Chapter 5: The Men in Green

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December 8th

Fort Alnus

USMC Hunter 2-1 POV:

When the team finally returned to Alnus, they were quite surprised that a lot had changed in the time they were away.

Gone were the trenches, barbed wires, and iron pikes that had once covered the surrounding area of the hill when the team had left on their survey, sure it was a ordinary military base but seeing this was a surprise.

Now Fort Alnus is heavily guarded whose perimeter is lined with high, anti-scale fencing stretched along the perimeter of the base and the only two entry points are guarded checkpoints, where they inspect incoming personnel that arrive.

Not only that but the Anti-Air weapons also arrived such as the MIM-104 Patriot and C-RAM.

The grounds are patrolled by M1, M1A1 and M1A2 Abrams Tank's and APC's like the LAV-25 with mounted M2 Browning Humvee's.

The local airspace is also controlled by a limited small force of F-35B Fighter Jet's and McDonnell Douglas AV-8B Harrier II Jet's, massive amounts of of F/A-18 Super Hornet Fighter Jets and Bell AH-1Z Viper Attack Helicopters which all have clearance to shoot down any Dragons not authorized to pass through.

It also has one main airstrip, secondary airstrip, several large hangars, several smaller hangars, a munitions depot, rows of blockhouses for the base's inhabitants, a fire and rescue station, Refinery, Super Market, Laundry room, Gym, Olympic size Swimming pool, baseball court, basketball court, football field, Air Traffic Control tower, main office, and depots for the many vehicles on-site.

Outside of the fence are several water storage tanks and machinery, to provide the inhabitants of the fort with their own sanitised water, in the event of an emergency, whilst the Gate is covered in a dome similar to the one in DC in the middle of the Marines Barracks.

The third and ultimately the first line of defense were more basic with chained link fences with razor wire on top, were placed in a similar shape to the second fortification.

In addition, a mile away in front of the fences are the newly dug up trenches with machine guns, artillery, rank's and bunkers.

Meanwhile, Carter and his crew had to check the M1A2 Abrams Tank for maintenance, so they asked a nearby Marine where was the nearest Tank Depot and he obliged and guided the Tank crew.

"This is... their fortress?" Lelei muttered as she and the rest of the refugees gawked in awe and wonder at what is clearly a giant Military Base.

All around them they could see numerous buildings, soldiers in green going about their business, multiple 'Iron Elephants', 'Iron Horseless Carriages' and other vehicles lined up a distance away.

Above them, they could hear and see the 'Iron Pegasi' flying high in the sky on their patrols.

Back with Mike, he found himself engaged in a discussion with his Major regarding the pressing matter of the refugees.

"Good job, Lieutenant Ramirez," commended the Major, acknowledging the Liutenants efforts.

"I'll immediately issue orders to the construction crew to set up a temporary camp for the refugees. We will work swiftly to establish a more permanent camp in just a few days."

Mike felt a mixture of relief and surprise at the Major's response.

He had expected some resistance, but he was grateful that the Major was willing to take swift action.

Considering the welfare of the refugees, Mike posed another question.

"What should we provide for their sustenance, sir?" Mike asked the Major.

The Major took a moment to consider the query.

"Anything that can keep them fed and happy," he replied.

Emphasizing the importance of meeting their basic needs and ensuring their well-being during this challenging time.

Understanding the gravity of the task at hand, Mike acknowledged the Major's instructions with a crisp.

"Yes, sir." Mike replied to the Major.

"Additionally," the Major added.

"You and your team will be responsible for managing the camp and its inhabitants. It's a critical role, and I trust you to handle it efficiently. Good luck."

Mike felt a surge of both excitement and nervousness.

Being entrusted with such an important responsibility was an honor, but he also realized the magnitude of the challenges ahead.

"Yes, sir," Mike responded, his voice filled with determination.

He gave a salute to his commanding officer and walked out the office.


Somewhere in Fort Alnus.

After being informed that the refugees will be accepted as well as being given the responsibility to take care of the welfare of the said refugees, Mike was soon sent out as he called in his team to make preparations, such as getting rations and tents from logistics.

While Mike, will handle the paperwork.

Mike was ready to head to his own desk in the main building to prepare for the paperwork when he was suddenly called out.

"Hey, Mike."

Turning to the source, Mike saw it was First Lieutenant Tate sitting in a lounge.

"Come with me for a bit." Tate gestured as he stood up and guided Mike to the HQ's roof before he turned to Mike as he started to light a cigarette.

"You deliberately did it on purpose, didn't you?" Tate started, confusing Mike for a moment.

"What the fuck you mean I did it on purpose?" Mike asked.

Tate smirked.

"Don't try and play dumb with me. You never missed a single contact-schedule to check in, but after your battle with the Dragon, you suddenly suffered communication troubles."

"You thought we'd order you to abandon the refugees, right?" Tate accused. Mike laughed.

"Hahahaha!, dude you do realize we're technically in another world, it must've been a magnetic storm in the atmosphere or something like that." Tate snorted.

"You're a goddamn liar Mike. But, I do think you made the right call to bring those refugees here."

"Any decent person would've done same if they were in my position." Mike shrugged.

"Perhaps, but listen up Mike." Tate began, this time more seriously.

"This World is a treasure trove for us. Its an inhabitable land with an abundance of resources and no pollution to speak of. We're even starting to find mineral deposits that could turn the World Economy on its head."

Tate paused a bit before he continued, "And our civilization is, far more advanced. There's a world like this and the only Gate is opened in America."

Then Tate suddenly sighed.

"The Government has no idea how to deal with this. The people back at DC wants to know. Is the New World really worth turning half the world against us?"

Now there was a brief silence between the two Lieutenants with either side not knowing how to deal the outcome if it happens.

Mike especially don't have an answer to such a scenario.

