Tank Fish: Alright Fish gang, we are now going to be..uh. doing some PR or Political shit, called a Diet in the Other Other World.
Drafted:Sir are you getting fat?
Tank Fish:Bro what?No I'm not.
Drafted:Sir you ate an entire Dragon back on Baseplate last time.
Tank Fish:Nuh uh.
Drafted:Tank you also ate a Fucking Boreal Warden as well.
Tank Fish:....
A blue shockwave suddenly pushed everyone about 15 feet away from the Drafted.
Tank Fish:Wh-What the Fuck was that!?
Drafted:I call it, the horrible Truth.
There are other Forts being taken over by the Robloxians.
Shafer pounded the fort with too much artillery, leaving only rubble and dead bodies.
Ron and Setsuna went full on anime massacre.
Clix, he just... took over and started to Tax the shit out of the Saderans he captured.
And the C.U.M guarded the Gate.
But they won't be using the Robloxian Gate this time, it's the Japanese one.
Tank Fish brought Marsh, UltimaVex, ChiliEmerald, and Ron.
The Vehicle they chose for this is the Tiger 1 Heimdall (The Modern Variant).
Marsh was the loader, Tank Fish wis the T.C, Vex as the Driver and Chili is the Gunner.
Together, they set off in a journey to Alnus, where the Gate to the other other world lies.
Apperantly, from what the Legion found out,there was this City called Italica, very small place looked more like a trading city.
But it can also apperantly fend off attacks.
Which is what happened when the JSDF and The Robloxians led by Ron met and went to Italica, the JSDF wanted to trade and the Robloxian Legion wanted to take over Italica.
Shit happened there apperantly, Ron and his forces went on to slaughter the Bandits and almost wiped them out, the reason they stopped was because Ron saw this feathered lady.
So here we are now, Tank and his group heading to Alnus.
Clegane and his group of R.R.U and spare C.U.M officers took over a mountain.
It was surprisingly easy, just keep on throwing Rockets and Artillery Shells at them and boom, Surrender.
But of course, this is the Chaos Legion,so they didn't accept said surrender.
They instead, kept of shelling them so much that it would make Kriegs Death Korps proud.
A total of 20,000 shells were fired.
Shafer did the same with another Army that the Saderans were still training, right in the Capital.
The Skycrawlers hunted the Saderans Wyverns and essentially prevented the Saderans from getting more Wyverns out of the Capital.
Which obviously grounded them.
So they snuck out several of the younger wyverns out using tunnels and covered them.
The Robloxians also made contact with more of the Locals in this world in the form of Fishmen, or Mermaids, or Merman, or the people that look like fish.
The encountered them when the C.L.S
Hungry Shark was about to be deployed. The Fish people were curious about the Ships but the Robloxians didn't care much to be honest.
They also met Vampires, they were killed, almost all of them. The Robloxians hate Vampires, it reminds them if Slenders.
A few were spared though by Tank Fish's orders, because they need those Vampire Powers of theirs.
+No work, No Miam-Tank Fish, Great Master of the Flank and Spank.+
The Saderan Generals were exhausted.
For the Past few Nights and Days, they had Reports that said that their Forts were falling one by one.
One General Massaged his Forehead.
One let out a sigh.
One made a small tch sound.
And the last one calmly thought of a plan.
Saderan General:Men, For the Past few days, we have been restless, Our Forts fall to the Enemies Hands and Morale in our Troops continues to dwindle.
Saderan General:We need to rethink of our plans and make new strategies to fight against the Invaders.
Saderan General #2:What about setting up traps in the Forts we still have?
Saderan General #3:What about Scorched Earth policy? They wouldn't get this far without Food and Water. And their Troops would be exhausted from the Marching.
Saderan General #4:I agree, however, the Enemy has also Contained our Wyverns back into the Capital.
A Saderan General that recently arrived joined in.
The Saderan Generals were shocked, when did that happen?
Saderan General #2:Wha- When was this!?
Saderan General #4:Two days ago, our Enemies are fasted than we thought and now they are outside of the Capitals Walls. What is happening to the world?
The Saderans went silent after that, some even trying to formulate plans and launch a counter attack but we all know that is going to fail.
Shafer:I took ballistics in school, Fascinating Subject-
Shafer:Things go up-
Shafer:Things go down.
Shafer adjusted the Artillery Batteries aim, making to turn to it's left and pointing it at the Saderan Wyvern Stables.
Shafer:Okay, Evict those Lizards Boys!
Artillery Competent:Rattle 'em Boys!
The 40 Light Artillery and the 80 Heavy Artillery Batteries fired all at once, sending Blue and Red bolts to the sky.
Meanwhile, with Dino, Food4Life,and seven Competents, who are watching a large Pack of Kendylls and Hygos Fight eachother.
Dino:As you can see ladies of Gentlemen, The Hygos are outnumbered and are losing quickly, Thankfully we are out of the Danger.
Food4Life:Thanks to our wonderful Flickaflie.
Dino:Of course the little healer bug would be here.
The Flickaflie nuzzled up to Food's Neck.
One of the Kendylls but the neck of one of the Hygos, and another Bit it's Back, forcing it down before the first Kendyll snapped the neck of the Hygos.
Dino:Damn that was very anticlimactic of them.
Food:Bro got Folded.
Food ate some popcorn as he watched the fight unfolding.
The rest of the Hygos pack were killed mercilessly against the Kendylls, the Hygos may be stronger, but family- I mean, The Kendylls have numbers.
On one of the Giant Rock Formations in the Distance, a Gramoss and two Oxytalis' are traveling together.
Hello! I need help figuring out the different types of warcrimes.
Cause next chapter is the C.U.Ms Chapter
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