The morning was quiet and warm. The wind was blowing lightly, and the sea of Gibraltar was inviting everyone to swim in it. The sun was already shining bright, promising a beautiful and warm day.
The sunrays tickled your nose, waking you up from your deep slumber.
You turned your head, seeing Genji sleeping peacefully beside you. Kissing his lips, you remembered the wonderful moments you had with him the day before.
Both of you fell into a deep slumber, after sleeping with each other, you both slept through the whole day, meaning that you didnt get to meet up with the others.
But you didnt mind, it was worth it.
You looked at his lovely face, you loved the way he looked in the soft sunlight. He looked so peaceful when he slept. You brushed over his face lightly with the tips of your fingers, stroking away the hair on his face. Feeling the scars, scattered all over him reminded you of the dark past both of you shared.
You thought about how you once believed that you had lost him, and that terrible feeling you had felt, knowing you wouldnt see him again. But luckily that wasnt the case, you had him back, and felt like the happiest person on earth now that you were reunited with your soulmate.
You loved him, without any doubt.
Guilt built up inside of you, knowing that he must have had the same feeling as you. He thought that he wouldnt see you again, ever.
Tears formed in your eyes, thinking about how terrible Genji must have felt.
Falling out of your eyes they hit Genjis soft skin on his face. He woke up to the image of your crying face, worrying about you.
"Hey (Y/N), are you ok?" He asked worried.
You nooded as tears streamed down your face.
"Well obviously youre not ...please tell me whats wrong!" He said cupping your cheeks with his hands.
"I just...Im sorry that you thought I was dead!" You said, throwing yourself on him, hugging his big body.
"Hey...its are here now!" He said, hugging back.
"But I know how you felt, because I went through the same thing. It was terrible and you shouldnt have felt that too." You said, crying onto his chest.
"If you feel like you need to apologize for that, shouldnt I apologize too?" He said.
"But it wansnt your fault! You really almost died!" You exclaimed.
"Neither was it yours (Y/N). So dont feel guilty, it wasnt your fault." He said calmly, stroking your hair and head.
"I love you, and I am the luckiest man on earth for being able to hold you in my arms again!"
"I love you too, Genji." You sniffled.
"Please dont cry my love! You look so beautiful when you smile." He said, lifting up your chin so you would look at his bright smile.
You couldnt help but smile too, Genji was just making you so happy.
You got up from the bed, which Genji dindt really liked.
"Hey! I thought we would cuddle for a little bit longer!" He said pouting.
"We have to get ready! Get your sexy ass out of bed!" You said throwing a pillow at him playfully.
"No! Get your sexy body back in bed and cuddle with me for a little longer!" He said with a pouty face looking like a child.
"Genji! If I get in bed for 'just a little longer' we will stay there till noon!" You said taking off your pyjama to get changed.
Genji was still pouting, but decided to finally get out of bed, taking off his clothes, revealing his trained body.
It took you a lot off self controll to not just jump on him and repeat the actions of the night before.
"(Y/N)? Can you do me a favor and wear that (f/c) dress?" He asked a bit quiet and shyly.
"Sure, why?"
"Well you just look so....good in it ya know..." he said a little embarrassed.
You put on the dress, looking at yourself in the mirror. He was right you looked beautiful in it. The soft silky fabric, wrapped around your curves in more than just a flattering way.
"Wow..." Genji quietly whispered, when he saw you wearing the dress.
You walked out of your room, heading towards the dining room. You knew that the conversation that was going to happen would be fun, nor nice.
You were still filled with rage and anger, but you also felt dissapointed at the same time, there sas still that one question in your head.
Why didndt they search in the omnium bases? Why didnt they do everything they could have done to prevent your suffering?
Tears filled your eyes just thinking about it. They could have prevented so much. One of your hands was balled together into a fist, the other held onto one of the DVDs that you had found on one of your assasination jobs. You firmly sqeezed your hands, almost breaking the DVD, but you didnt care. You were angry.
You didnt care about wether you were overreakting or ignorant.
Storming into the dining room it was quite empty, only Tracer, Mercy and Sojourn were sitting at a table enjoying their breakfast. Mercy almost spat out her coffee when she saw the look on your face.
"Whats wrong (Y/N)?" She asked, and her familiar swiss accent calmed you down a little.
"I need to talk to Sojourn." You said coldly.
Sojourn stood up, a serious look was plastered all over her face.
"We should talk about this with all the members expect Mei, she wasnt there back then." She said.
You nodded, then Sojourn left the room and told Athena to tell all the members to come to the lunch room.
Genji that was silently standing behind you sat down, and began making breakfast for himself. He was quite confused about the situation, so he just decided to eat and wait for the thing you had to say. He stared munching on a peace of bread that he smeared marmelade on.
He silently ate up, gazing up at you now and then.
It would be a lie to say that he wasnt worried. He saw how your body shivered from all the anger, which worried him quite a lot.
But he decided to not say anything, knowing that it would just make matters worse.
After a few moments everyone entered the room and sat down, wanting to prepare breakfast. But Sojourn stopped them, which seemingly upset Winston that was about to bite into his peanut buttee pop tart.
"(Y/N) wanted to talk to me about something very important, so I thought it would be best that everyone is here since its something that we all should talk about." Sojourn said.
Everyone just silently nodded, giving Sojourn the sign to continue.
But then Tracer broke tge silence. "What do you have there (Y/N)?" She asked, noticing the DVD in your hand.
"Its a four hour video if me being tortured." You said coldly, and then threw it on the table.
"I have more of these" you said directly looking at Sojourn and then the others.
They either were just silent or silently ghasped.
"I want to know why you let that happen." You said almost choking on your words as the tears came back in your eyes.
"Why didnt you search the omnium bases?" You cried out.
Everyone was just silent, not daring to look at your crying face, so they just looked down.
"I know it wasnt easy for you guys, but why?" You asked, stumbling over your words.
"Im sorry (Y/N)...I cant answer your question...I dont know why." Sojourn answered, still looking down at the ground.
A frown formed on your face and you balled your hands up into fists.
"You promised me I would be safe and then you dont even notice that that whole mission was a trap! You lied!" You screamed, tears streaming down your face.
Then you stormed out of the room, grabbed your jacket and just ran away without orientation.
You just ran until your legs couldnt carry you anymore. You found yourself on a bright opening in the forest. The ground that you sat on was covered in soft, green moss. The air was fresh and had that smell of soil after the rain.
You breathed in and out slowly, taking in the beauty of the forest, as you started to relax.
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