Chapter 13

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"(Y/N), we're here already you should get up,"

I was shaked awake, I turned my head to the side to see a black figure, I couldn't decipher who it was yet. I waited for my eyes to adjust to the light before I saw Britain shaking me awake.

"Y-Yeah I'm awake," I rubbed my eyes, I was still strapped in the car. I must've dozed off while we were driving, "hm," I yawned.

Suddenly the memories went flooding in, my instincts reacted and I immediately shoved him away and he hit his head on the car ceiling near the car door.


"Oh god I'm so sorry I was just surprised and all I-"

"It's fine," he said as he rubbed his head back and forth. I took off my seatbelt and went over to the front door this time trying my best not to trip.

As we entered I immediately went to my room and checked my phone.

In order to get the same situation as before J texted the same things to Ame and Japan.

Soon I went to get ready to meet Japan at the park,

"Where are you going?" He asked as he placed down his newspapers.

"Oh just the park, I promise I'll be back by 7,"

"Alright don't go out too far,"

I bid my farewell and left to find Japan, this time I knew where everything was. I didn't get lost luckily and this time I looked both ways before crossing the street.

"So great to see you again(Y/N)!" Japan greeted me, I waved at him with a warm smile. I could see him turn red and hide his face, I wonder why?

Shall we get today started? I asked Japan, he nodded and we went into the park to do our own things. Firstly Japan got me ice cream and I happily accepted, before I ate it I took a picture of me and the ice cream together to send to tea man so he wouldn't get worried.

"Ah shit I forgot I don't have tea man's contact,"

"Oh I have it I can send it to you," Japan said as he licked his strawberry ice cream. He pulled out his phone and suddenly there was a notification on my phone.

"Thanks Jap,"

"No problem," he smiled.

I went ahead and sent the picture to him and then I carried on my day,

Each time we were about to do something I always took a photo beforehand. So he wouldn't get worried since Tea man was hella overprotective.

Soon it was almost 7, "whoops, it's getting late I gotta go," I bid my farewell to Japan and left the park, walking back was an ease because I knew where I was going. But that didn't stop me from getting a bit lost, unfortunately I got back about 30 minutes late.

Instantly I was bombarded with questions, "oh lord are you okay you stopped sending pictures to me so I got worried and I-"

"Calm down there just wasn't anything interesting to send to you at the time," I reassured.

Immediately I was caught by surprise when he suddenly hugged me. I flushed red and started messing up my words, "wh-wha- where did t-this come from," I tried to step back but his grip was tight.

"Can we just stay like this for awhile,"

"F-fine," I reluctantly answer.

"Thank you for letting me act like a father to you even if it were only for awhile,"

"Well I'm thankful for you too, Thank you for being the dad I never had," I replied.

+1 Relationship

"Y-you never had a dad?" He pulled back a little, I nodded slightly.

"Well he was just too busy to pay any mind to me so when I moved out he didn't really care, neither did my mom," I sighed.

"It's okay now, I'll help you whenever you need me so assume I'm your father or maybe something else if you'd like," he winked at me.

+1 Relationship

"Uhh what? I don't get it,"

"Never mind, shall we enjoy some tv?"

I nodded and so we watched tv for the whole day, it was fun honestly. I never thought I would be able to do this but now I can because I can see Britain as a father figure, or maybe more like he said even thought I don't get it.

"I'm kinda sleepy," I yawned and rubbed my eyes,

"Sleep in your room not here, you'll catch a cold," he took the remote and turned off the tv.

"I'll probably be fine," I said as I lay down on the sofa.

He shook his head and scooped me up bridal style, "h-hey wha-!" I was taken by surprise.

He carried me to my room and dumped me on my bed, "goodnight," he mumbled to me.

"Goodnight," I said as I drifted off to sleep.


"Why am I here again," I mutter as I walked through the dark empty space. "Well because I called you here duh!" My duplicate replied she seemed oddly enthusiastic today.

"What do you want," I said in an annoyed tone,

"Oh nothing I just wanted to congratulate you on making it this far, you're probably half way to the end," she clapped.

"Thank god there's an end I can't wait," I sighed in relief, I always worried that I was doing all this and there wasn't even an ending to it.

"Let's see how long you can stay like that, trust me you'll regret ever saying that soon enough," he giggled.

I looked at her like she was some kind of weirdo, she ignored me of course and continued anyway. "Well I wish you luck with Russ he's a pretty hard but to crack,"

"I think I'll be fine, he was nice when I first met him,"

"If only you knew," she mumbled in a sympathetic tone, "Hey don't try to seem sorry for me, it's your fault I'm here in the first place!" I shouted at her.

"Jeez no need to get mad, anyway I'll have to go now, I'll see you again reallll soon!" She waved at me and then I was swallowed into darkness.

Omg I'm sorry this was so horribly made, I was sorta sick

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