I love Ibuki so much fr
i am so sorry for anyone trying to comprehend the character schedules. listen, once again, this is what happens when you write stuff at unholy hours of the morning.
Kazuha POV:
"Aether, what does it feel like to love someone? Like really love someone? Like how you love Xiao kind of love someone?" I ask Aether a completely normal question on our way to class. Aether looks at me, confused why I was asking this right now.
"Umm...first, why?"
"Just answer the question I'll tell you after."
" you mean like how does it feel as in like being nervous and stuff or like your heart beating really quick type of thing?"
"I don't know...both."
"Um...well, when I'm around Xiao, it just feels...ugh this is hard to describe can we talk about this later?"
"Sure, swing by the dorm later at around...four?"
"That's a while after school ends though, do you have something to do right after school?"
"Yes, actually." I tell Aether. I will not tell him why I'm busy, as he'd probably try to stop me from going to talk with Mona.
"Huh. Ok. I can come by at like 4:30."
"Alright." Me and Aether walk into our class. We walk over to our desk and sit down. I worry about whether or not Mona would keep me behind the school past 4:30 or not. I shake my head. I should focus on my current class.
"...and that is why you should never pet a duck. Goodbye." Before I even realize, class is over. I slowly walk to 5th period, not yet prepared for the awkward conversation to come. I slowly sit down in my seat. Mona isn't here yet. Thank archons. I wait until the bell rings, but she still doesn't show up. She's here today, I know that much. She talked to me at lunch, so why isn't she showing up? I look down at my desk. For some reason, I get really bad vibes from the fact that she's not here.
While waiting in class, I look up at the teacher and the board. The teacher was talking about some meaningless topic so I spaced out. Eventually, the intercom comes on.
"Hello, can you please send Kaedahara Kazuha to the office?" I hear from the intercom. I feel everyone stare at me. The teacher sends me out of the classroom. This was right near the end of 5th period, so on my way to the office, I hear the bell ring. Soon enough, the bright hallways are crowded. Once I get to the office I knock on the door.
"Come in!" Someone yells from inside. I slowly open the door before seeing a little girl wearing green and white. She kind of looked like a radish.
"Hello Kazuha. This is the school counselor, Nahida. We would like to introduce you to her, well..." The person who called me in seems to be a member of the student council.
"You don't have to finish that sentence..." I mumble under my breath, "Anyway, isn't that a child? I wouldn't expect a child to be a counselor."
"Ah, I may look like a child, but I am really an archon. The dendro archon."
"I don't have you for any of my classes..." I say quietly, thinking to myself.
"Ah, thats probably because you have my class next semester." Mrs. Nahida speaks in her kind voice. Her voice is strangely comforting.
"Oh, alright." I say, looking down at her.
"Anyway, I'd like to offer you some counseling." The small radish archon states with a smile.
"Yeah, sure. I'd be up for it." I respond.
"Ok, how about on Fridays?" She suggests.
"Like every Friday?" I confirm with her.
"Yeah, does that comply with your schedule?" She asks, curious why I needed clarification. I smile and nod. She smiles, looking up at me.
"Anyway, you can go back to class now."
"Ok. Goodbye Mrs. Nahida."
"Bye-bye Kazuha!" The small teacher waves goodbye to me as I exit the office.
I walk to sixth period before stopping in the middle of the hallway when I see something, a poster on the wall for some type of dance. I shake it off and keep walking. Going to a dance sounds fun, but I'd rather not go.
I hear the intercom come on. I pray to the archons they aren't calling me back there. The intercom sounds, "Mona Megistus, please come to the office." The intercom turns off. Mona needs to go to the office? Why? She wasn't here earlier, so why is she going to the office. I try to quickly walk to sixth period, hoping to not run in to mona if she was even here today.
As soon as I get to sixth period I casually walk in and sit down. Luckily, there's no one sitting next to me who can ask why I was called to the office. I got there after it had already been like 30 minutes. Class was almost over by the time I finally got a hand of the subject. The bell rings. I stand up and walk back to the dorm. I just look down when I get there.
"Kazuha? You good?" I hear Kuni from behind me.
"Yeah. I'm fine."
"What if I don't believe you?" Kuni forcefully tilts my head to look at him.
"I'm fine." I pull my head away.
Scaramouche POV:
For some strange reason, Kazuha seemed mad at me. Annoyed by this, I unlock the door and walk into the dorm room. I immediately go to my room. I take a deep breath, trying to calm down from that interaction. I begin to think about what I could've done to make him mad or what someone else did to make him upset. I think about whoever made him mad. I really wanted to smack them right now. After calming down, I walk back out to the living room area of the dorms. I see Kazuha sitting on the couch. He was looking at the dorm room door.
"Hey." I try to get his attention. I see him panic before wiping his eyes and looking at me.
"Hm?" He looked like he had been crying. Although he tried to hide it, it was obvious that he was crying just now.
"Kazuha. Why were you crying?" I ask him, sitting down on the couch next to him. He looks down.
"I wasn't..." I hear him mumble. I look at him with a dumbfounded face.
"Tell me the truth." I look at him, worried.
I hear him mumble something that I couldn't hear. I grab one of his hands. He looks quite surprised by this.
"You cant just say it under your breath." I brush some of his hair out of his face.
"I was worried that I made you mad..." I hear Kazuha mutter.
"Really? That's all? Well, I can tell you, I am not mad at you, and I could never be mad at you." I try to reassure him.
"Ok..." Kazuha mumbles
woew chap. 21
word count: 1147
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