Gavin and Jay

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       "Hey man pass the salt."
"No problem-o dude."
All around the dinner table were jocks and well, just plain jerks.
Upstairs was a different story.
"Hey Gavin...."
"Yeah jay?"
"Do you think you could lift me up?"
"Yup! I've been working out."
"Alright on 3..."
"One.... two....the-" Gavin was cut off.
"Three." Kurt said, grinning like a madman.

Gavin despised Kurt's smile. Gavin wanted to slap Kurt's stupid smile right off his face.
"Awwwwwww. Wook at wittle Gavin trying help his wittle boyfrwend out, how cute." Kurt mocked.
That was it. Gavin couldn't take it anymore. He heaved Jay up and freed him from the wedgie. The Gavin ripped apart his own underwear and tackled Kurt.
"Run! Go! Run home! Escape!" He screamed at Jay.
Jay looked around the room and spotted a large opening in the floor and without thinking Jay slide down into the opening and vanished.
"GET OFFA ME YOU BIG ASS!" Kurt demanded, screaming at the top of his lungs.
Gavin ran to the door and locked it before anyone could get in. Then he went back over to Kurt and grabbed his pants and yanked them down.
"WHAT THE- PERVERT!" Kurt screamed.
"Shut up." Gavin growled.
Gavin looked down to see Kurt wearing briefs with princesses on the front. Gavin flipped Kurt over and saw in big bold letters:little sweet princess.
Gavin laughed.
"Shut up..." Kurt muttered.
Gavin ignored him and said "who's the baby now Princess?" Gavin teased.
"You are." Kurt remarked.
"Wrong." Gavin said and walked over to Kurt's dresser and opened the drawer.
Gavin saw a big puffy diaper. And baby clothes.
"You have a baby fetish?" Gavin asked Kurt.
"NO!" Kurt yelled, blushing.
"Well okay." Gavin said smirking and slipped the diaper on Kurt.
"Uck!" Kurt said.
Gavin grabbed the pacifier from the dresser and shoved it into Kurt's mouth.
Then Gavin grabbed a big baby stroller and strapped Kurt into it. He was about to go and escape like Jay did but then grabbed the Kurt's briefs inside the diaper and yanked them up over the stroller. Kurt yelped and spat the pacifier out.
Gavin opened the hatch and put Kurt down first and then Gavin slid down, holding onto the stroller. The only problem was... Gavin had no idea where he was going.

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