Chapter 3

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(Nicholas) *laying in bed with mia* since we have been on the talks of marriage, if we were to have children what are two names on your mind?

(Mia) for boy and girl?

(Nicholas) yes

(Mia) if we were to have a boy Frank Nicholas Rupert Devereux Renaldi after you and my grandfather

(Nicholas) you'd pass down my name?

(Mia) of course

(Nicholas) and for a girl?

(Mia) Elizabeth Helen Clarisse Devereux Renaldi after my mother and grandmother

(Nicholas) I love both names Mia

(Joe) *knocking on mia's door*

(Mia) yes?

(Joe) *opening door* your majesty your mother and step father are here to see you

(Mia) will be down soon Joe

(Joe) will be in the dining hall *closing door*

(Mia) looks like you get time with my family

(Nicholas) your half brothers name is?

(Mia) Trevor and my step father is Patrick, my mothers name is Helen Thermopolis

(Nicholas) I will put on my good turtleneck and pants to look welcoming to your family

(Mia) thank you Nicholas *kissing Nicholas* let's get ready

- dining hall -

(Mia) mom

(Helen) Mia *hugging mia* I missed you sweetheart, how is everything as queen?

(Mia) I love it mom it's amazing

(Helen) you do have lots of responsibilities now

(Nicholas) hi Mrs.Thermopolis I don't know if you remember me I am Nicholas Devereux your daughters boyfriend

(Helen) a pleasure to officially meet you Nicholas I heard so much about you

(Nicholas) is this little Trevor

(Patrick) our little boy, he is coming into the stages of learning to stand up on his own

(Mia) he's adorable mom

(Patrick) would you like to hold him?

(Mia) may I?

(Patrick) *handing Mia Trevor* he just ate so he may be a little tired

(Mia) hi Trevor

(Nicholas) she's so sweet with children

(Clarisse) Nicholas are you planning on having children with Mia?

(Nicholas) after we are wed I'd be happy to she looks like she would be an amazing mother

(Helen) you seem like a great match for my daughter

(Nicholas) I plan to propose to Mia in thirty days and in those next thirty days I wish to wed Mia and become king of genovia to rule by my queens side

(Joe) when did this plan of yours happen?

(Nicholas) after tea with you and lady Clarisse Mia and I discussed marriage and children, after new years I'd be happy to start life with Mia as her king

(Clarisse) then we must get a ring picked for your proposal and discuss preparations for the engagement

(Nicholas) their is something I may ask, Mia went through royal training with you both and I may ask for you to teach me the ways of becoming a king, I was taken under my uncle's wing and now he is behind bars I don't have a teacher

(Clarisse) I'd be happy to teach you

(Helen) *handing Nicholas ring* this ring was given to me by my husband and now I'd like to pass it on to you to propose to my daughter I give you my blessing Nicholas

(Nicholas) thank you Mrs.Thermopolis

(Mia) mom I think rocky is ready for a nap

(Patrick) I'll help you

(Clarisse) will start teaching the royal ways in the morning

(Nicholas) thank you

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