Chapter 21. The cute stranger

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You woke up by the sound of Athena that was calling out to you.

"(Y/N)! Your appointent with Dr. Ziegler is in 30 minutes. PLEASE WAKE UP!" You heard her robotoc voice say.

You growled, burrying yourself under the blanket. But Athena wouldnt stop bugging you, so there was no other option than to get out of bed.

"You can stop now Athena Im awake!" You growled.

Athena left you alone after wishing you a wonderful day.
When you finally were alone you changed into the clothing that Tracer had given you. It was just a black t shirt woth the overwatch Logo and some shorts that were coincidental your favourite color.

After getting dressed you went into the bathroom and brushed your (h/l) (h/c) hair. Luckily everything was already in your room, because you didnt had anything personal besides the weapons you carried when Jesse found you and a picture of Genji and you that you had out on your nightstand.

You looked at yourself in the mirror once more before leaving the bathroom.
You opened one of the windows in your room, letting in the fresh and crisp morning air.
Looking outside you saw two people training outside. One of them was Jesse, and the other one was someone you hadnt met yet.

You could only see his back, but it would be a lie to say that you didnt like what you saw. The man was pretty muscular, had black short hair and his legs and his right arm were replaced by prosthetics that were black and had a red glow to them.
You were more than amazed by the mans body, and just couldnt get your eyes off of him.
It was the first time after Genjis death that you felt attracted to a man, and that made you feel a bit guilty. You still loved him and it was hard to let go, but you knew that you had to.

You continued to look at him, breathing in the cold morning air.
The man had no problems dodging Jesses attacks. He moved swiftly and with grace, and within minutes we was towering over Jesse, winning the fight.

"Wow..." you whispered to yourself.
He must be the Japanse guy Jesse and Angela were talking about, he seemed farmiliar to you. But you couldn't quite say why.

Wanting to watch him a little bit more you stayed leaning on the windowsill, but your plans were crashed by Angela Ziegler knocking on the door.

"(Y/N)?! Are you still in your room?" She asked from outside the room.

"Yeah, whats wrong Angela?"

"You are late for our appointment (Y/N)...and you havent even eaten breakfast yet."

"Oh god, Im so sorry Angela. I'll hurry up!" You said rushing to the door, opening it and being greeted by the beautiful swiss woman.

"No worry (Y/N), just go eat breakfast and then visit me in my office. I'll see you in a bit!" She said before leaving to do work.

Kumo and you walked to the lunch room to eat breakfast. Although Kumo didnt had to eat real food to live he still enjoyed a good meal. He had told you that he had been in almost every country, due to his always changing companions and so he had eaten a lot of different dishes, but Japanese food has always been his favourite.
He loved sushi and ramen, and also had quite the sweet tooth.

You made yourself your favourite breakfast food, and enjoyed some tea.
After you were done eating, you started heading towards Angelas office.

After knocking on the door, you were greeted by the beautiful swiss doctor. 

"Its nice to see you (Y/N)! Please come in and take a seat." She said, pointing to the examination bed.

You sat down on it, waiting for her to explain what exactly she was going to do.

"As I already told you, the cybernetic parts that you have on your spine arent really professionally put in and quite old models. I could either just take tgem out because they arent really neccessary or replace them with a new model." She explained to you.

You thought about it for a moment.

"Just take them out." You said, knowing that you didnt need the enhancements being fast and strong enough without them.

"Ok, as you wish. I will numb your back but it still wont be a pleasent experience taking the cybernetic parts out. So lie down and make yourself comfortable, this will take a while." She said before going away to wash her hands, put on gloves and get her tools.

In the time she got ready you took off your shirt and laid down on the examination bed, making yourself feel somewhat comfortable.

Angela came back to you with some tools and got started on you.
It hurt a bit, but Angela talked with you the whole time to distract you. 

"So...tell me more about Genji." She said.

"What exactly do you want to know?"

"Just tell me anything, Im curious."

"Well I met him after my parents had died, and from tge first time I met him he always amazed me. But it took some time to realize that I love him. We always went to the arcade and the ramen shop together. I akways used to watch him training while cleaning the house, and I was there for him when his father Sojiro died....I saw him die..."

"Jesse told me about your nightmares, do you want to talk about them?" Angela asked.

"I have them every night. I kinda got used to them, besides I think it would be weird if I didnt had any nightmares after all I went through..."

"Im just so sorry..." the doctor whispered, full of guilt.

After a while she was done removing the cybernetic parts you were free to go. Angela told you that you shouldnt do too much sport but a little bit of training would be ok.
And so you trained a bit with Jesse. The two of you had a little contest about who could aim better, Jesse won.


"Genji just let me talk to you!" The swiss doctor screamed, following the cyborg ninja through thelong hallways of the Overwatch base.

"If you want to talk about (Y/N) again then I dont want to." He answered, being angry. 

"Please, what you are doing is just dumb. You are helping no one with your behaviour. So please just talk to me!" She tried to convince him.

Suddenly the young man stopped and turned around to face her.

"Look at me Angela!!" He screamed,  tears in his eyes.
"I look like a monster! She would never accent me like that! How could she ever love me now! I am not the man she loved once and I dont want our hearts broken by that...besides I think shes doing just fine without me. She has the others. " he growled in her face.

Then everything went silent before a clap could be heard echoing the hallways.
The cyborg was shocked, one side of his face was turning red. Angela had slapped him in the face.

"You think you went trough something bad?! Well, the things you went through is nothing against what she had to go through. (Y/N) had to fight in a war, watch hundreds of people die knowing that she killed them because she had no choice. She was tortured day and night. Scars are scattered all over the body, you dont even have to ask what happened to her because her boy tells the whole story. She saw you die Genji! She still has nightmares about that every night. Maybe it seems like she is doing ok,  but believe me, that girl has suffered more than anyone else here. And let me tell you one more thing, while going through all that she never stopped thinking about you, because you gave her hope!" She stopped for a moment taking a deep breath.

Genji just felt bad.
"I will think about it." He said quietly, not daring to say more than that. Then he slowly walked away.

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