Chapter 1

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(Anouncer) presenting Amelia mignonette Grimaldi thermopolis renaldi queen of genovia

(Mia) *walking downstairs* thank you

(Clarisse) Amelia may we have you come for tea?

(Mia) I'd be happy too grandmother

(Joe) is that Nicholas joining us?

(Mia) Nicholas is dealing with his uncle but possibly later today for lunch

(Clarisse) is Lilly working graduate school still?

(Mia) yes and she had talked to me about one of the goal guard she is seeing while in California

(Clarisse) Lilly and the royal guard? Who of the guard is she seeing?

(Mia) captin kip Kelly before going back to school they exchanged numbers

(Clarisse) I am happy for her it's good she has someone

(Joe) you know Mia you will need to start figuring out your relationship with Nicholas if he is someone you see to run as king of genovia by your side

(Mia) we just started our relationship but I will discuss things with Nicholas Joe, I jest know he's gone through alot with his uncle so I didn't want to add more to his plate at the moment

(Clarisse) you really do care for this man who was your old rival

(Mia) I love him of course i care, he has no family besides his uncle who took him under his wing after the passing of his father

(Joe) he is welcome into the castle if he needs a home

(Clarisse) Joe is right, with everything under lord mabrey's name he may lose those things once mabrey was imprisoned for his actions towards you if lord Nicholas needs a home he may take a spare room here in the castle before your relationship changes

(Mia) thank you grandmother and grandfather

(Clarisse) you are our queen we will stand by your side in support Mia

(Joe) will your mother be coming up for any visits?

(Mia) she is busy with work, taking care of rocky while Patrick is busy with working in the school so I don't know when her next visit may be

(Charlotte) your majesty lord Nicholas has arrived

(Announcer) presenting Nicholas Devereux

(Nicholas) your majesty

(Mia) welcome Nicholas we were just having tea if you care to join

(Nicholas) I'd be happy too

(Joe) how are you doing since everything with that uncle of yours?

(Nicholas) I am stressed but relieved my uncle is off my back about taking the crown from the now queen but the maid is helping me packing up my belongings before the home sells

(Mia) the castle us open for you to come live here if you would like too Nicholas

(Nicholas) I would not like to intrude on the queen and castle

(Clarisse) you are welcome in Nicholas we were discussing before you're arrival that you should come stay in our guest room of the castle until you chose your path with Mia we will have you in there

(Nicholas) if I chose to marry your granddaughter

(Joe) yes

(Nicholas) I accept your offer on having me moved in I will inform my maids

(Joe) I will send Lionel and shades to help you with a car to transport your belongings

(Nicholas) thank you

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