Chap. 10

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I feel like Mukuro would've been more interesting if she had more of an appearance(from the perspective of a non-anime watcher)

I'm gonna try to make this chapter a long one(like 2000+ words) so be prepared


Kazuha POV:

"Kuni, the party is starting soon. We should get ready." I sit up. I was laying on the couch watching TV with Kuni. He shrugs.

"Yeah. I'll go get changed." I see him stand up and go to his room. I walk to my room and grab a cute sweater that has a maple leaf on the front of it. After getting changed I go out into the hallway between me and Kunis rooms. I see Kuni waiting for me at the front door, so I walk over to it and open the door for him.

"Welp, we're here." He says, walking out into the hall. He then looks our dorm room.

"Wait...I didn't get a key!" I suddenly realize. He laughs at me. 

"Hmph. Lets just go in." I knock on Ventis dorm. I see Heizou open the door. I look away.

"Hey. We're here for the party?" I hear Kuni speak In place of me. I grab his shoulder, as if trying to hide behind him.

"Yeah. Just...come on in." I think he sees that I'm scared. I didn't know that he and Venti shared a dorm. I move my hands down Kunis arm and hold his hand. I blush. I didn't know if it was alright so I just looked away like I didn't know it was happening. He tightens his grip on my hand, and I find it surprising.

"Kazuha. How are so many people here already? And why is there a bar? Is that even allowed in the dorm?" He asks me. I laugh.

"I don't know. I mean, it's not my dorm." I respond quietly.

"Anyway, this is where I will be leaving you. I'm going to go hang out with some annoying people, bye." He lets go of my hand and walks over to a group of girls who were clearly jealous that he was holding my hand. I had completely forgotten to talk to him about his fangirls because of Mona. I then feel someone grab my arm. They pull me into a dark room.

"I thought I told you to stay away from Scaramouche." I hear a familiar voice say in an aggressive tone. I start sweating. What was she gonna do now? I feel tears form in my eyes before I quickly blink them away.

"Yeah... S-sorry. I promise it wont-" I try to avoid more getting beat up. I feel her kick me against a wall. I wince in pain.

"Don't even try to yell for help. No one will hear you over the music..." She whispers in my ear after I've fallen down to the ground. She kicks me again, this time harder.

"So, are you and Scaramouche dating?" She asks me. I breathe heavily, not being able to respond. I shake my head. She then kicks me again. I scream out of pain.

"Then why were you holding hands?" I don't have an answer for that. I start finding it harder to breathe. She kicks me again, this time in the chest. I start coughing. 

"Hey. Don't get blood on me." She tilts my head up to face her. I had apparently coughed up some blood. She then kicks my chest again. This time I can't breathe for a moment. Why? Why was she so defensive? Why did she need me away from Scaramouche? I get she wants to date him, but I'm not getting in the way of that. A million thoughts rush through my head as I try to breathe once more.

"Don't even attempt getting up, or I'll make it much worse next time. Oh, also, I'm going to make your life a living hell, Kaedahara Kazuha." She says with a smile. I cant do anything but cry, so that's what I do. I cry until no more tears come out. I had no light, no sense of time. I had no idea how long I'd been trapped in there. Someone suddenly opens the door to the room.

Ganyu POV:

" you really need this much alcohol?" I ask her, watching as she downs her 6th glass. She looks at me.

"Hey...Ganyu..." She hiccups, "Kiss me." I hear her as she grabs my face. I turn bright red. She kissed me.

"K-keqing..." I mutter. This wasn't like her. Normally she hates me-or at least pretends to. I have never seen her like this.

"Mmm...your lips are soft..." She puts her thumb on my bottom lip. She kisses me again. I look away to avoid her doing anything else she didn't want to.

"No. Stop it. You'd never normally do this." I grab her wrist and bring her hand down. I watch her frown, clearly upset by my rejection. 

"Please?~" She continues trying to convince me. I shake my head. I couldn't let her do this when she would never normally do it.

"No. You should go back to your dorm anyway." I push her away. She looks back at the bar. She starts to drift off before falling asleep on the bar. 

"Hey! Kuki! Keqing passed out can you take her back to your dorm?" I ask Kuki Shinobu, Keqing's roommate. She nods. I leave Keqing to her.

Kirara POV:

Hiya there! I came to the party a bit late but now I'm really sad because I remembered I can't drink alcohol😔. Anyway, I came with the whole squad. Hu Tao👻, Yanfei⚖️, Charlotte📷, Xingqiu📚, Chongyun☯️, Yun Jin🎤, Xinyan🎸, and finally Xiangling🍽️. A bit of a weird group but we all play this one video game so yeah👍. If you wanna know the game is Danganronpa and we started a group chat where we just roleplay as the characters soooo😀. AHH! I keep rambling. I just saw Xinyan do a backflip. Op-yanfei threw something at Hu Tao and Xingqiu. XIANGLING JUST HIT SOMEONE IN THE HEAD WITH A FRYING PAN🍳! AHHHHH IT WAS YANFEI! I low-key thought this place would be insane because of me but I'm not really contributing to it. Oh Gorou🐶 is here. AND HES IN A DRESS???? Oh wait no that's Ms Hina sorry. Why does she look so much like Gorou....hmmmmmmmmm I wonder. Yanfei's back up. CHONGYUN NOOOOOOO HE DIDN'TTTTT HE KISSED XINGQIU!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This place is chaotic.


