Chapter 19. The Overwatch family

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You followed Jesse through the long corrodoors of the Overwatch base.

"Are ya nervous?" Jesse asked, his words echoing through the hallways.

You responded with a simple nod. Being excited but also nervous, your body was trembling.
Bad thoughts and questions clouded your mind, such as 'what if they dont like me, and I have to go?' or 'what if they call me a murderer?'.

Jesse noticed how nervous you were, and tried to cheer you up a bit.
"Hey darlin, yer really dont have to be so nervous. How I already said, all of them are looking forward to meet you."
He said, taking your hand in his big one as you continued to walk behind him.

"How are they? I mean the agents..."

"Well they are from all over the world. We even have one agent thats also from Japan, maybe Angela has already told you about him. And let me tell you, they all are the nicest people in the whole world."

Jesses words gave you hope and made you less scared. The two of you arrived at a double winged door that lead to a big room. Laughter could be heard from inside the room.

"Open the door when ya ready" Jesse said, waiting besides you.

"W-Why dont you open it for me?" You asked, knowing that your hand would be shaking making it uncontrollable.

"Nope, youll have to do the first step darlin. So be brave I know yer can do it!"

Jesses words made you a little bit braver and so you reached for the doorknob and opened the door, entering the room.
You were immediately greeted by a short haired girl that seemed to have teleported towards you.

"Cheers love! Nice to meet you! Im Tracer but you can also just call me Lena." The girl was very bubbly, and had a british accent.

"You must be (Y/N)!" A deep manly voice said. A big man with grey hair and a scar on his left eye. He was german which you could tell by his accent.
"I am Reinhardt!" The main said while shaking your hand roughly.

As time would pass Reinhardt would become a dad to you. Although his jokes were a bit cringy at times.

You looked around the room. There were four big tables like in a school cafeteria, and there was a big Tv on one wall so everyone could watch the news in the morning. In the back of tje room there was another door leading to the kitchen.

"Please sit with us." Lena said, taking your hand and dragging you to a table.
Sitting down at the table you mwt the rest of the team, well almost.
You met Ana Amari, Winston, Moira and Gabriel Reyes that were also a part of blackwatch, Torbjorn, Sojiurn and Jack Morrison the  Commander.

Everyone was so nice to you, they didnt treat you like a weapon nor a murderer. They treated you like a human and almost like you were family to them already. You quite used to being treated normal yet, but you enjoyed it.

The only persons that werent there were Angela and the Japanese man that belonged to Blackwatch. At first you thought that it was weird, but then you remembered that he probably was the patient that Angela talked about.
You continued to talk with the others, and quickly made friends.


"Genji I know you are here for maintenance but I have something important to tell you." Angela said sitting in her swivel chair, looking at the cyborg.

"If its about that weapon of the omnium you were going to rescue, I wish to not meet her." The man said, his red eyes staring into her soft blue ones.
He sat on the lounger ready to be examined.

"Why?" Angela asked shocked at the reaction of her patient. She knew that he didnt liked meeting new people due to his new body, but she didnt expect him to react that way.

"Why should I meet that person anyway. You know that I would rather be on my own."

"Because you know her!" It bursted out of the doctor.

Genji stared at her in shock and then crossed his arms over his chest. He couldnt quite believe what he had just heard. Although he still didnt know what Angela was speaking of exactly.

"What do you mean by, I know her?" The cyborg questioned Angela. 

"Genji the weapon of the omnium is (Y/N)!" Angela simply said. 

"B-but...shes dead. She died in a car crash when she ran away after my death..." Genji said, stumbling over his words.

"That was a lie by the omnium so no one would search for her. She was with me Genji. She told me about you." Angela said taking Genjis real hand in hers to comfort him.

"She is severely traumatized, she may not show it, but to me its obvious that she suffers from what they have done to her. She needs you Genji...and you need her!" Angela said softly. 

Genji didnt know what to say. He just stared at the doctor in disbelief. After a few moments he asked.
"What do you mean by what they have done to her?"

Angela took a deep breath, knowing he wouldnt like what he was going to hear.

"She didnt told me that much about what they have done to her, but her body told me the whole story. They tortured her for every so little mistake. They tried to separate her from her demon by doing experiments on them. She wore a muzzle at all times,unable to scream when tortured. They forced her to kill on the battlefield, and let her sleep in a little cell where she only had a dirty mattress and a bucket."
Angela stopped for a second, looking Genji in the eyes deeply. He was just shocked, but anger rose within him. Tears formed in Angelas eyes, from the guilt she felt, because she knew that they could have saved you sooner,  but they didnt because they were scared of what was going to expect them.

"...t-they treated her like a weapon,  took her name and just called her 8. A-and...they murdered everyone in front of her...that ever tried to help her....Genji...those are things that no one could ever forget...she needs you! She needs someone to be there for her!" Angela said as a tear ran down her face, while she grabbed the hands of the man she had once saved.

"Please Genji!" She begged for him to at least tell you that he was still alive. But Genji remained stubborn.

"No! I wong talk to her and you know why!" Was the last thing he said before rushing out of the room filled woth anger and frustration.

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