After a few moments Mike spoke up.

"And if it is?" Mike asked, while Tate answered him.

"In politics, the country with most assets wins. This is an extreme example, but if controlling this World let us survive being cut off from the rest of this world, we could make a choice like that." Tate said, as he puts out his cigarette.

"Tate, but all I did was bring Refugees, so what the fuck does this tie between them and politics." Mike pointed out.

"You managed to build a relationship of trust with these people, so technically; you're the person who is the closest to the crucial information." Tate explained, before he walks past Mike.

"Mike, in a few days you'll be given a great amount of free time. So put it to good use!" Tate said, as he walks away, leaving Mike to his thoughts.

Mike grumbled once Tate is out of sight.

"Motherfucker, give me a break." Mike grumbled.

He then rubbed his head in annoyance before calming down.

"Alright first, get the food and sleeping arraignments for the refugees, then the paperwork."

With that Mike left the HQ and went to work getting the paperwork done.


Meanwhile, the team set up the new refugee camp for the night.

They also saw some amusing reactions from the refugees when they try to eat the ration packs.

In one of the rooms of a newly constructed Hospital, a certain one-eyed man suddenly wakes up.


Later at night.

In a tavern at a village on the Appia Highway near the Dumas Mountain Range.

Local POV:

"They killed The Fire Dragon?!" Several Patrons exclaimed in shock and disbelief at the waitress Melissa, a survivor among the people of Coda Village who were escaping from The Fire Dragon.

"Yeah, that's right! I saw it myself!"

"C-come on you had to be joking right?" A Patron stuttered.

"No one, not even Elves or even the most powerful mages could defeat Ancient Dragons! Let alone being able to wound one!"

"Are you sure you're not mixing it up with a new breed or a large Wyvern?" Another Patron asked.

Melissa shook her head.

"It's true these people... or should I say, soldiers from Alnus managed to save three-quarters of my Village from the Flame Dragon."

The moment Melissa mentioned Alnus the entire tavern suddenly became quiet.

At two tables near a window, a group of eight Knights led by Princess Piña Co Lada of the Empire of Sadera suddenly paid special interest on what Melissa had just said grabbing their attention.

"A-Alnus? Are you saying that the ones who you claimed have killed The Fire Dragon, are those who currently occupy Alnus Hill?!" A Patron nearest to the Knights shouted.

To the dismay of the audience, Melissa nodded as she puts down her tray of alcohol.

"Yes, it's the truth. The Flame Dragon that I and others from Coda saw was indeed the Fire Dragon and that the Soldiers from Alnus had managed to kill it."

No one said anything as the Patron's looked at each other with not only with new found shock but most of all fear.

Everyone has heard of how the Saderan's and their Allies had suffered disastrous defeats at the hands of the 'Invaders' from the other side of the Gates of Alnus of how a combined Army of hundreds of thousands was wiped out in a single day in the second attempt to retake Alnus Hill.

But the thought that they had the power to kill something as large, Ancient, and powerful as the Flame Dragon, only amplifies the legitimacy on how such two massive armies was completely destroyed in only one day!

The group of knights, known as the Rose Order of Knights, also looked at each other in shock.

"Is she serious?" A female knight named Hamilton Uno Ror asked in disbelief.

"Sir Norma, what do you think?"

"It just seems unbelievable, we don't know if some of the stories from the Refugees are made up. And yet that waitress is the only one right now that says the ones who protected them, are the enemy from Alnus?"

"Norma" an older middle-aged knight, Grey Co Aldo interrupted.

"Even I find it unbelievable as well, but if what she said is true... it would explain how the Saderan Army, as well as how the Allied Army suffered massive losses in a short amount of time."

"But there are all kinds of Dragons, from Ancient Dragons, Wyverns, even newborns." Norma protested, still in denial that the Dragon killed by those from Alnus, was the infamous Ancient Fire Dragon.

Melissa had overheard the Knights latter part of the conversation and butted in.

"Oh, but it was a real Fire Dragon noble Knights. And thanks to them, the rest of Coda, as well as my family and I survived."

"Would you please tell us more about what happened when the Dragon attacked?" Hamilton asked as she pulled out a coin, taking the initiative before Norma would say something potentially stupid.

Melissa smiled as she approached the table and accepted the coin.

"Thank you, young Knight I'll tell you what happened, then"

"There we're 12 soldiers in the group that helped us they were wearing green clothing head to toe and they also had a small flag on they're shoulders that I believe signifies the country that they serve in." Melissa began.

"Wait Flag? What did the Flag look like?" Grey asked.

"Well, each of the soldiers had one patch it was a red and white stripes with a large blue rectangle in the top left and multiple stars in the middle of the rectangle." Melissa explained.

For the Knights it was clear that as Melissa explained this seemed to identify at least the country that these Alnus soldiers served in.

She then continued with her story.

"But it wasn't just the soldiers themselves, they also brought along Iron Horseless Carriages, and a Iron Elephant."

"What does this 'Iron Elephant' look like?" Piña asked.

"It was large, made completely out of iron and was over two men high, nearly two and a half carriages wide, and 4 wagons long. It was also colored in Green looking like someone painted it. And when it would move, it roared almost like a lion." Melissa explained as her audience stared wide-eyed at her description of such an iron beast before she resumed her story once more.

"When then Flame Dragon attacked us, they rushed and saved us with the Iron Horseless Carriages that moved at incredible speed and started attacking the Flame Dragon with they're magic metal wands. But it was the Iron Elephant that personally saved me, my husband and son, from being devoured as a large explosion hit the Dragon managing to cripple it from ever flying again." Melissa fondly said, still feeling in debt for the metal beast and its people that control it for saving her and her family.

"The soldiers magic wands didn't affect The Flame Dragon other than the open

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