Normally this is where I'd end it but I kinda wanna keep writing so anyways I'm gonna continue. You can count the next half as another chapter if you want. Anyway, back to the story.

Word Count: 1065


Scaramouche POV:

"Woah, woah, calm down girls, there's enough of me to go around..." I try to play being surrounded by a ton of girls cool. I am actually kinda worried about Kazuha. Normally he would probably worry about why I'm not paying attention to him and instead to all these girls. That's assuming he's drunk. You can tell how someone is gonna be when they're drunk just by their personality. It's normally just every element to the max when they're drunk. Kazuha, for example, is needy. At least from what I've seen. He also doesn't like being alone. So long story short, he's probably clinging to someone somewhere. 

"Hey, I'm gonna go grab myself a drink. Bye." I walk over to the bar.

"Hey, has a boy with white hair and a red streak come by here and ask for any drinks?" 

"Nope. Seen no one of the sort all night." The red-haired bartender speaks, mixing a drink. There are 2 more people I could ask. One of them, I really don't want to, and the other...I might as well start with.

"Hey, you're Beidou, right?" I go over and talk to a lady with brown hair and an eye patch over her left eye.

"Yeah? Whaddya need, kiddo?" She asks me.

"Have you seen Kazuha? I can't find him." I speak with a worried tone.

"Nah, I don't know where he is. Why? You got a thing for him?" She asks me. I turn a light pink. 

"No. I don't. I'm just his worried dorm mate." I walk away and look at the person I wanna ask the least. The person who Kazuha told me was his ex. The one he was scared of earlier. He's the only other person I can think of who may know where he was.

"Hey. I don't really wanna ask you this, but do you know where Kazuha is?" I tap on his shoulder. He looks at me, surprised.

"No? Did something happen?" He seemed worried for some reason.

"Nope. I just can't find him." I assure him.

" can check most of the rooms, just don't check me and Ventis rooms because some couples were looking for bedrooms earlier sooo." He laughs. I nod and go to look through the rooms. I can't find Kazuha anywhere until I see a room  that was a bit hidden behind a couple plants. I push the plants aside and open the door. I look around and see Kazuha sitting on the ground. He was looking up at me in relief. He looked like he had been crying.

"K-Scaramouche...Hi." He mutters. I was confused why he was calling me my normal name.

"Kazuha! You had me worried sick! I was looking for you everywhere!" I lean down to look closer at him. I quickly grow worried. Kazuha had dried blood near his lip.

"O-oh. Sorry." He looks down, as if he noticed I saw the blood and he was trying to hide it.

"Kazuha. What happened?" I ask him.

"N-nothing. I came into the room to escape the noise and accidentally hit the doorframe with my lip on the way in." He mumbles. I sit down next to him and turn his head to face me. He has a look of fear in his eyes before looking the other way. He seemed upset for some reason. I then wrap my arms around him.

"Ow-" He exclaims. Was he injured or something?

"What's wrong?" I take my arms back. He looks like he messed up or something. Like he was trying to hide he was hurt or something.

"I-uhh..." He trails off. He then moves away from me, still sitting down. I begin thinking: What could've happened? Is he injured and not telling me? Did someone hurt him? If they hurt him, I swear...

"Kazuha. Take off your shirt."

"W-WHAT!?" He nearly yells. 

"Just do it."

"Are you drunk or something?"

"Nope, not a single drop of alcohol in my system." He slowly takes his shirt off. I then reach over and put my hand on his chest. He turns bright red. I see a bruise near his chest.

"Do you know why there's a random bruise here?" I brush my hand up against the bruise. It looked new.

"I probably just got it while I was sleeping..." He mutters. I figure it has something do with how I found him in the back of the school.

"Nobody gets bruised on their chest in their sleep. Now, do you really have no recollection of getting this bruise?" He shakes his head. I take my hand off his chest.

"If you're sure. Now, are you gonna come join the party?" 

"No..." He mumbles clearly. I don't understand why. He seems like he likes other peoples company. He puts his shirt back on before someone walks in and finds us.

"Really? Why not? Did you injure your legs too?" I ask. I stand up and look down at him. I roll my eyes. He laughs and shakes his head.

"Nope! I just want a break from all the loud noises." He says, a wide grin across his face.

"Alright. I'll tell you when I leave." I leave the small closet to see that annoying astrology girl waiting for me outside.

"Hey, why were you in there?" She asks me. I'm confused why she even cares, but it really doesn't matter.

"I couldn't find Kazuha and I found him in there?"

"Oh...ok." I then walk back over to my group of fangirls and the astrology girl joins them. I don't know why they all love me so much. I don't even like them all. I only have my eyes set on one person. And that persons name is Kaedahara Kazuha.


Done with the long chapter!(finally) Kirara decided to overuse her emoji privileges so I will be taking them away. For now.

Word Count(pt.2): 952

Total Word Count: 2017

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