and she was going to make it right, right for Zeke, for Troy, for Ms Darbus, and for herself, but most importantly right for Kelsi.

She headed downstairs and found herself in front of a horrifying sight to behold: Chad and Ryan were sitting at the kitchen island, Ryan spoonfeeding his boyfriend the remains of yesterday's cake. She did her best not to throw up on the living room carpet and headed out of the house, clenching her purse with unnecessary force to release stress.

The drive to school was hard, she thought many times to stop along the way and just go distract herself with some shopping or to make a u turn and go back home but now it was too late. The first bell was about to ring and she wasn't surprised from seeing that Kelsi wasn't at her locker, Sharpay knew where Kelsi went every morning before class, and there she was. Staring at the theater door, unsure if she wanted to open it or not. Oh you know what? Fuck it.

Kelsi was on stage, alone, writing down ideas she had for a new song in the play, when the doors sprung open. A shiver went down her spine as Sharpay entered, looking prettier than usual. If possible.

Sharpay took a long, sharp and deep breath and then did the unthinkable. She kicked her heels off and started running to the stage, as Kelsi got up from the piano, confused as ever.
She jumped on the stairs and there she was, right next to the piano, holding Kelsi's waist and she was kissing her, oh so honestly kissing her, without a trace of regret.

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