"Can I help yer?" A man with a heavy accent asked.
"Fuck!" Was everything you said, then you tried to run away, but you fell over something, falling face down into the hard snow.
"Hey! Yer dont have to run from meh, im here to help ya!"
the man said again, his accent heavy, sounding like the one of a cowboy.
You stood up, looking at the big man.
"Oh no yer bleeding!"
he said worried.
You touched your face noticing it was scratched from the battle and falling into the hard show.
"Im fine." You simply said, starting to walk away, but the man grabbed one of your arms, having a tight grip on it.
"Hey, yer really don't have to be scared darlin, please come with us we can help you!"
The man said.
"No, you don't understand!"
You screamed in his face, turning around to look at him and he saw the helplessness in your eyes.
The man was wearing a black cloak and a black cowboy hat.
He had brown hair and a beard.
You thought that he seemed nice, and the last thing you wanted was to see another helpful person die right in front of you.
"I think I do understand."
The man said, looking deeply into your (e/c) eyes with his brown ones.
"No, just let me go, I don't want to see you get hurt..." you said, too scared to look him in the eyes.
"Oh darlin, yer don't have be scared, I will be watching after you."
"Many people said that to me, and in the end they all died. Besides, I am your enemy."
You said trying to talk yourself out of this.
"Yer really think I don't know what's going on here? Oh darlin', I know that yer only my enemy because yer forced to and I really would like to help yer."
He said in a gentle tone, letting go of your arm.
"I don't think anyone can help me at this point."
You said as tears formed in your eyes.
"Well, I am pretty sure that me and my comrads can help yer. I am from Overwatch."
When he said the word Overwatch, you loosened up. You knew that you could trust him.
"Believe meh, nothing will ever happen to meh!" He said, reaching out his hand to you.
You hesitated, not being sure if you should take his hand. All the suffering could be over, but you had killed so many people since you were forced to join the omnium.
You thought that you wouldn't deserve the help of Overwatch anymore.
"You wouldn't help me if you would know who I am..."
"Oh darlin, we know exactly who you are. (Y/N), we watched you since you got the nickname "blue girl", and we know that you don't want to fight on the side of the omnium."
He said, looking at you with a gentle smile.
The the man knew your name caught you off guard. They knew everything, what you did and who you were, and you didn't know if thats good or bad yet.
You looked at his hand that he was still reaching out to you, and after hesitating a bit more, you finally put your hand in his.
"Nice to finally meet yer (Y/N), Im Jesse McCree!" He said, giving you a happy smile.
"Yer don't have to be scared ever again, I will protect yer with ma life!"
"Thank you!" You said, giving him an honest smile.
It was at that moment that you realized two things. The first was that it was the first time in months, maybe years that you had smiled.
And the second thing you noticed was how Jesse wasn't dead yet, because normally the snipers of the omnium would have shot him by now.
You were confused.
The snipers always were watching after you, so there would be no chance for you to run away, or kill your allies.
"What happened to the snipers!?" You suddenly asked confused.
"Oh, don't ya worry ma comrads are takin great care of them."
He answered, giving you a smile again.
"Now lets get ya to our airship, its time to get outta here."
You walked beside Jesse, holding his hand tightly, as if you were scared that he could disappear any minute.
The snow fell sofly and from that day on it became a sign of hope for you.
All your worries were gone and the only thing you thought about beginning a new life.
For the first time since Genji had died, you felt safe again.
You felt as if nothing could happen to you anymore.
"Oh I forgot to say, there's someones that's very excited to see ya again" Jesse said, arriving at the airship.
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