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Aphmaus P.O.V
Once we got to there house Kawaii~Chan asked me "Did you have any friends when your were little?" I nod and say "He's name was uhhh? All I remember is his nickname it was gar-gar." Zane said "We know him." Kawaii nods and said "Yeah me Rose also know him!" Rose said "And we still do let's go!" We start walking to my old friends house. Once we are there Kawaii~Chan knocked on the door and I hid behind Zane gar-gar opened the door and said "He-" I run up to him and give him a hug and he hugged me back. Zane said "I think I might be sick!" Kawaii~Chan said "Shut it!" Me and gar-gar stopped hugging. And he said "Uhh? Wanna come in and we can catch up! And you guys can get to hear to!" We nod and walk inside. We sit down and I say "You know I forgot your name all I remembered was you nickname." He laughed and Rose said "So how was Aph when she was younger?" Aaron said "Yeah how was she." Gar-gar said "She was the nicest person I knew sorry Rose and Kawaii~Chan. And sometimes she would come outside with bruises." Kawaii Chan said "Did she have any cuts on her wrist. And did she smile?" He said "No she never had any cuts- wait- when she was 10 years old I seen some cuts but that's when she had to move and yes she always smiled when she was 10 she only smiled around me." I say "Ya know I'm right here." Kawaii~Chan said "She smiled!" Aaron said "Aph how about you sh-" Rose cut him off and said "I'll say it show him your cuts!" Garroth said "You still cut?!?!" I nod Kawaii~Chan said "Show him!" I sigh and take of my jacket. And show him. He said "Aph!" He hugged me and said "What made you do this!?!?" I said "My parents..." Zane said "God! Stop hugging her! Your making me sick!" Garroth laughs and said "It's getting late you guys should go home." Kawaii~Chan said "Bye! Wait Aphmau stay here and catch up!" They all left only me and Garroth. I'll just show him... I walk up to him and kiss him I pull away and he said "A-A-A-Aph-Aphmau.." I say "Garroth I love you." He said "I love you too." He kisses me.

|Sorry that this story is so short but that's all I got bye|

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