Chapter 17

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"Oh you're awake?"

I open my eyes and I see Russ's face in front of me,

"HOLY JESUS!" I pushed him away. He fell backwards and hit his waist on the coffee table. "Holy shit I'm sooo sorry!" I offered my hand so he could take it. He stood up without grabbing on to me, "Nah it was my fault," he flashed a smile.

"What were you doing in front of me?"

"You fell asleep on my shoulder last night,"

"I- What!" I embarrassingly exclaimed.

"Besides that, you're going to another house today,"

"Ah okay, who am I staying with this time,"

"Hmmm I'm pretty sure it was Poland," he turned to me.

"But seriously does your waist hurt?" I touched his waist, he immediately pushed me away. His face red as a tomato, "y-yeah I'm fine,"

I stared at him in confusion, "does Poland ever talk?"I asked. "Oh yeah he does but only to himself, he doesn't say anything to the others, sometimes he'll talk but it's very rare," Russ got up and went to the kitchen, I'm guessing he's gonna make breakfast.

"Russsiiaaaaa, are you making breakfast?"

"Just call me Russkie," he took out ingredients and the utensils needed to make the food.

"But you nearly threw a knife at me when I called you that,"

"Ah- uh, I was just surprised?"

"Yeah right," I crossed my arms.

"Fine, that's what Meri used to call me when we were dating," he sighed.

"You two were dating?" I said shocked.

"Didn't work out," he shrugged

"I won't mention it anymore Russkie," I smiled at him, he immediately turned red, "never mind just call me Russia,"

"Aww man but I just started liking the nickname!" Just then I remembered something. "Russ can I get your number?" I took my phone out of my pocket.

"Oh sure it's XXX-XXX-XXX,"

"Okay thanks!" I happily tucked my phone away in my pocket. He's definitely less cold than when he was at first, thank god we can be friends now.

Friend Registered!

"What are you making?"

We continued to have a chat while he made breakfast. I eventually went to the bathroom to take a shower, I changed into a white shirt with a red and black checkered jacket and a white skirt.

When we ate breakfast together, it was delicious! I never knew he could cook. When we finished I offered to clean the dishes but he refused because I was the guest.

"Let's get moving to Poland's place!" I pulled Russ's sleeve. "Okay," he looked sort of sad but I payed no mind to it. He took his jacket and we walked outside, immediately the warm sun rays brushed against my skin.

"Poland's place isn't so far from here so I think we can walk there," he gestured towards the right side of the road. I nodded as I followed behind him quietly, "why are you walking behind me?" He stopped in the middle of the sidewalk.

"Oh uh I'm always walking behind people,"

"Treat yourself better," he reached out for me and wrapped his arm around my shoulder and pulled me next to him. My face flushed, I tried to yank his hand off but failing miserably because he was too strong.

"Russ you can take your hand off now, what if someone sees us" I mutter in embarrassment.

"It's fine, besides," he paused

"I like you," his face burned bright red,

"I like you as a friend too Russ but don't you think you should remove your hand now? I'll stand next to you,"

He stared at me for a second and sighed, "It's fine," he smiled at me.

"Russia! (Y/N)!" I heard someone exclaim,

I turn to see America and Britain on the other side of the street. America literally dragged Britain over here, "Oh hey," Russ said a little irritated.

"Do you take back what you said about (Y/N) now?" America glared at him.

"Yes I take it all back, now I know why you guys act like this around them,"

"Looks like I have more competition," America lifted his glasses and gave a competitive grin.

What did this mean? Well it's not my problem anyway,

Russ rolled his eyes, "come on," he told me. I nod, I waved at America and Britain and continued along the way.

After awhile it started to get cold, was it because we were nearing Poland's house? I felt my teeth chatter and my hands shiver. Russ looked over to me and handed me his jacket, "use this, I should've told you his place is really cold,"

"I can't do that, you'll be cold," I said, my teeth still chattering.

"It's fine I'm used to the cold," he plopped the jacket on me, I placed it on, of course it was way too big for me but the extra layer of clothing was nice. "Thanks," I smiled at him. His cheeks flushed a red color as he tried to hide it with his Usanka.

Eventually we saw a small brick house, "is that it?" I point at the house. Russ nodded,

When we reached the front door Russ knocked the door for me and a small Poland slowly opened the door. "Hey Pol here's (Y/N),"

Poland nodded and opened the door fully and gestured me inside. I went inside to the small house, but before I did I handed Russ his jacket back, the house was small and cozy. "If you hurt her you're dead, Прощай" I heard Russ say to Poland as he shut the door.

"Hello Poland, Thanks for letting me stay here," I tried to be as friendly as possible. Poland just avoided my gaze and nodded. He pointed at the couch, "S-sleep," he muttered, "Oh it's okay I don't mind staying on the couch," I smiled.

He glanced at me and gave me a faint smile before going upstairs. I plop down on the couch and sighed, I should try and be friendly with Poland and get him to talk to me.

Omg a second update so soon, be grateful 😤
Jkjk but I rly wanted to continue this series he..He..

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