Robloxian Reporter:Good Morning Robloxia, I am here reporting Live from the Roblox HQ, where an Incident occured late at night.
The Camera is then pointed to the Commercial District of the Roblox HQ, where the Dead bodies of the Beastmen lay dead.
Robloxian Reporter:As you can see, the dead bodies of an Unknown Army lays dad in streets of the Commercial District.
Robloxian Reporter:According to the C.U.M, Bleeding Blades, and Citizens awake last night, an unknown force exited the Commercial District of Roblox HQ, where they apperantly began to steal OUR Gold, diamonds,and other Precious items.
The Robloxian Reporter looks mad, probably Because their Capital was invaded, and their Valuables Stolen.
Robloxian Reporter: Thankfully.
Her face suddenly went from Angry to Joyful.
Robloxian Reporter:The Great Chaos Legion and the brave Spartans managed to easily Repel the Invading Force! Once the Legion takes I've the whole world-
She is stopped by a Co-worker who began to scold her off screen.
Viewers watching Expressed concern of the Reporter, fearing that she may be a bit biased with the Chaos Legion.
However, The Kingdom Of Bacconia, Guessan Republic, and the Nusian Empire agreed with the Reporter, once the Legion took over the world, they may be the Stronger group in Robloxia.
After all, the Resources are Dwindling here, and having the Other world is a jackpot for the entire Robloxian species.
The News Reporter kept on talking of the Events last night, even Interviewing Ron, who was still Eating with Setsuna at a Local Ramen Shop.
Robloxian Reporter:Ah! Good Morning sirs.
Ron: Morning
Robloxian Reporter:I'm sorry for Interrupting your Meal, but can I ask some questions about last night?
The Two Looked at eachother, and shrugged.
Ron:To be honest, we weren't even there.
Setsuna:Yeah, I was on my way back from the Kingdom of Bacconia when I got alerted of this incident. Also wtf, interview someone else. There's more witnesses in the buildings.
The Robloxian Reporter was taken back, but hearing that maybe the ones from the Buildings might know about the event, she quickly left.
Ron:What have you done.
Setsuna:What?! What did I do?!
The Reporter finally reached the "Second" Floor, which somehow, took more time than a it should have.
The Cameraman is doing his best to stay awake as the People watching the News cheer him on, to be frank, it was tiring but, it was worth it.
They made their way to the Only door in the Hallway, a Regular wooden door with a Note,"Marsh and Tank Only".
Robloxian Reporter:Err..what is thi-
A Robloxian exited the room, he wore a WW2 German Helmet, a buttoned SS uniform, and a tiny flag of the Chaos Legion was embedded into his shoulder.
The Reporters looked on in confusion at his appearance, before the Robloxian Noticed him.
The reporter snapped out of her confusion.
Robloxian Reporter:Yes, hello,I am a reporter from the RNN, do you have any information about the events that occured last night?
The Robloxian Reporter was overjoyed, finally!
Robloxian Reporter:So, what happened last night, in detail.
Marsh took some time to type out his answer.
Marsh:[It all started at somewhere in t 10, or 11 pm, I was having fun out with my bro playing some games. When these Furries and whatever the Fuck they are came out of nowhere and stole alot of shit from us]
Robloxian Reporter:That's Horrible.
Marsh:[I know, so I shot them in the head with a .50 Cal and let some escape so that I can find where the came from, which was the gate structure we are occupying, apperantly they raided the place near the Gate. As my Kaiser named it]
Robloxian Reporter:I see...did anyone-
Marsh:[Oh][Bruh I'm not finished yet]
Marsh:[Anyway, So these Furries came out of nowhere, took our stuff, and started to advance towards Da hood.]
Robloxian Reporter:Well that explains how they were defeated.
Marsh:[More like Hunted and Massacred, we had Spartans in there]
Robloxian Reporter:Ahh, I see, anything else sir?
Marsh:[Officers Clegane and the C.U.M were apperantly there as well, I heard they did most of the job killing the Furries though]
Robloxian Reporter:So, basically, an Invasion force came out of the Gate, possibly filled with Furries, took some of our riches and got Destroyed by the Local Police and Spartans.
Marsh pulled out a Bloxy Cola and drank from it, before a Military like man entered the hallway.
Marsh:[Sounds like a You problem chief]
Military Dude: Because it is! I got yelled at by my Superiors!!
Marsh:[First Time?]
Military Dude:GRRR RAH! Damn it Marsh!
The Military man stormed out of the hallway, before the Reporter, Marsh, and Camera Man heard him punch something, probably the wall.
Marsh shrugged, and went back in the room as the Reporter and the Cameraman left.
Elsewhere in Robloxia
A Tank fired it's Main gun at something massive, the Shell going faster than a normal Shell would before it hit the Target, creating a Massive and Devastating Explosion.
But the Thing didn't even get fazed, as it opened a Third eye and fired a Red laser so powerful as the Tank Got obliterated.
Soon, A Different Tank came, this was had three Cannons, two medium(120mm)and One Large cannon(210mm), the Tank was understandably massive and it was designed with the Word Intimidation in mind.
This was the Typhoon Super Heavy Tank, the first of its line.
The Main guns turned to the Thing at a surprisingly fast rate and, all three fired.
The shells broke the sound barrier and Impacted the Leg of the Thing.
Which roared in pain before it fell down, it's leg bleeding and Destroyed.
Then, the finishing attack, three Vehicles with Tank hills, APC Wheels and a Giant Tesla Cannon at the Top pointed at the Thing.
Before the three sent out an Electrical Attack, making holes in the Things Body,before a much larger vehicle with a Tesla Cannon fired at the Head.
Finally killing it.
Ron: Alright, Experimental Vehicles are ready, all is well, that Typhoon Super Heavy Tank is Fucking monstrous though.
He gave a Report before he logged out.
Imagin the Typhoon Super Heavy Tank as that one EDG Tank.
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