Chapter 4. Dinner

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You sat at a big table with Sojiro Shimada and his two sons Hanzo and Genji.
Hanzo was the older one, he had long black hair and a stern look on his face, he mostly stayed silent and only talked if his father wanted him to.

Genji on the other hand, was the opposite from his brother.
He had short black hair and was only two years older than you, making him twelve years old. Genji was bubbly and cheerful and just wanted to know everything about you.
He talked so much that his father often told him to hold back, but he never listened.
You started to like him and wanted to get to know him better.

"So we talked a lot about my sons now, but I want to know some things about you (Y/N). How old are you?" Sojiro asked while cutting his food. 

"Im 10." You said silently, obviouly being uncomfortable.

"Oh my what a beautiful young lady, you know (Y/N), I wish you would marry one of my sons when you grow up..." he said, while eating his food.

The dinner went on for way too long, and Sojiro just went on with asking you questions.
He talked a lot about how he knew your parents and even was in love with your mother when they were really young.
To be honest, you didn't care at all and just mentioning your parents names made you feel empty inside.

After the dinner ended you had to say goodbye to your uncle. It was hard for you to let go of him, you didn't want him to go, he was the only family that was left.
You cried and he told you to be a strong and good girl.
After giving you one last tight hug, he drove away and you watched as the car got smaller and smaller until it was completely gone from your sight.

You sighed trying to hold back your tears, so much happened the last day.

"Miss (Y/N)? May I lead you to your room?" The maid from before asked lightly tapping your shoulder to get your attention.

"Yes, please " you said quickly wiping away the tears.

Genji watched you from afar, as a maid brought him to his room to get him ready for bed.
He was really interested in you, he was still too young to know what he really felt towards you, but he knew one thing for sure, you were the most beautiful girl he had ever seen.

You were in your room now lying on your back on the bed, looking up at the ceiling.

"Kumo?" You asked not knowing where he was.

"Yes?" He answered jumping on the bed in the form of a cat, cuddling up to your leg. It felt warm and comforting to you.

"Promise me that you will never leave" you said out to him.

"(Y/N)...even if I would want to leave you, I can't. Now sleep it has been a long day." He said.

Only a few minutes later you fell into a deep slumber.

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