Chapter 6: Killing ground

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Falmart. Outside of the village. 673 imperial calendar.

Falmus had taken the risky move of dividing his forces. 2,000 would go with him and await the warrior bunny army that was following them while 3,000 would lay siege to the village.

If he clashes with the bunny army his forces would be at a disadvantage due to being divided and the bunnies being superior physically. He would have to rely on morale and the discipline of his men to hold.

This was something he could count on.

As expected he saw the warrior bunny army arrived after 1 hour of waiting. He had lined his men across several earthworks they had hastily built for a defense while he had sent his 500 cavalry men to flank around the nearby swamp. Falmus has even recalled 1,000 men from the siege to give him the numerical advantage. The bunnies on their part had what seemed to be around 2,000 infantry and no cavalry.

Most Demi's preferred to not use cavalry and use the advantages they had physically. While sometimes effective they negated the usefulness of cavalry, another reason why humans were superior to them.

"Shield wall." He barked as he rode along the lines of his men. The legions obeyed and a firm shield wall was formed across the line. "We shall no longer let the Demi human filth raid our lands and kill our wives and children! We will no longer have our honor stolen from us like in the border wars! Give this battle your hearts, my men kill 5 bunnies for every one of us we lose! For Sadera, for the empire, for Emory, for the king." He yelled. "For Sadera, for the empire, for Emory, for the king." Was repeated along the lines of his soldiers

"It is a good day to die, men!" He yelled again. The bunnies darted across the field towards them while their archers fired in a sporadic manner. An arrow bounced off his helmet as he waved his sword around signaling his men to slowly advance in turtle formation. His men began their advance, their shields holding as arrows bounced off them.

The bunnies crashed into the turtle formation but his disciplined men held up. He rode into the fray and began hacking away at the attacking bunnies. His men slowly and painfully advanced step by step pushing the bunnies back.

Several of his had already fallen being hacked away by the filths large knives. He watched one of his men get hit by an arrow to the neck and collapse. "Forward we shall have them." Falmus roared. His men repeated his cry. "We shall have them." They roared back

His men moved forward like a killing machine high on morale; they began to cut down the rabbits one by one. Then his cavalry that had flanked through the swamps finally burst forward catching the now exhausted rabbits off guard. In the distance he saw their leader, who must have been the queen due to her distinctive white hair join the fray.

The rabbits now having their moral rest now that the queen was fighting side by side with them began to push back the shield wall and try to hop on the horses of his men to bring them down.

Falmus continued his spree of hacking away at bunnies who dared face him. He plunged his sword into one rabbit's throat before jumping on his horse and bringing it down causing him to fall. The rabbit then tried to slash him but he parried it and head butted her with his helmet breaking her nose before slashing her chest killing her.

Two of his legionaries rushed to help him as more rabbits tried to kill him off. He was barely saved from being overwhelmed by the rabbits who recognize him as the general of his army.

His cavalry continued on their rampage bringing waste to the rabbits rear and right flank through a heavy coast. Flamus saw his infantry slowly being pushed back as he helped the two men that had come to rescue him in a melee with another warrior bunny. He soon rejoined his infantry.

The fields outside the small village had turned into a brutal killing ground with legionaries and rabbits slugging it out for control. The rabbit's rear finally broke to his cavalry and all hell ensued.

With their rear firmly exposed the rabbits began to panic. The rabbit's right flank, already weakened, gave way as he saw his infantry on the right link up with his cavalry and begin to encircle the rabbit's army. The queen he saw from a distance was forced to flee as several of her body guards protected her from his cavalry now deep within the rabbit's line.

Soon a cry echoed among his men. "Break their will. Show them no mercy." They cried as they advanced and cut down the demoralized rabbits. The battle was now turning in his army's favor. Several rabbits tried to surrender but his men slaughtered them.

He had given his army strict orders to not take slaves as he saw taking the rabbit filth as slaves a disservice to the empire. At the end of it all hundreds of bodies laid on the bloodstained fields.

Now this was a true victory. Around 794 warrior bunnies had been slain and he had lost 679 men. It was a costly victory for his small army but a victory nonetheless.

Now he could set his sights on the settlement. He had every intention to burn it to the ground. He and his army returned to the siege lines victorious. Now was the time for an assault on the settlement. Falmus had still 2,000 fresh troops who hadn't seen action yet and lacked the exhaustion of the 3,000 men who he had commanded in the battle before.

While the men who had just fought would be given a break he had no intention of taking a break himself he would lead his men in this assault . He gathered the 2,000 troops who hadn't participated in the battle and prepared to lead them to victory.

Falmart. Somewhere near the village. 673.

The battle had gone horribly for queen Tyuule. She had lost around 50% of her army and now a settlement was about to be burned by the dogs of the empire. The only good news that arrived was when a messenger from the capital arrived and informed her that Zorzals army had been halted at the battle of Marus plains.

The remnants of her army were battered and demoralized. The imperials hadn't run when they faced them. In most battles the imperials fought they were pushed on the defensive but the imperial army she just fought had pushed forward and went on the attack.

Their Legate was different most certainly from all other imperial legates. She saw him in the battlefield hacking and slashing his way through her warriors. He was a threat and had to be killed off at any cost.

She knew the minute that she saw him hacking and slashing his way through her warriors and how he lead his troops that if the warrior bunny tribes fell it wouldn't be by Zorzals hand it would be by this legates hand.

Authors note: sorry for the short chapter. I'm busy with other work. I promise to start posting longer chapters when I can. Also I just released the prologue of a Fanfiction that is gonna serve as the prequel to gate. It's called the Lion of Sadera and you can find it by checking the works I've made. It explores mostly the empires prospective.

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