-George's POV-
That thing that happened with Y/N earlier was weird lol. But it wouldn't have happened if she just woke me up and told me she was going to sleep there.... And she's right. A sleepover would be nice. Hmm.... Maybe I should ask her...
-Y/N's pov-
Ugh I was shivering all DAY. I was still freeezing. Fred and George must have used some kind of enchanted water or something. Probably the kind of water Molly uses to water the frost lillies.
-George's POV-
I noticed that Y/N was still shivering. I felt kinda bad for her since it's my fault she's like this. You have to admit, that prank was hilarious though. So I decided to get one of my sweaters for her.
I got my blue knitted sweater that mum knitted for me a few years ago. It was still in okay condition, and it was too small for me now. It would fit Y/N perfectly.
I sneaked up to her and threw the sweater at her. She jumped and let out a little yelp.
"George!! What- what is this??"
I couldn't help but grin. " I noticed you were shivering like mad all day. So I wanted to give you a sweater."
Y/N picked it up and examined it as though she was making sure it wasn't a prank. She smiled a little. "Thanks George." She said and she put it on. It really suited her. And she looked really comfortable.
"Better?" I asked
"so much better. Thank you" she said and she gave me a hug.
We sat on the couch for a while, talking and laughing when she suddenly put her head on my shoulder. I automatically wrapped my arm around her and she nuzzled into me.
This was nice.
-Y/N's pov-
I love cuddles. Me and George have cuddled a few times before in the Gryffindor common room. And on the train on our way back from school. We just got used to doing it. After all, he is my best friend, so it's normal I guess.
Every time we cuddled I felt so warm and so safe and happy. I could tell he felt the same way because he always had this soft smile on his face.
I rested my head on his chest and I could hear his heartbeat. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. He started playing with my hair. I smiled up at him and began to drift off.
I was almost asleep when I heard him say "uhh... Hey, Y/N?" I sat up straight and said
"sorry, was I heavy?" "No, no, it's not that, that was fine by the way, you can put your head back." And so I did.
He continued "Well, I was thinking about what you said earlier. I think... I think it's a good idea." I could hear his heartbeat go faster "What? What did I say earlier?"
"You said... A sleepover would be nice." His heart was beating really fast by now. I looked up at him like O.o
"Really?" I asked "yeah..." He tried to say it calmly, but I knew his heartbeat was saying otherwise. "That's funny. I was just about to ask you the same thing." He looked at me surprised.
"Well, do you want to have a sleepover?" I asked "yeah!" He said Beaming.
"Alright. You cant sleep with me in the girls' room because... That's wEiRD. So I'll sleep in your room again."I told him.
"Right. So it's settled then. You can come to my room later at around 10:30." He said, smiling and still playing with my hair. "Perfect." I smiled.
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