Chapter 23: Captain John Brown Sends His Regards

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A mile away north of Alnus

A USMC and Russian convoy has made it to their destination, a small town.

You might be thinking, why would the US and Russia head to this small town?

Well it is said that this towns residents are slavers, and it is also said that 'other-worlders' who were captured in DC were slaves in here, so they head here just to be sure.

"May I help you gentlemen?" An Imperial soldier asked to the strange men in different patterns of green clothing.

"We got reports that their were slaves here, may we see them to confirm?" The Marines commander asked.

"I'm sorry but outsiders are not allowed here." The Imperial soldier replied.

"Comrade, I say we go in anyway." The Russian commander said to his American counterpart.

"We need to see em." The Marine commander said, but in an aggressive tone.

"Like I said no sir, now get out before I call the others." The Imperial soldier demanded.

The Russian commander had enough and pushed soldier to the side, he and his American counterpart and their Men and their armoured vehicles entered the town.

"Hey!, You have no authority to enter here!" A Centurion shouted.

The Russian soldiers and US Marines then aimed their rifles at the man making him back away.

"Stop resisting." A Russian soldier demanded

"Listen this is private property so get ou-." Before the Centurion can demand them to get out, one of the Marines shouted at him.

"I say again stop resisting!" The Marine demanded.

"Okay, okay no one needs to get hurt here okay?" The Centurion backed away with his hands up.

"Get of here you brutes!" A civilian shouted as he threw a apple at a Marine.

It hit the Marine in the helmet as his Russian friend came to him.

"Hey you alright comrade?" The Russian soldier asked.

"I'm alright, who threw that?!" The Marine reassured his friend, before demanding who the the apple in an aggressive tone.

"Alright, just tell us where the slaves are and we'll leave alright." The Marine commander asked.

"There are no slaves here." The Centurion replied.

"I don't think so." A familiar voice to the Centurion said, as a man walked infront of them

"Soldier?! The hell are you doing with them?!" The Centurion asked shocked that one of them is with the enemy.

"He's been a spy for us, he has given us all the information we need, so give us the slaves." The Russian commander demanded, cocking his Kalashnikov.

"How about you fuck off, that's for sure." The Centurion said, as he and some of the other Imperial soldiers readied their weapons.

"Right!, since you won't comply and you are the enemy, we have no choice, Marines open fire!" The commander immediately ordered, as he unholstered his M18 and placed three rounds at the Centurion chest plate, killing him.

Immediately the Marines aimed and fired at the Imperial soldiers, killing many before pursuing the retreating ones.

"Comrades follow our American friends and find the slaves!" The Russian commander ordered, as he and his men as well as the Marines moved forward.

An African-American Marine chased a fat slaver, but the slaver tripped and the Marine got him up and slammed the fat slave owners back at a wall, aiming his rifle at his chest.

"Where are they fat ass!" The Marine demanded, as he reading to pull the trigger.

"They're in my basement so please don't kill me!" The fat slaver replied basically pissing his pants

Five Marines and three Russians then corned two Imperial soldiers into a corner as they raised their hands up and droped their weapons in surrender.

A Marine breached a door with a shotgun and kicked down the door as two Russians and two Marines entered, aiming their weapons at a family as the family backed up and raised their hands.

After that the team headed to the basement where they found at least eighteen people ranging from male to female and even small children.

The slaves were startled at the sight of them at first, but when they saw the familiar military clothes and the rifle's they had they broke down in tears of joy that they were finally being liberated from slavery.

"Alright, break their chains and carry the women and children." A Marine ordered, as he shot a chain on one of the slaves legs.

The Marines and Russians then carried the slaves out the basement and headed outside the town.

Three LAV-25's and one BTR's then began to advance with infantry as they started to shot any Imperial soldier that dared to go near them.

"PUNISHMENT TO THE SLAVER!" A Russian shouted as he and a Marine began to beat up a Slaver with their rifle stocks

Several slaver owners and their families were forced out their homes either by Russian or American troops.

Dragging them out their houses, pushing them to the ground and tied their arms with zip ties or hand cuffs.

One slave owner was even bending on his back with hand cuffs while being forced to walk by a Marine.

An Imperial soldier is kicked two times in the stomach on the ground by a Russian soldier.

Some slaver owners tried to attack by throwing bottles of wine or furniture on their vehicles, but the vehicles weapons simply turned right at them and opened fire.

Two Marines even placed down a MK19 40mm Grenade Launcher, and shot out several grenades at a small house, killing a few unlucky that were near the house.

Both hands of am Imperial soldier was even tied up to a Humvee while being dragged to death on the ground by the Humvee going full speed.

A squad of Russian soldiers lined up a few slavers and opened fire at them.

An lucky survivor was on his knees he pleaded for mercy but a Russian simply just walked to him, unholstered his hand gun and shot the soldier in the head.

A BTR was driving by a small house and used it's guns on it, blowing bits of it into the air and eventually landing to the ground.

A Marine then fired a Flamethrower on an occupant house full of people, their screams echoing outside.

Some of the burning slaver owners that were still burning tried to escape the house.

But were shot on sight bullets on sight by a M2 Browning Mounted Machine Gun on top of a Humvee.

A slave owner is kicked on the ground by a Russian and shot multiple times on the chest by the Russian soldiers Kalashnikov.

"Death to slave owners." A Marine said, as he walked and shot the head of an injured Imperial soldier on the ground.

More and more slaves were being carried out on basically every house at the town, as it slowly turned into the depths of the underworld itself.

The sun slowly started to set as more and more slave owners and Imperial soldiers were killed by the vengeful spirits of the American and Russian forces.

Till their was no more they could see or hear.

As helicopters arrived they opened fire at a few injured survivors trying to escape outside the city from the slaughter house that was their former homes.

Soon no more slave owners or Imperial soldiers we're left on the town or the outside, only the dismembered parts and charred burned corpses that was once a small town of sinful creatures.

Dear Hardy, you have guests arriving, hopefully they are gonna love their new home.

(Merry Christmas everyone.)

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