Chapter 11

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       On the day of Lazarus' birthday, I sat in the guest room getting ready for the party. Tori the Tramp sat on my bed watching me do my make up. She was driving me nuts. I kept telling her to get out of here, but she kept ignoring me. I think she thought I was joking. I wonder if I threw something at her, she'd get the hint.

     "Are you sure you wanna wear that much makeup?" Tori asked scrunching up her face at me.

     "I always wear this much makeup" I said putting on lipstick.

      "Oh. I was thinking you'd want to look more natural and innocent to accept a marriage proposal."

     "No one really cares what you think. Also, who said I was going to accept the proposal?"

     "So you're not going to accept it?"

      "I never said that."

       I was actually playing the biggest tug of war in my brain right now. To marry or not to marry? I don't know. I've already accepted the fact that I won't be queen of my country. I talked to James last night and his training was going very well and the people loved him. So, did I want to marry Lazarus or nah?

      "I don't see why you're having such a hard time deciding. You've seen Lazarus right? I'd love to wake up to look at that face everyday."

      "If you don't stop whoring around then you'll never get a guy to marry you," I snapped at her.

    Tori scoffed. "I'm sure mother and father will arrange a marriage for me. I just hope the guy is attractive. But anyway, that's why I'm having fun while I can."

      "You do know you're only 13 right?"

     "And here you are at 17 sitting and getting ready to maybe get married. That means I only have 4 years left."

      I rolled my eyes. I didn't see the appeal to pointless relationships, but hey, what did I know?

    There was a knock on my door and Victoria came in without waiting for an answer.

     "Hey," I said.

      "Hey, Victoria!" Tori said.

     "Hey, Tramp," Victoria said.

     "Witch," Tori said.

     Victoria laughed. "Calling me what I am isn't going to insult me. Now get the hell out of here so I can talk to my best friend before she makes the biggest decision of her life."

     Tori grumbled but she did leave. I looked at Victoria in the mirror standing behind me. She was wearing a long pink evening gown and her hair was curled, and today it was actually blonde, her natural hair color. I, on the other hand, was wearing a black evening gown and my hair was in an updo, which I just got done doing. I could've had a maid do it, but I wanted to do it myself, so I could be alone. Although, the being alone thing wasn't working in my favor.

     "How are you?" Victoria asked.

     "I'm fine," I said going to sit on the edge of the bed.

      "Are you sure? I can tell everyone you're sick and then we can just forget about this crap for now."

     "No, but thanks for the offer. I need to get this over with eventually, so it might as well be now."

     "Okay. Well I just wanted to check on you. Oh and please, just do what your heart wants. I don't want my best friend regretting who she marries."

    "Thanks, Victoria."

    "No problem," She said heading for the door.  

      I sighed and laid back onto the bed. I probably ruined my hair, but I didn't really care. Maybe I should've taken Victoria's offer and had her tell everyone I was sick. No, I knew better.

     A few minutes later there was another knock on the door. Ugh what the hell? Couldn't these people leave me alone? "Come in," I called reluctantly.

     Lazarus stepped into the room wearing a tux. I smiled at him. "I wasn't expecting you. You look good."

      "Thank you, and you look beautiful," Lazarus said sitting down on the edge of the bed next to me.

    "Well that's good because I feel ratchet."

     Lazarus chuckled and took my hand. "I just wanted to know how you were doing."

      "Everyone seems to want to know how I am doing."

      Lazarus kissed my forehead. "That's because we are all worried about you. We want you to do what you feel is right, and that includes me. I just want you to be happy." 

     Oh fuck. He pulled the "I want you to be happy" bullshit. That crap got me every time.

     "You really want that?" I asked.

     "Yes. I'm not selfish," Lazarus said. "However, I would like to be a little prepared for what you are going to say. Just so I'm not completely crushed in front of everyone if you do say no."

     I looked into Lazarus' bright blue eyes. The same eyes I grew up looking into. Well, I think I had made a decision.

    "Do you really wanna know?" I asked.


    I leaned closer to him. "Okay, but first..." And then I kissed him.


      "Don't be nervous," My mother said. "You'll have to make your announcement in probably about five minutes."

     "Yes, Mother," I said. We were standing close to the stage where I'd give my answer in front of everyone. I had spent most of my night mingling with Victoria and avoiding Tori before I made my way over here to Mother. Sometimes I really hated formal parties. They could be so boring.

     I haven't talked to Lazarus since he left my room earlier. He was busy talking with all of his guests who wanted to wish him a happy birthday. Oh and in case you were wondering, he was a damn good kisser.

     "You've made your decision, correct?" My mother asked interrupting my thoughts.

     "Yes," I said in annoyance.

     Lazarus showed up in front of us two seconds later. "Ladies," He said bowing his head to us. He straightened up and looked to me. "You can give your announcement whenever you're ready."

      I nodded. "Okay, I'll just do it now. I'd like this to be finally over."

     Lazarus smiled. "I don't blame you." He held out his hand and I took it. He led me over to the stairs of the stage and held my hand until i was on the stage. Then he let go before I walked to center stage.

     I spotted him before I could open my mouth. Dario stood at the back of the ballroom by the door. He was holding a glass of who knows what and was watching me. I don't know why I was so surprised that he was here. He was Lazarus' cousin after all, so of course he would be here at Lazarus' birthday party. For some strange reason he made me forget what I decided, but then I remembered and took a breath.

     "Can I please have everyone's attention?" I called out. Everyone quieted down and turned their attention to me. I instinctively looked back to Dario who was watching me curiously. I found Victoria next and she winked at me. I then looked to my mother and Lazarus. My mother was watching me like I was a Science experiment. Lazarus smiled at me encouragingly.

    I took another breath before speaking again. "Many of you have been waiting a long time for what I have to say tonight. I'm sorry for keeping you all waiting but marriage is a big thing to commit to.

     "I've known Lazarus since I was five years old. He's been a dear friend of mine and I honestly don't know what my life would be without him. I don't want to have to imagine my life without him. So, here's my answer. I'm proud to announce that I accept Lazarus' proposal. I will be forever tying our countries together, and I will spend the rest of my life with him."

     The room broke out into applause. My mother was beaming at me. Lazarus looked like he could jump for joy which made me even happier. But when I looked at Victoria she looked like she was clapping reluctantly, which reminded me of Dario. I looked up to see his reaction, to see that he was no longer standing in the back by the door.

      Dario was gone.

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