Yandere Kazuha X Reader

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Kazuha X Reader

You were walking down with Kazuha to the cruise, which was picking up passengers to go back from Inazuma to Liyue harbor.

"Y/N-chan, did you enjoy Inazuma? Who all did you make friends with there?"

"Mmm – I HAD A LOT OF FUN. It's a pity we had to leave so early. I met the Raiden Shogun. She was weird at first, something about immortality glitches in her heart. Like she is afraid of death or something. Reminds me of Voldemort."

"Ah- yes the series you recommended me. Harry Potter, right?"

"Yes- Xinqui told me all about it, so I read it, and I absolutely adored it."


"I also met Ayaka- such a sweet girl she is. Really nice and pleasant. It was heartbreaking when she told me she had no friends. But that's fixed, because me and Lumine are her friends now."

"Miss Kamisato Ayaka and you- didn't think you guys would click. Complete opposites."

"Are you trying to call me barbaric? Also, haven't you ever heard that opposites attract?" you said with your eyes raised and hand on your hips.

"No- anyways, any others you contracted with on your embarked journey to a place I shivered to call home once?'

"Uh- Kokomi-san, her dressing sense is legendary. And her tactful thinking. Beats me every time. Then Thoma, I think he is the gift of God. Never met a guy as nice and pleasing as him." You say, your eyes shining.

"Oh- okay." His voice sounding really low.

"Then Kujou Sara- honestly, she is pretty strong, but I think she has a thing for Raiden Shogun. Thoma told me that everyone there calls her this word 'simp'."

"Seems like you had a lot of fun."

"Of course, how couldn't I. Everybody there made it a wonderful experience for me. Oh, I'd love to go back."

"y/N- I have been meaning to ask- "


You had reached the ship and spotted Beidou and traveler on it, immersed in some quick chats."

"Oh Y/N and Kazuha- You guys took a lot of time. If it wasn't the two of you, we would have been long gone." She said, like always.

"Y/N, I was starting to get worried. How come you guys took so much time."

You stuck your tongue out, tilted your head, hand behind it and flimsily apologized.

You saw Kazuha eyeing you in a very creepy manner. You felt kind of uncomfortable by it, so quickly regained composure.

"Lets set sail then." Beidou said in her strong voice.

She waved at the others signaling them to set sail.

Then she looked at you, winked slightly causing your face to go red. Then left.

"Y/N, meet me at the back of the deck tonight, in my room." Lumine said cheerfully.

"Why?" Kazuha interrupted before you could say anything.

She looked at you, then at him, shrugged her shoulders and left.

"Eh. Its fine. I think she just wants me to – "your voice trailed off.

...awkward silence...

"Uh- Kazuha, weren't you telling me that you knew a wonderful spot in the ship."

"Yes- are you willing to accompany me. Or do you have the time for idle chatter with the rest here."

His tone was so aggressive. So, unlike him.

"No- Im completely free, right now." You said trying in a nice voice, but you could hear yourself stuttering.

Why were you stuttering in the first place?

He then took you by the hand, smoothly and gently.

Of course. He was such a poetic gentleman. You enjoyed being with him the most. Just talking to him made you happy. Then why were your guts telling you something wasn't right.

Stupidly, you ignored it.

He took you to a really deserted area. You doubted even Beidou knew about it.

Suddenly he pulled you in for a kiss. A very passionate one, I must add.

"Hey- sorry" you pushed him off, "but I don't think im ready for it."

You looked away; your face flushed in red. You liked him, obviously. But that was too sudden.

He didn't let his grip for your waist loose. And still kept holding your hand.

"And its fine if Lumine does it. and everybody in Tevyat keeps flirting with you?

"Unfortunately, there isn't a single person that doesn't know you. And almost everyone likes you or is utterly obsessed with you." He said.

"What do you mean? – Let me go" you struggled against his inhumane grip. It kept getting tighter the more you struggled.

"It started killing me that you were having fun with other people. I was in denial of that jealous feeling. It eated my insides up. Why was everyone behind you. I liked you first and it hurted evertime I saw you with others. I tried to inform you on multiple occasions, but you just never listened."

You had tears in your eyes by now. Trying really hard to keep them up.

He giggled, the creepy way.

"You always tried to avoid the serious chatter. I don't know why? But I would love to. I want to know more of you. All my poems dedicated to you, I want to make more, millions, and all on you.

He was such a gentleman. Why was he acting up like this."

"I- I" no words came out of your mouth.

"Mm- yes?"

"Why me?" you managed to say in the strongest voice you could muster.

"I found you interesting. You weren't like anybody else. You love to talk, but always avoided the serious chatter. You talked to everybody, and everybody is your friend but the distance you maintained with everyone was the same. Still some people are closer to you than the others. Nothing of your past is known by anyone, you have a serious hatred for people, don't you? Who exactly are you. I always wondered. Once you started talking to me, I felt intrigued. Felt like you made me feel special, I adored that feeling. But you talk to everyone that way. I got triggered. I wasn't special. I wanted to be special, you know. You feel like the kind of person who can change someone's life but won't stick around always. You can achieve what no human cant, it feels like that. what a shitty feeling it was, imagining you leave. So I decided, against my better judgement, I will simply not allow you to leave."

"Y-you speak too much. "You said scrunching your eyes and yawning.

He let go of your hand. You fell to the ground hard. He towered over you easily.

"I love it when you talk to me but talk to me only. You should be reserved or me, and me only."

Y/N: goodnight.

Kazuha: Lets rest around this beautiful sunset right here Y/n.

Director: thank you Kazuha for learning those lines, I was really impressed.

Paimon: Even the director has a nice side.

Aether: tsundere -ehe .... Y/N ARE YOU GOING TO KAZUHA'S HOUSE?

Y/N: Mhmm.

Zhongli: Why there, Y/N?

Y/N: I merely have 20K mora left and Kazuha told me he'll show me his poems and his house.

Aether: Y/N, come with me, I bet he wants to show more than just his poems.

Kazuha: Ah, what a dirty mind you have there. nothing out of the ordinary I must add. All of you possess it.

Y/N: you really know how to make everyone turn on you Kazuha- lets go.

Diluc: Y/N? I thought you promised me you'd accompany me at the bar tonight.

Y/N: I strongly remember mentioning I would tomorrow.

Diluc: lets make it today.

Y/N: You know what, nevermind, Mona is willing to let me stay in her house too. ill visit you later, Kazuha?

Director: I think that'd be nice, also call Mona in for the next part.

Lumine:- But Director-

Director: Out of my House for the Night – NOW DIPSHITS.

A/N: I am so thankful for almost 9K reads. I love you guys.

Heyyyy if anyone is willing to buy me genesis crystals, i lost my pity to yelan again.

i kind of really want her but im sure im not going to get her so if anyone can just buy me something itd really help.

Link : https://www.codashop.com/en-us/genshin-impact

UID- 627326836.


Message me on discord- Kang Mi Rae#9868 if you do >/////<

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